Femanon explain why you haven't gone anal only yet

Femanon explain why you haven't gone anal only yet.

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What's the fucking point in doing something I feel no pleasure in and needs prep work. It just feels like a painful wet and sloppy reverse shit at worst and a slight budge into my ass at best
I'll stick to vaginal thanks

This, the amount of douching, cleaning, prep etc is nothing but a huge pain in the ass (literally). It probably just feels like a huge painful turd going in and out of your ass, there's the risk of shit getting on his dick, shit smells, if you don't lubricate enough you can tear your fucking asshole and it was clearly invented by some greedy selfish man who didn't care about his girl's pleasure. The anus is not made for sex.

Prep work is dumb and retarded.
I do enjoy anal but I won't go anal only ever.

>Women thinking they have something else to offer besides their holes

Just spread your legs and shut the fuck up, this is your only way to get attention in life.

>user we've been dating for 3 months and you've only ever done anal. I get that you like my ass but it's getting old. We have sex twice a day and I still have to masturbate because you won't ever just put it in my pussy like a normal person. You better be glad you're hot because I don't know how I've put up with this.

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Hang on, Sayori is pure, she would never get roped into taking it up the ass.

>it was clearly invented by some greedy selfish man who didn't care about his girl's pleasure. The anus is not made for sex.
That's the fun in it, princess.

Your dick will smell like poop and her ass bacteria can enter your bladder if you're not careful. Been through it already. But worth it.

Nothing better to spread a giant white ass and the typical ass scent enters your nose, instant boner.

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My ex gf loved anal and we had none if the problems you mentioned. Try not being frigid hamplanets that shit themselves daily because you live off a diet consisting exclusively of burgers

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Here we go again. A boy and his butthole fascination. I guess his mommie wiped his baby anus way too much after he did a messy, messy.

If I was a frigid hambeast I'd have a loose ass from all those undigested burger shits which I don't have
It's just too tight for it

Burger shits are watery and thin

T. Turd doctor

Sayori is dead she wouldn't be talking if you had done anal with her.

>its another image with a nigger eating white girl ass
>mfw the nigger even has a safe in its bedroom
>mfw there is even a big bag of cash next to the safe

I wouldn't know. I haven't had a burger since 2003

damn that is a nice vag

>Blah blah Im a cry baby
Cry me a river slut.
>Ill stick yo vaginal thanks
First of all fuck you slut, second youll stick yo whatever I say
>it was clearly invented by some greedy selfish man who didn't care about his girl's pleasure
No shit
>muh prep
How hard is it to not eat for 12 hows and do an enema.
Not if the girl empties herself properly.
>Nothing better to spread a giant white ass and the typical ass scent enters your nose, instant boner.
This user gets it
This guy
Ill tell your dad youve been using r9k if you keep it up sweaty

Its a womans duty to give herself to her mans desires. Its not like you dont show it off to us every fucking day.

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>I am that girl

>she didn't have her first kiss until she was 17

>Like every girl, Saxon had notions of what her 'first time' might be like.

>'No-one dreams of their first time being in an alleyway with someone whose name they can't even remember. No-one wants that.

>Saxon lost her virginity five years ago this week. She was on her hands and knees in the gravel behind a nightclub in Kings Cross. It was anal sex.

>It was anal sex

>Judge Tupman acquitted Luke Lazarus on May 4, 2017 and that night, there was a celebration at the Lazarus home.

>Gets ass fucked by chad
>Gets equally fucked by the courts

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>How hard is it to not eat for 12 hows and do an enema

You don't even need enemas my ex was always clean without it, just don't stick it in when she was diarrhea and you're set (if she's not a disgusting lard golem)

>needs prep work

Wrong, girls dont need prep work when I do anal. Getting a cute girls shit all over my dick gets me diamonds.

How am I meant to impregnate a fembot if I can only fuck her ass?

>How hard is it to not eat for 12 hows and do an enema

It's not really hard, just don't see a point in it being the sole activity. If you're only doing anal, it's pretty much never eating/enema daily. And overusing enemas can lead to some not great effects on the colon.
I'm fine with anal on occasion but I wouldn't want it to be the only sex.



Why does this make me a whore?

How do I convince a girl she does not need to do "prep work" for anal so I can enjoy her poopy butthole goodness?

>I'm fine with anal
Also you're a girl so by virtue of that youre a whore. Get off r9k.

>How do I convince a girl she does not need to do "prep work" for anal so I can enjoy her poopy butthole goodness?

girls don't have poopy assholes if they are wash themselves like any normal person would, sorry

What is your definition of whore?


Oh shutup and bend over slut. Porn starts literally take dick like its their pussy, you can too. Stop whining.

A women who admits she does anal for one.

Get off my board slut.

Say that to woman IRL and vocaroo it.

I don't get why filthy roasties complain that their asshole is dirty. The shit's already been sitting inside her for hours and she's scared of it going back in.

What's wrong with admitting to being open minded in terms of sexual activities with a committed partner?

It makes you a whore, and being a whore is bad, duh

So what is someone who overly indulges in all manner of virtual degeneracy in your book?

Not him but for me if a girl I am not with tells me she likes to do those things I would be jealous because I am not the one doing those things with her and also that she tells about these things her and her partner do to other people and not keep it only between them would make me envious and upset me even more.


anal is a garbage fetish only closet fags care about

Do you have a bulbous looking asshole?

Yes, everytime after pooping my hemorrhoids hang out and I have to manually re-insert them back into my rectum. And you want to stick a penis in there?

Hmmm maybe not a penis but I wouldn't mind putting my face in there, even if it was just once to try. Is it really gnarled looking? Or like a rosebud?

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Why would you even put your face in there I don't know you

I'm just imagining if we were bf gf and I wanted to try once one time.

Not him, but i enjoy all kinds of stinky body parts. Literally can sniff on sweaty female feets for hours or when fucking doggystyle her ass scents.

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Not necessarily a whore but you are a woman in a relationship who gas sex on r9k. You do not belong here at all. So if anything you are an attention whore.

Because it's absolutely degenerate and disgusting

actually fucking based, sniffing and licking a girls sweaty natural ass and feet smell drives me insane

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>based Smellcel bro between degenerate virgins

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OP made a mistake and implied femoids have a choice in the matter. They will take it whether they like it or not.

Do guys consider you a virgin if youve only ever done anal?
I've never done either I'm just wondering

The fact that they did any kind of sexual act with someone means that she is a huge normie to me.

What about a virgin though?
I get called a normie by people here anyway for anything like my taste in music it doesn't mean shit

thats a hotel room and its a shirt not a money bag retard

A virgin implies you havent done sexual things with someone. I mean if you used a dildo up your butt maybe that gets a pass in my book but once you start doing things with other people like having a penis in you than you arent one.

>What's wrong with admitting to being open minded in terms of sexual activities with a committed partner?


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raging cuck detected. stick to your cumrag and crying every night in a pillow keyboard warrior

You're a bit upset, I heard aspirin is good for period pain.

I'm sorry it upsets you, user.

I don't believe r9k is purely a board for virgins, and I also don't believe a sex life is the primary criteria for being a "normie". I think social exclusion is the main feature of a "robot".
I don't exactly seek attention. I just enjoy seeing how different people on r9k think about things. These topics tend to be relatively heated, which allows for a broader scope of opinions and viewpoints.

>I don't believe r9k is purely a board for virgins,

Well your wrong because thats exactly what its about. Whore.
>and I also don't believe a sex life is the primary criteria for being a "normie"
Says the cunt who gets it on tap.
>Huur duur sex isnt a big deal
>I think social exclusion is the main feature of a "robot".
You being bored of the world and deciding to have a break from it doesnt qualify you for robothood. Its a shinnign example of why you arent a robot.
>Huur duur Ive had enough sex I want to be a robot teehee
Thats the opposite of uno involuntarily being celebite and lonely.
>I don't exactly seek attention.
horse shit

Fuck off cunt whore. Go get aother pap smear. Just because they didnt detect HPV doesn't mean you dont have it.

I've never understood the appeal of it. It's painful, inconvenient and has the potential to be gross. That being said regular sex seems like a hassle too. I'd rather just play vidya.

It hurts, dummy

>Well your wrong because thats exactly what its about. Whore.
The board is merely about shitposting and "original" content.
>Says the cunt who gets it on tap.
I'd hardly say I get it "on the tap".
>Huur duur sex isn't a big deal
I never said nor implied that. Sex is an extremely intimate experience and very meaningful. It isn't the sole purpose of life, however, and isn't the only thing determining existential stability.
>You being bored of the world and deciding to have a break from it doesnt qualify you for robothood. Its a shinnign example of why you arent a robot.
Not entirely sure what you mean by this, but my inability to mesh with society isn't exactly voluntary.
>Huur duur Ive had enough sex I want to be a robot teehee
>Thats the opposite of uno involuntarily being celebite and lonely.
Robot =/= incel.
You can be lonely despite having sex.
You can feel lack of connection with humanity despite having the capabilities of getting laid.
You can get laid right now for 50-100 bucks. Will it make you feel less alone? Will it get you a stable network of friends who care about you?

You seem extremely caught up in your own delusions, and seem to like projecting a lot.

>It hurts

Only if you do it wrong

You know that the moment you have regular conversation with someone not of your family you can't be considered socially excluded right ?

People voluntarily want to partake in, as you put it, "an extremely intimate experience" which is also "very meaningful" with you yet at the same time you're trying to downplay it and claim that even despite this fact your situation is even remotely comparable those of actual robots? Fuck off whore. You have no place here.

No, it hurts and makes you feel like a piece of shit/whore.

Lmao thats the point

That's why girls like it

>No, it hurts and makes you feel like a piece of shit/whore.

As said, only if you do it wrong and if you are a frigid bitch afraid of sexuality

Based Femoid
She means humans are scum and still want to kill you, regardless. No amount of sex will make you feel less vilified by the murderous incel cults. Wanna have Christian Sex in the Middle East? I'm sure it'll make you feel safe and at ease.

>makes you feel like a piece of shit/whore.

So whats the problem?

My partner is the only person I associate with, and even then we speak only a few times a day at most. I predominantly spend my time online, have severe anxieties and paranoias about leaving the house, and have no interaction with humans other than my partner.
If I'm not socially excluded because I have contact with a single human (I do not even speak to my family, as they're all either dead or estranged at this point), then I'm not quite sure how accurate your definition of it is.

Do you claim inability to obtain sexual intercourse is the sole aspect of being a robot?
Sex is very meaningful, yes. But it isn't something to be put on a pedestal and constantly sought after. It's not some holy grail that offers your normality.
If no sex is your only issue with life, I'd say you have just as little of a place here as me.

>The board is merely about shitposting and "original" content.
No its not. New cunt whore
>I'd hardly say I get it "on the tap".
But you do get it. Which makes you a whore and an unwelcome one as robots dont get laid
>however, and isn't the only thing determining existential stability.
It determines whether you post here or not. Cunt
>but my inability to mesh with society isn't exactly voluntary.
You can still do it so thats better than nothing. Cunt
>Robot =/= incel.
It does actually.Again you dont get to say does or does not qual as a robot as you are not one
>You can be lonely despite having sex.
Yeah and you can be hungry despite having a full stomach of food too. Fuck off
>You can feel lack of connection with humanity despite having the capabilities of getting laid.
You problem not an r9k one
>You can get laid right now for 50-100 bucks. Will it make you feel less alone? Will it get you a stable network of friends who care about you?
Fucking whores gives all the power to the female and nets no validation. Again fuck off, cunt.

>You seem extremely caught up in your own delusions, and seem to like projecting a lot.
The only person whos delusional here is the one with a cunt between her legs and thats you.Go to the infirmary. I dont take someones opinion seriously when they literally have nuds floating around.
Shes no going to have sex wiht you so dont empower her.

Maybe thots with daddy issues see no problem there, sure.

>a frigid bitch afraid of sexuality
I am not afraid of sexuality I just don't wanna be fucked in the shitter again. Never felt more worthless in my life than in those ten minutes. Except maybe for the day after that.

>My partner
What a fucking meme. Don't worry though I'm sure you're so lonely teehee.
>inability to obtain sexual intercourse is the sole aspect of being a robot?
No but there's certainly a correlation, sex is something you obtain once reaching a certain point with someone. The whole point of "robothood" is the inability to start or maintain relationships with other people.
>It's not some holy grail that offers your normality.
It's literal fucking evidence that you're not a robot you stupid bitch.
>murderous incel cults
Cry me a river.

>Has a partner
>but Im lonely

Get the fuck off r9k. You are not lonely. You are the equivalent to a ruch well fed person complaining about thw quality of her food to a group of starving people and demanding empathy,

Seriously fuck off. You are a whore cunt and youll never be one of us. Not our faul your bf shuns you..

>Maybe thots with daddy issues see no problem there, sure.

So every female.

>My partner is the only person I associate with
That must suck having someone to associate with.

>larping as a girl
>larping as a 'pure' girl
get out

>socially retarded, anxiety driven lonely female
>Still has a bf

Wow your life must be hell on earth.

anus is the female real sexual organ

>My partner is the only person I associate with
Most people here associate with nobody. It's a definition you can't change, like the word multiple can be used for 2, even if it seems stupid.

>But it isn't something to be put on a pedestal and constantly sought after.

Says the slut whos have it with 25 different men and who wouldnt fuck a virgin male if he came here way. You cunts are full of shit.

my fwb/kinda bf is way too big for spontaneous anal

it would require a lot of preparation, too much for me to do it regularly

also vaginal penetration feels really really nice

>Never felt more worthless in my life than in those ten minutes. Except maybe for the day after that

that's because you have no confidence. If you were confident anal would be just another way to please your partner and yourself.

>admits to being fucked in the ass


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>Says the slut whos have it with 25 different men and who wouldnt fuck a virgin male if he came here way. You cunts are full of shit.
I've been with 3 men, all of whom I was with for at least a year.
Two of them were virgins.
But project your cognitive bias harder. I'm sure it makes you happy to do so.

>I've been with 3 men, all of whom I was with for at least a year.

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>I've been with 3 men|
>all of whom I was with for at least a year.
Youre really not making things easier for yourself, you say that like it exonerates you. You are a female so anything you say here is irrelevant and unwelcome, fucking 3 different guys in a year or not. Get off my board whore. Sodomy practicing cunt.
>I'm sure it makes you happy to do so.
It makes me happy to protect my board from unwelcome, shit posting normies sluts like you. You dont have any problems. Im not sorry your current chad bf nelegects you but thats on you and moreover its more then any robot ever gets. So GTFO, post your tits on /soc/, join a discord whatever just dont ever post here again. You are unwelcome, we dont want or need or help not like a cunt whore like you can fix anything anyway if it needed fixing.

Based. Anal just makes sex more intimate since you trust your partner with such a sensitive place.

prep work, and i like it in my vagina. i would do anal more often if it wasnt for the fear that ill shit on their dick even if ive prepared

>All these whores on my board
You have to go back

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No one cares what you have to say slut. Youll do what your told and be shamed for it after.

Husband is afraid of it getting messy. He will sometimes slip a finger in me but sometimes nothing.


wtf is this normie hour? What time is it in the US?

>the fear that ill shit on their dick

if you have more fiber in your diet it's not a Problem. Are you american?

>You are unwelcome, we dont want or need or help not like a cunt whore like you can fix anything anyway if it needed fixing.

Fine I wont post here ever again. FTR you seem a bit sharper then most other incels here, Im guessing you arent a total virgin loser either if you picked on my motherly/fixer instinct. Im guessing you had a gf who tried to 'fix' you?

>Whores post about getting fucked in the ass
>Still insist they're robots
The absolute state of this board.

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Yall demonize normies but you wish you were one with a normal life where people actually enjoy and love you. 11:20 btw.

Uh huh astute observation. Now leave and never come back.