If dubs, I leave Jow Forums forever.
If dubs, I leave Jow Forums forever
No, you won't leave. You're stuck with us here, forever.
double dubs
be original
Will the dubs cancel each other out now?
Leave now bastards
Paul Allen will decide. If dubs, yes. If singles, no.
Lucky cunt you're not leaving though
The gods have decided. Leave NOW!!
>Double dubs
Back to square one?
Don't ever let me catch you here again.
if dubs I stay awake and watch another episode of anime
I don't want to, orego
Wtf how ok wow
please get me out
might as well roll
hopefully i can escape from this depressing prison
Please Bateman, kill me
(i just wanna post this with a reaction picture but it mutes me unless i write something)
Need some moar dubs up here^
Okay this is epic
lets try and get all the dubs
Check these digies buddies
Dice digids :DDD Jeg dese :DD
check check
I won't leave if I get dubs however if I get triples or double dubs then it's probably a sign I should fuck off
if my last digit is 7 im leaving this place for good
It's time to go, user.
Dubs, get out REEEEE
If trips I stay
Check these digies again buddies
I want to leave this cursed place please