How in the fuck can anyone not be a neet?

how in the fuck can anyone not be a neet?

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I need money for rent, food, retirement, and some limited leisure expenses. I would love nothing more than not have to work another day.

someone has to do the work in life, someone has to make the products we neets consume.

enjoy your position as a noble neet, living on the backs of rat racing morons.

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being alive costs money user

someones gotta pay my neetbux

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I need money retard

not everyone has a super easy life like you. to me, an alarm clock has no effect. to you, a single alarm clock could kill you. i'm just stronger from having a harder life and it benefits me to use that strength and get money for doing what i enjoy

slave mentality alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trading all of your golden years sucks

why aren't you anons on disability?

You are a slave to your weaknesses. For example, you could never use an alarm clock or it will kill you. You are incapable of getting paid for what you like to do because you are too incompetent. Some people are just too weak from having an easy life.

>how in the fuck can anyone not be a neet?

>grow up determined to get a job and work hard
>graduate, spend three extra years in technical school
>break my foot and realize how nice it is to kick back
>been a NEET ever since

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I wake up at 4:45 every day. If you're used to it, it's very easy, and I am actually glad I have to do it. I feel shitty about myself if I go to sleep at 5:00 AM, which I usually do if I'm on my own schedule. If I wake up early every day to work breakfast at the restaurant, I get off early and have the rest of the day to nap and do hobbies and stuff. I like my coworkers, and I like cooking, so my job is actually enjoyable.
A lot of the people on this board seem so lonely, and I think being a neet only worsens this. How do you ever meet anyone if you don't have any reason to leave the house? I'm lonely since my woman left me, but at least I have friends at work.
I get praise for good work, but no one's too hard on me if I fuck up, so I think the job's been good for my self-confidence. I am accomplishing something here. I just got good at making hollandaise sauce. I am not just enriching my company. I am being enriched as well in so many ways. These skills will never go away. If I wanted to, I could take this line of work all the way to owning my own business.
My job definitely makes me a happier, better, more competent person. I am able to cook now, so I never have to choose between shitty food and expensive food. I still have most of the day to do whatever I want, so I don't feel like there's anything I don't get to do. I don't even really consider the money all that much. I don't have many bills, so I spend most of it on my hobbies. I certainly feel empty in some ways, but my job helps counter that.

fucking based
how are you managing the neet life?

Humans have to eat :^)

>Humans have to eat :^)
just hunt

I work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. it's pretty good. the hourly rate is big so I have a nice car, can buy anything I want most of the time and my housing is paid by my boss. when I want a holiday I'll take 2 weeks or a month. I usually have 3 or 4 months off a year.

cant be a neet because no peace of mind. having to constantly be harassed by state about wellfarebux. cant get an apartment for peace of mind and solitude living. have to pay off debt to be able to get one. cant afford dental care. cant afford things/pc upgrades/every fucking thing.
its hell

I have some cringy creative pursuits, mostly just play vidya and shitpost these days though. Sometimes I get bored, but realize I'll have the rest of my life to work my ass off. My parents don't really mind either.

>I have some cringy creative pursuits
;like what? i'v just played games and shitposted all day for 5 years

I fuck around in RPG maker, sometimes I try to draw and write too. Much better at writing than drawing.