Why are you waiting for a woman to make a move on you? You know how unlikely that is, don't you?
Why are you waiting for a woman to make a move on you? You know how unlikely that is, don't you?
I've given up on women long ago, and the only ones that ever approached me were mentally ill. I'm better off now.
Unlikely but not impossible. My gf actually asked ME out on our first date. Well I was the one who "made a move" on that date but still
It's more likely than a woman saying yes, and it relieves the anxiety of putting the responsibility on me.
I'm free now.
I'm trying dating apps cause I dont have a clue where else to meet the kind of woman I'm interested in. They only move they have to make is matching with me and responding to my message
I believe in gender equality and abolishing gender roles, therefore women should make the move to make up for all the times men made the move.
Yeah I realize it now, too late though. Far too late. Wish I accepted it younger. I think at 25 I realized the truth, that it was not going to happen and never was. By that point though it was already too late, lacked the experience and missed the chance to get it at the age when it was ok to lack it.
Now it's never going to happen either way, girl towards me or me towards girl.
>29 KHHV
I need to get a job and find a group of friends before looking for a woman, nobody wants to date a fucking neet loser
No, it's not that. It's the fact that I have to entertain women that is something I cannot do. If anyone would get past that, then..
My ex wife approached me first.
>Hearts as pupils
Trash. I'm sick of this meme.
I don't think I've talked to a girl within 10 years of my age in months.
Don't want to get #metoo'd for hitting on some bitch.
not really, im not into bestiality
I like it when it's during orgasms, but yeah otherwise it's crap particularly because it's so overdone.
>Literally anything happens, from a rough fuck to a quickie, to a deep kiss to making hands
>Hearts for eyes
So dumb.
>Why are you waiting for a woman to make a move on you?
Well, you see, I am a coward.
Several women did actually ask me out, thing is they were all black
Initially because all my life I'd been indoctrinated by movies, television and my mother that men and women were equal and assumed women would be just as assertive as men. It wasn't until my early 20s in my failed attempts at dating that I realised I was badly misinformed and women were as feckless and incapable of making decisions as ever.
The other contributing factor and the primary reason why I still don't make any moves, is that I find it inconceivable that anyone would actually want to date a creature like me. The idea is so patently ridiculous to me that I can't even attempt to entertain the possibility in my head, even hypothetically. So in my mind there's no point in making a move on a woman because there's a 100% chance of rejection, which would come with some degree of mental distress. And when there's no possibility of success, and a good chance of some mental damage to go along with it, it's obviously not an option I'm going to choose.
shut the fuck up, it's the excuse I use so I don't have to keep admitting I'm not worthy or a relationship anyways
Not significantly less likely than a girl finding me attractive if I make the first move, so it doesn't matter.
Im not really doing that, saying im waiting for it would imply that im expecting it to happen. Im just not approaching women cause i know i'd be rejected.
Wouldn't say no if one did though. Girls who know what they want are qt.
lol, my post was deleted because it wasn't "original" enough. OK, whatever