In my late 20s

>in my late 20s
>dream about having wife an kids
>khhv beta male with no future

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well maybe you shouldn't have kids if they grow up to be massive betas like you

Ugly people can make beautiful children, good looking people can make ugly children, you fucking brainlet

Sure bud, just remember this world doesn't need more weak-willed deadbeat incels

I know this feel.
It's a whole new level of emptiness than just tfw no gf when I was younger.

It's really starting to dawn on me that this is the only chance at life I get, and I've fucked it up.
I don't know what to do any more, I can't keep deluding myself that things are just going to fall into place as I get older.

Yes, it is to late for me too Op. I will never understand what my role in this life is. I have a hard time holding down a job successfully. I find it exhausting to converse with people all day due to my introverted nature and my communication difficulties. I am 26 but I am not earning enough money to be financially independent. I went to college for five years and got a degree but I now realize it was a waste of time. I should have studied something that is economically lucrative instead of wanting to study music. But even if I had obtained a PhD in engineering, I probably wouldnt even get a job in it because I might have aspergers and it is rare that we find meaningful employment. Just read the stats and you will understand. Those stats apply to my life because I can relate to them.

The people I see around me are disturbingly different from myself. You must understand I do not say this out of cynicism and arrogance but rather based on an uncomfortable feeling that I do not fit in with those around me. There are people around me who are nice to me and I appreciate that but it still does not take away from the feeling of being isolated and different from everyone else around me. I was also diagnosed with clinical depression not too long ago and now I understand why everyday of my life I feel like I am half awake and why it seems tiring to even do basic things. Everything around me is gray and bleak and bland. I am dysfunctional and I lack energy and motivation in general. To sit down and write music at the end of day is also very difficult. I will most likely live in poverty once my parents pass away from old age.

On a positive note, I feel happy that I have lost a lot of weight and that I am now looking better. I also feel that I am being treated more nicely by those around me and that is good.

The people I see around me are disturbingly different from myself. You must understand I do not say this out of cynicism and arrogance but rather based on an uncomfortable feeling that I do not fit in with those around me. There are people around me who are nice to me and I appreciate that but it still does not take away from the feeling of being isolated and different from everyone else around me. I was also diagnosed with clinical depression not too long ago and now I understand why everyday of my life I feel like I am half awake and why it seems tiring to even do basic things. Everything around me is gray and bleak and bland. I am dysfunctional and I lack energy and motivation in general. To sit down and write music at the end of day is also very difficult. I will most likely live in poverty once my parents pass away from old age.

On a positive note, I feel happy that I have lost a lot of weight and that I am now looking better. I also feel that I am being treated more nicely by those around me and that is good.

I too long to find a women to spend my time with but then I realize that I am a loner and I do not like intimacy very much. I tried sex and it did not excite me.

I have Asperger's too but I'm a neet for 8 years now, I plan to hang myself when my parents pass away, at least you've done something in your life, I haven't achieved shit in all those years so I'm completely fucked

>The people I see around me are disturbingly different from myself. You must understand I do not say this out of cynicism and arrogance but rather based on an uncomfortable feeling that I do not fit in with those around me. There are people around me who are nice to me and I appreciate that but it still does not take away from the feeling of being isolated and different from everyone else around me.
I sometimes feel this way heavily. I don't have aspergers afaik or other significant mental disorders, but I feel other people got something that I miss. I can't really explain what that is, but at times it makes me feel like a sub-human.
Maybe we should keep in mind that we're not the only ones thinking this way
Anyway good luck

We are cursed individuals it would seem. I dont want to blame AS as a legitimate reason for my failures considering the fact I was never diagnosed and also because it seems like I am talking down on people with actual aspergers by saying that they cannot succeed in life. However, I have done research on aspergers and everything I come across is strikingly relatable. I am not sure if I ever will be able to earn more than 12$ an hour. And the only thing I hope to achieve in life is to be remembered for my music.

Thank you. Good luck to you too. I am glad this thread is positive and not the typical r9k insulting each other shit posting antics.

Dude I was you 2 years ago. Met a girl at work, fucking clicked, married, first lil baby 7 months out. 29 year old beta virgin turned manly father figure in no time. Sorry if you have shit genes but you can do it.

I'm 31 now, never thought it would happen. Keep an eye out OP.

You were a normie from the start desu

7 months.....Thats a fancy way of saying you forgot to wrap it before you tapped it.

Nah had the honeymoon a few months ago, came inside like 12 times in a week. Been doing it raw since I couldn't figure out a condom.

When you know you know.

I just found a way out, just like a nigga gettin out of the hood.

>me in my early 20s thinking about offing myself

my cousin did it at 17, you're late and your family probably expects it.

Could you post your some of your music?
Preferably on (or other anonymous mean so that you're not shilling)

I'm 24 now and I get extremely broody. I'm not ashamed to admit that I really fucking want babies. And it kills my inside that I will never get to have that.


You youngsters have no fucking idea how bad the feels will get once you hit your mid-late 20s. It dies down in your 30s because you come to terms with things, but those years in particular were absolute hell for me.

If he had daughters then he wouldn't raise incels, would he? Incels are exclusively male because females are incapable of being lonely. Just smother your sons at birth and raise daughters, easy.

> Oven plate is hot.
> Hmm maybe it will be cold for my kids who knows?!
> I wonder why I have none though

>29 year old beta virgin

Your wife was a virgin too? Oh she wasn't? What a surprise

Did she have a problem with you being a gf-less virgin?

>It dies down in your 30s because you come to terms with things, but those years in particular were absolute hell for me.

I imagine I'll come to terms with it eventually, but what is there is life otherwise?
I feel like I'm just going to sit around for the next few decades waiting to die.

This would do it for me, even runs on 75% ethanol, and with built-in navigation.

Attached: IMG_0001.jpg (1600x715, 156K)

I would hate to be obsessed with being woken up at 2am by screaming, cleaning someone's shit and puke daily, and getting screamed at in deafening screeches 24/7.

Seems they were on here before nu r9k happened.