People spend more time and effort reverse engineering a 20 year old game rather than on productive and beneficial...

>people spend more time and effort reverse engineering a 20 year old game rather than on productive and beneficial causes for society like finding a cure for cancer

This video is a very detailed analysis about Super Mario 64 and how people have managed to take advantage of very obscure quirks in the game to finish it in 4 minutes and 20 seconds. The tools, illustrations and explanations seen throughout the video give you an insight into how much time and effort people put into it.

This is what keeps this new generation of geniuses busy. Can you imagine what world this would be if Einstein were too busy breaking apart video game code to come up with the theory of relativity? Well, you don't need to imagine it, this is the world we live in right now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>this is the world we live in right now.
So what?

How is this shit even fun?

>tfw no scientist gf who's trying to reverse engineer a hamburger

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Nothing matters nigger. There's not enough cancer in this god forsaken world.

Why do you even care about society? People's brains aren't a tool to use for society's benefit. I'm happy that these people are spending time on things they're actually interested in and love. I think it's selfish and pointless to think about what they 'could' be doing. Intelligence is only useful for doing the things you want to do when viewed from the perspective of the individual, anyway.

This. If he was happy finding a cure for cancer, then he'd do that. But no, he finds joy in this, so he does this. Do what makes you happy.

It's a pathetic choice in life and shows you have no appreciation for the progress we made that allows you to pursuit these interests in the first place. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do it. Do you think the breakthroughs we have in modern society just appeared out of thin air? If it wasn't for people actully contributing meaningfully to society most of you probably wouldn't even be alive. And you waste your life away. Selfish and pathetic.

Leave behind your belongings that were made by the society you leech and go live in the woods. Make your own super family computer and games. Then you can do whatever you want and I won't judge.

What's your point?
You could say this about anything that isn't literally curing cancer.

I'm really enjoying this video. It's interesting. Thanks user!

lol this is just the same as rich people playing golf or whatever they do in their free time for fun and relaxation

i find it fascinating and beautiful that these are now the toys geniuses play with, that instead of chess and taking apart radios, its speedrunning and reverse engineering their favorite video games. it was inevitable. our mindshare is now nearly dominated by the virtual world, so it's only natural that we would spend our leisure time in it as well.

also RWhiteGoose is the best speedrunning channel, prove me wrong


you are dumb normies btw. you are actually the ones that have no appreciation or understanding of science and technology. i think you're jealous someone could have so much fun doing something so pure and innocent. go crack open a beer and turn on netflix or whatever you people do.

>that have no appreciation or understanding of science and technology
I'm not interested in techology, that doesn't make me a norman instantly.

>It's a pathetic choice in life
According to who? You? Society? Who cares?
>and shows you have no appreciation for the progress we made that allows you to pursue these interests in the first place
If we all owed society for things we didn't ask for, we'd all be working until death. The fact of the matter is that using the tools available to us, we have the freedom to do whatever we want. The fact that we use these tools is appreciation enough, if we were forced to keep building on things eventually it would be impossible.
>Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do it
How is this statement relevant? You can apply it to anything.
>If it wasn't for people actually contributing to society most of you probably wouldn't even be alive
And who asked to be alive? Who asked for these contributions? Who said that we should have to pay back for these contributions? What are you doing to pay it back? Whatever and however much it is, I can guarantee you it's not enough. Besides which, you can hardly define what counts as a contribution; these speedrunning videos contribute a lot to mine and other people's enjoyment.
>And you waste your life away. Selfish and pathetic.
The real waste would be slaving away doing what you hate for people who could never be truly grateful for it. Do you think of people as resources to be used for an abstract group like society? And the true selfishness is from the people who decide what others should do.
>Leave behind your belongings that were made by the society you leech and go live in the woods. Make your own super family computer and games. Then you can do whatever you want and I won't judge.
Why does building literally everything from scratch now make you eligible? Have you built everything you own from scratch? Did you gain the knowledge to do so by your own brain and nothing else? Did you become the person you are solely from within? No.
Nobody, including you, has the capacity to appreciate everything there is.

This is actually one of the greatest videos I have ever seen. This autist's power level is so massive.


You're a nitpicking retard, aren't you

Understanding game physics can be useful to society later on user, just not for curing Cancer. These geniuses may go on to work on virtual reality or some shit.

You know we could all participate in finding cures and preventing cancer if we'd all start documenting everything we eat and do and unleash said data anonymous. All the smartest people in the world could help in the endeavors to find a cure or technological progress or whatever. You wanna know what's stopping them? Years of having to sit through school and university and dealing with bureaucratic bullshit, fighting for PhD positions, fighting for grants, being pushed to compete instead of working together. You know how many people get depressed writing a thesis, a form of showing your work that still hasn't evolved despite how lackluster paper writing is compared to other media, along with the other bullshit rules of writing one? How about instead of treating it like a business, we start treating progress as something to work towards and open the fields more, and we look at what's important instead of what's formal. But dare say this and suddenly all the high lords of academia will fervently deny it despite them being old coots who have expired past their usefulness.

that is completely unrelated but you're not wrong.

>Guh ppl stoopid have fun with thing
>Ppl not maek cur 4 cancer insted thei stoopid!

And youre here on Jow Forums crying about some nerds enjoying a videogame,really a genuis of our time

Cancer is a class of diseases, not a single disease. There will never be a general cure for cancer without very advanced genetic engineering, and it's possible that even that won't be enough.
The math involved in this stuff isn't that hard, so it's not like these people were ever going to be doing graduate level research on cancer or other societal ills.

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I was looking at the rest of this dude's videos and found exactly this.

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why did the game code in so many parallel universes?

He's COMING in through a PU

helo fren apu comin to a PU near U hajha

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Last thing I heard cancer was mostly a byproduct of people failing to clean their body, ergo overfeeding on certain substances that allow defect cells to stay alive instead of being eliminated, but the effects of autophagy on cancer production are still largely hidden. Plus autophagy is a long term process, not a short term one, so you can't cheat a bad diet and eating habit by taking a magic pill for a year. That, and even your body being unable to clean up to the point you can go against your genetic coding to expire. Then again cancer's been treated as some magical class of illness for decades now.
Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, just someone with mild interest hearing multiple theories and suspicious how most animals in the wild die before cancer is a problem even at old age.

Then why aren't you using Folding@Home or Gridcoin if you care so much? Not everything relies upon being in a lab 24/7 with a warmongering society that would rather fund killing people. I hope your cure doesn't require pork, because sand niggers won't take it and would probably blow up the hospital. That's one of their excuses for not taking vaccinations instead of the autism excuse.

People like pannenkoek2012's work and videos has provided entertainment to millions of people, for free. That's more than your arrogant ass will ever accomplish in life.

>thinks people that play Mario 64 all the time are intelligent
>thinks exploring the programming dynamics of a set computer space are the equivalent of trying to cure a disease/disorder
>comparing SPEEDRUNNERS to be of similar intelligence to Einstein
I think you're the real brainlet here, user. Just because you're incapable of putting in effort to your own passion and doing so in a smart way doesn't mean it's hard to do.
6/10 bait made me reply.

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Everything you've said is incorrect.

>Hey Youtube, today I am going to complete Mario 64 by playing the SNES Aladdin on the Sega Mega Drive
I wish I had his power level

>finding a cure for cancer
There. Are. 100s. Of. Types. Of. Cancer. You. Fucking. Medical. Science. Illiterate.

Speedrunning is pure autism

Nobody in the first world should be allowed to have lowly mundane pleasures like video games or netflix
It makes me sick really, I would have loved to work on productive and beneficial causes for society but with the education I got I am doomed, yet I am supposed to be impressed by this waste of life reverse engineering super mario?

>a cure for cancer
fuck off, no one cares about your fucking cancer. Go and figure it out yourself if that bothers you so much. If I was dying from it myself I wouldn't care in the slightest

Stop blaming your academic failures on other people's interests, if you wanted to pursue medicine you should've gone to college. Also, reverse engineering software is impressive, ever seen what cracking Denuvo looks like? Imagine what modders have to go through to understand the source code of an entire game through an assembly filter. If these people aren't contributing to society by reverse engineering, they are brilliant programmers at the very least, and are probably contributing their efforts to some other field.

autism is pure genius
not that you would know

When people say cancer they mean all types of cancer, you turbo autist. If we were to talk about apples, would you also leash out on people for not spelling out all 7,500 known cultivars of apples?

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>just cure literally hundreds of distinct diseases
>should be easy for you, after all you made tool assisted speedrun of super Mario 64
the stupidity is next level.

You don't accomplish anything if you don't get started.
>next level.
Go back to /v/.

It's not their fault your brain is too fucking small to do anything of value. People don't need to live longer.

>Mom, look, I'm trolling on Jow Forums again!

>thinking that speed runners are also going to cure cancer
>also thinking there isnt a bunch of semitic bullshit in the pharmaceutical industry
Speedrunning is prime autism.
Some autists doing shit like the video in the OP isnt going to make a single difference at the end of the day. So long as they arent fat slobs or something there really isnt a problem. I highly doubt you yourself ever contributed anything significant either, we are all just little cogs in a giant machine. Society as it stands can go fuck itself alongside the boomers who ruined it for future generations out of their insatiable greed.

Because all of these innovations are going to fucking idiots who aren't interested in furthering society and instead use it to gratify their hedonistic pleasures

Before, there was a good damn reason to be inspired to innovate and create for the benefit of our society to see it grow. Now a days all of it is just going to support the next group of fucking retarded trend whores to plan their next orgy. If my inventions was uses only for that shit then it is a no brainer that I would use that creativity in a community that would actually fucking use it make new shit and that actually is entertaining. This new age using tech as a degneracy tool not as a innovation for anything fucking better.

Pic related

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>gives a shit about this dying society
>implies slowing down societies collapse if better than reverse engineering mario 64
kek fag

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Pretty good video. I enjoyed it. Anyways I knew about PUs

Why is your example about crime? you're literally telling me I am wrong because some people know how to steal.

Videos games are easier to understand than cancer or muh science
these people aren't insanely intelligent, just dedicated to their fucking vidya games.
Even if the man who created the video you posted has an IQ of 190 and he's a fucking super genius doesn't mean all super geniuses are playing fucking mario 64

fyi a lot of people in speed running are stem majors or practicing scientists/engineers.

a lot doesn't mean all, and even then it's their hobby. I know some make money off it but for most it's not their full time employment, so OP's point still doesn't stand.

It's just an example, there are many legal purposes for reverse engineering, such as finding vulnerabilities in an operating system (happens very frequently with non-competent developers being hired), or cryptoanalysis. If you want to bring the morality of reverse engineering vs. curing cancer into this, keep in mind that medical research is a lot more fucked up because of the live test subjects that they use and their research is often very expensive.

It doesn't matter, it's less neuron power going for important causes because muh videogames
This IS an issue

>uploaded 17 hours ago from some guy with only 37k subs
This is your video isn't it, op? You goddamn sperg shill. Also, you don't have to be a genius to look at some game code and figure out how it works. Reverse engineering is easy as shit, especially when you don't need to manipulate anything physically.

You seem to know all the answers, why don't you start? You can't, because you're a pesudo intellectual retard and you don't have the drive to be anything else. You should go back to riddit, where the rest of your self important ilk hang out.

> parallel universes

In the field of chemistry simulations, they call that a "periodic boundary condition."

If you are trying to simulate something like 1 mole of a gas, it is supposed to have more than 10^23 atoms. Yet you can only deal with much smaller numbers of atoms. So you put the simulation in a box and you make the atoms that exit one side of the box pop back in on the opposite side.

>People are doing X when they should be focusing on curing cancer
The people who have the smarts to build redstone computers in Minecraft and reverse engineer Mario 64 wouldn't be able to translate that same intelligence into another field such as medicine or theoretical physics. Stop whining about "muh autistically smart peers haven't cured cancer because they care more about vidyas", retard.

It's because it's op's video.

Prove it, provide a source.

Don't even worry about it. All you have to do is make Joe Biden president of the US and he'll cure cancer.

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>stealing ideas and shilling your shitty channel
>doing this on Jow Forums, where nearly everyone knows about the guy that did this first

Go fuck yourself.

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it's a popular "wasted potential" argument because brainlets can't comprehend that smart people enjoy doing things that aren't focused on "saving the world" and serving average people

Speedrunning is the epitome of mindless consumption, you don't want to enjoy the game for what it is, to let yourself immerse into it, to take full advantage to it. You just want it to finish quickly so you can move to something else.
It's retarded efficiency for efficiency sake

false. speedrunning is the art of getting infinite replay out of your favorite games.

kefir contains the cure for cancer.

You're a retard. Most speedrunners are speedrunning games that they've played and enjoyed 100 times already. They're not beating it as fast as they can and moving to a different game. The origin of speedruns is largely based on games like Metroid, which you can replay and beat in many non-linear ways with the right knowledge, and which told you how fast you beat the game at the end. Naturally playing the game again and trying new approaches and enjoying the game many many more times was intended and people employ similar concepts to other games.

Kek fucking neolibs

>tl;dr wagecuck or die
OP is a faggot

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What if they don't have it in them in the first place? Have you even met one of these speedrunners in real life? I haven't and probably never will, I can't really know if they are to devote themselves to such cause, or if they are capable of bettering our current technology for whatever reason.

What you, and most people, don't understand is that none of this is hard, it just requires dedication. It's also the work of a large amount of people all doing a few small things. This video is the equivalent of a school math book, the (((company))) that wrote the book didn't actually do anything.

Hol'up. We Live in a society?

what are you fascist? Society exist for us, we don't exist for society. Taking advantage of life and enjoying it, is what its there for. If progress comes from somebody's hobby then that's great but its not the goal retard. The goal is the pursuit of happiness.

I don't have the potential to do anything valuable anyway. When I was small I used to think that maybe I could do something even if not significant to contribute to the advance of humanity that I read about and admired. I was interested in science and technology back then, though it may have been shallow. However as I grew up I realized that I was just your run of the mill idiot whose only hope in life is to get through the education system and translate that into a decent job. I haven't even been able to do that as my job is probably below average and is pretty damn meaningless too. I don't even want to think about my job future let alone whether I am doing something useful for humanity. Yes I'm deflecting the responsibility but someone like me wouldn't make a difference whether I existed or not. People just do whatever they want anyway even if most of them have more potential than me.

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I want to contribute to academia to advance the human race

*Student loan banker's eyes light up with dollar bill signs*
*University administrator's eyes light up with dollar bill signs*
*Landlord's eyes light up with dollar bill signs*
*Mega-corporation with entry-level trash job's eyes light up with dollar bill signs*

If you want to contribute to any sort of scientific research, then you must give away 2 decades and a quarter million dollars of value.

If you want to contribute to speed running, you are immediately embraced by a community consisting of every runner, including the best, the theorists, and the reporters who are all rooting for your progress. You get full access to every piece of information anybody has ever gotten about the game. You get access to their splits and, often times, their exact button inputs during a run.

Between hard science fields and speed running communities, only one of them is welcoming to newcomers.

>unleash said data anonymous. All the smartest people
ai has already done that, but its use hasnt been authorized because the reasoning it developed wasnt understood
and not just those lazy old coots, any rentseeker who lives to extract value and exploit global variations

blah blah blah
fuck contributing to "society"
what is "society" anyway? most people define it as "people who live in the same geographic region as you" or something

i don't want to contribute to that. i don't want to contribute indiscriminately to these people

unless there was a rational eugenics policy in play, you're literally cucking yourself by "contributing to society"

now, if society rose up and started deporting all the subhumans and kikes, then i would give my life happily to contribute to this cause.

but no. pic related is what "contributing to society" means

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Society consists of more than degenerates, by contributing, you are helping your future offspring, race and other loved ones. Think of the last time you played a video game, or watched a movie that made you happy. You've been given an opportunity to enjoy these things because your ancestors worked hard to contribute. The computer you're using right now has given you the chance to communicate with people you've never met. You are the nigger for not wanting to help others.

>Black person gets cheaper medicine via group-negotiated health care
>Black person benefits from clean air
>Black person isn't poisoned by lead water
>Black people aren't jailed in failed war on drugs
>Black people benefit from universal access to education
>Black people benefit from guaranteed housing, food, and shelter
>Black people benefit from expanded public transportation

When will you grow up and realize that you have more in common with that woman that you do the billionaire who is sucking the blood right out of your neck?

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and you OP?
What are you doing with your life?
How are you benefitting society?
Certainly not by posting on r9k, that's for sure.

>Society consists of more than degenerates, by contributing, you are helping your future offspring, race and other loved ones
name ONE (01) contribution to society i can do that only benefits white people. be very specific please

>You are the nigger for not wanting to help others.
i want to help others! but my people specifically

>all this strawmanning
why are you so butthurt?
medicine is important, but it's a waste of resources to use it to benefit nonwhites

climate change is real, it's called "the weather". i am against pollution and think it should stop. non-whites pollute the most, and they have a lowered death rate (with a high birth rate) because of the medical advances provided to them from the civilized world

non-whites should not be part of our society at all. if they want to poison their water with lead, that's fine. if they don't, that's probably better. it's not really my problem though, or rather, it should not be.

as for blacks being jailed, they shouldn't be part of my society. in other words, they wouldn't be in the same jail as white people. therefore, i don't care. they should govern themselves. obviously they ABSOLUTELY DESPISE the idea of living in a society without white people. they know it would be an utter and complete shit hole. because of 'white racism' of course!

"universal access to education" is called the internet. otherwise, using tax money to put low IQ blacks into universities is a waste of money, it's retarded and bad policy. with few exceptions you can learn virtually anything you want to at a university just with the internet

>When will you grow up and realize that you have more in common with that woman that you do the billionaire who is sucking the blood right out of your neck?
when will you grow up and stop being so selfish?

flooding white countries with browns is bad
it's a problem so big that stuff like "muh lead water" doesn't matter to me

isn't that kinda fucked up, though?

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what is fucked up?
is it fucked up to only provide for your family when you have poor neighbors who want free things as well?

a race is a large, extended family

i think most super-rich people are terrible people, a plague to society, greedy, horrible, part of the problem. i don't hate non-whites but i think white people should have their own living spaces

i have no idea why you think i like billionaires, or defended them. i never defended them. which billionaire is supporting white only living spaces? which billionaire is trying to deport all non-whites from white living spaces?

none. even though billionaires are the ones who can be most effective at helping to solve our problems

there's only ONE billionaire who i think was a good person at all: henry ford
that's the only one i will defend. feel free to let me know any more billionaires that fought for the benefit of the white race, rather than their own personal comfort and enrichment

The Koch Brothers

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>stonetoss is a nazi
i laugh every time i see this but not for the reason the editor intended

I like the ones where they replace his name with synonyms like boulderyeet or mineralmotion

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the koch brothers should be lined up against the wall and shot publicly. they are evil people who are promoting anti-white policies. they DO NOT benefit white people at all. they are a plague on the white race and have promoted open borders mass immigration which has caused the darkening of america.

more info on these evil race traitors here:

The Koch Brothers are globalist industrialists who have long been key financial supporters of the old open borders/free trade GOP -- before the Trump "alt-right" (hate that term) revolution. They didn't even have any interest in talking to Trump during the campaign, let alone giving him any money

Trump had good ideas, but he has failed to deliver on any of his good promises. So he is a failure

Yikes dude, the founding fathers would be disappointed.

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>the founding fathers would be disappointed.
indeed, disappointed that america has been flooded with non-whites

the founding fathers literally signed the US naturalization law, in the first US congress, limiting citizenship only to white people. the founding fathers saw America as a country ONLY for white people

Do you think white women should only cheat on their troop husbands with white men, or should they go ahead and get some BBC to punish them for their war crimes?

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i think miscegenation is a great tool to weed out undesirable traits from the white population

So I kinda get that you like ethnic syndicalism, but I'm kinda curious:

Do you think that you would prefer ethno-anarcho-syndaclism to an ethno-communist state? If so, then how would you enforce racial purity in a world where it becomes ever easier to travel?

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Cancer is a symptom, not the cause. What society needs is a massive depopulation.

>Do you think that you would prefer ethno-anarcho-syndaclism to an ethno-communist state?

i don't know what those words means to you. please, explain exactly the differences.
i assume in both cases, people of only one race/ethnicity are allowed citizenship, correct?

>how would you enforce racial purity in a world where it becomes ever easier to travel?
what is racial purity? i don't understand. humans are not even a pure species, we have neanderthal, denisovan, and homo erectus admixture. there is no species purity, much less 'racial purity'

travelling is basically irrelevant. obviously non-whites, despite not being allowed citizenship, could visit. and white women could have sex with these non-white visitors and become impregnated. the child's father would not be a citizen, but the mother is

this would generally be a rare scenario obviously, social pressures would keep this from happening very often at all

i think in the hypothetical scenario of massive numbers of women being impregnated by vacationing visitor non-citizens is a sort of situation that would be addressed when it happens. there are countries today with >95% of the population one ethnicity and this isn't really happening, it's super rare. so i expect that would be the case. if not, that's a minor issue entirely

Oh, my bad. I thought by all the long winded paragraphs you were an intellectual. I didn't realize that there were actual boomers on Jow Forums

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what did i say that was wrong? please be specific

i want you to compare/contrast what these words mean to you:

i have an idea what they mean, but i wouldn't be able to adequately answer your question unless YOU define them and tell me what those words mean in your head

but maybe you have no idea what they mean? that's probably the case