>mom kicked me out
Mom kicked me out
>getting kicked out
do americans really do this?
Should've threatened murder suicide before she kicked you out
My sister threatened to kick me out unless I start therapy again and get a job
just mutt things i guess
You wouldnt call me a mutt to my face
yes i would, and then i'd slap you for being a dyel manlet
Post body? Im 6 foot even though
king of the manlets
>p-post b-body
lol get fucked salty ass mutt
You cant shit talk me for being dyel if youre an obese europoor. Just prove you arent a lard ass.
White Americans do. Everyone else loves their children.
Im waiting fatty
I'll manboob slap you you stupid bitch.
YOULL DO FOOKIN NOOTIN. But seriously please start doing pushup at home and wash your chest more. I believe in you bro.
I go to the gym already. Do I still need to do pushups specifically? And yeah I thought I washed my chest enough but I touch it a lot out of insecurity so that's probably the reason.
Oh you should be good then. I just workout at home so I do a lot of pushups and burpees. Maybe work in some cardio too? But same except its my face not too horrible but ill still probably get some face wash. Sorry for calling you a fatty though youre gonna make it bro.
Yeah, my parents did.
If they didn't I wouldn't have made anything of myself. I actually am thankful that they did it really knocked me down a peg and I managed to make it out.
Guess you should have gotten a job NEETo. Now your a bum lmao
>someone calls you a mutt
>act like a mutt to prove them wrong
What did user mean by this?
You eventually reach a certain age where you're not a child anymore and you need to take care of yourself.
i already have one + i go to college. she's just a narcissistic mother and went crazy because i had dinner with my father lmao