How do you hire the homeless?

How do you hire the homeless?
Ive been entertaining the idea of employing the homeless to tend to my farms. Ive had the idea if i give them a small stone house to live in and work from, they can keep about 10% of what they harvest to sell/eat, whilst they live on my land and houses.
What is the legality of this? Most states are just vague enough with thier laws to where i would have to consult an actual lawyer.

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>emloying the homeless
this sounds like a bad idea desu, just hire some neets if you don't want your shit stolen, also homeless people don't actually want to work

>also homeless people don't actually want to work
And NEET's do? Im thinking, go about and finding the ones that would be grateful for the opportunity, like ones with families

Maybe make it into a charity so that you can have things like toiletries donated.
IANAL but charging the employees for anything seems like wage theft

the problem with the homeless is that around half of them are mentally ill and are too incoherent to work, and the insane half is usually where you find long-term chronic homelessness

>but charging the employees for anything seems like wage theft
Maybe so, but would this apply if i didnt even pay them? i never considered actual money exchange, just material support

>mentally ill
Are we talking actual crippling schizophrenia? or mere anxiety to where i can task them with a relaxing job?

You can't just reinstate slavery.

they arent forced to stay though?
they willingly work for their food on my land, granted some goes to me.

I dont think you could call them employees, I'm not sure what you could call them but it would have to be a volunteer basis for it to resemble being legal I'm pretty sure. Basically like a shelter where they work for their housing
Crippling schizophrenia

We exchange capital in capitalismland.

user this is exactly what the feudal lords were claiming

ah, so live in volunteers?
an earlier post mentioned charity. i suppose i can tie this in with it

no thats different, the lords would kill/punish them if they left. i imagine they also took a lot more than i plan to.

>the lords would kill/punish them
ask me how i know you know nothing of history

More or less, yeah. The charity angle might work
where do you live I'll volunteer to play irl stardew valley

>OP wants to live in a fucking castle surrounded by homeless farming peasents
>Lmao, theyre just volunteers its legal
>expects this to work when the ATF/FBI/DEA/XYZ comes knocking on his front castle gate
Op, you can do better than this. Feudalism died for a reason

it's basically what WWOOF does, except instead of harmless hippies backpacking it's schizophrenic heroin addicts

Big horn county

Sounds comfy. PM me when you've got housing set up

I too like the idea about employing homeless people. Like other anons said, yes, many do have mental health issues, but with taxes, they can be prescribed with the right medication, group therapy, healthy food and shelter.

You can't.
Living needs are not and cannot be part of a contract.
You cannot employ someone in return for basic needs.
That's how it works in the first world.
Salaried slavery is a thing.
>b-but they're not f-forced to
The human rights say otherwise.

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I would look for similar setups and see how they've managed this, and how they've turned out.

well feudalism didn't turn out to be any good, you know, since thats what op is trying to do basically

What farm is this op?
it might make a difference on grants and subsidies and such

Why don't you just harvest their organs?

>OP "employs" his peasants
>locates himself somewhere remote where peasants can labor unknown to the government
>brings the homeless together from across the nation to be masons, blacksmiths, farmers, etc.
>slowly gains enough money with peasant earnings to build an actual fucking castle around his compound
>eventually the government finds out about King user and comes to stop it
>alphabet agency surrounds the castle
>OP has already prepared for this with a guide to medieval siege warfare
Do it. They can't just blow up the compound without killing innocent civilians or the press will go nuts and the UN will go ballistic.
>inb4 Waco
You can't burn stone, and an explosion will have a clear source (tank, plane, helicopter, etc.)
Dooooo iiiiit

you forgot the best part
>homeless peasants defending said castle with crossbows and bulletproof shoelds

Fund it. Fund it originally.

>locates himself somewhere remote where peasants can labor unknown to the government
suuure, no one will notice homeless flocking to the same area
>OP has already prepared for this with a guide to medieval siege warfare
did you know that actual siege battles were pretty uncommon? in fact, siege equipment was so expensive and hard to move around and required so many people to actually use it that many sieges were simply the attacking army trying to starve out the defenders while trying to mentain their own supply lines, the military will do just the same with op

>be me. a SWAT agent in big sky
>sent to a local farm
>Actually, said farm has actually grown into a motherfucking stone castle
>Dozens of smaller stone houses dot the surrounding grape and wheat fields
>The lord of Castle user has been recruiting homeless from all around the state
>im just here to raid his shit because lol no taxes
>bust down front gate no problem
>Suddenly, SHWACK, an arrow guts my buddy
>fucking hobo bowman on guard tower giving us a volley
>Fall back and starve them out
>2 months pass, and still no sign if them relenting or starving
>cant pull a waco cause stone lmao
>get intel the peasants inside have resorted to canabalism
>wtf man

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>hobo bowman on guard tower giving us a volley

>get intel the peasants inside have resorted to canabalism
I see we're recreating the Battle of Suiyang


seriously lmao this post may as well be titled "How do you create a neo-feudal barony?"

>like the ones with families
This isnt predatory or exploitive at all

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It's not slavery. It's feudalism.

I've tried helping the homeless OP
Sure there are some honest people who want to get off the streets but alot of them are simply lost causes.
Dont employ just any bum, get to know a few and see witch ones are honest. If anything help them get an actual job, you could provide a home address so they can apply for somthing.

I lived in a homeless shelter, some would be useful peasants, but, the majority would ruin your shit OP.
And I'm sure the govt would eventually stomp a mud hole in your ass for trying to be some feudal lolbertarian.

>the human rights say otherwise
I thought there is a homeless problem? The best solution would be OPs idea, there are thousands of farms that could use an extra hand.
If I had nothing and farmer user offers me a house and food in exchange for work I'd be the happiest man alive

If being a bad goy means helping a fellow man than I guess they're gonna need to drone strike my house

You don't unless you like being better acquainted with the IRS.

>to where i would have to consult an actual lawyer
As if Jow Forums is the place for legal advice. Hell, you know they answer stupid questions like yours for free?

If i could see a hobo shoot a crossbow into the heart of a cop in 2019 i could die happy

i tried for you user

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ms paint isnt art user

You will have to have an employment agreement, insurance, and follow the minimum wage laws and other labour rights.
You should hire Mexicans instead. They will work long hours (minus their very long afternoon break) and will work for less than minimum. They will also not just fucking disappear as long as money keeps showing up.

nice i like it s ton