why is Jow Forums so shit?
Why is Jow Forums so shit?
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>Jow Forums
unironically checks out
Average Jow Forumstards in the year of the Lord 2019
Jow Forums is full of beta young dudes and old dudes that pretend to be alpha because they have a landwhale wife
>That fucking fat guy in the last picture
kek. Anyway, end yourselves, lefties.
>another Jow Forums strawman thread by some sensitive suzy who couldn't handle the bants and has never even been on Jow Forums
why are u ppl even on this website
it might as well be oreo
Safe-haven for reddit normies who want le-epic Jow Forums trolling ops that they saw in some youtube video. It's filled with the kind of people who still make threads asking for raids.
Not even Jow Forums is that low
Full of larping retards and redditors
Because it has people who don't even visit the other Jow Forums boards. They don't even like anime. They're all new and take things way too seriously
Announcing sage is against the rules, cuck.
Aren't the left supposed to be the malnourished looking ones? I think they are just leftists posing as these people.
Jow Forums is the new /b/. It's where all the newfags start off and they come over to other boards to shit all over TRU4chan culture.
Defending Jow Forums is like defending Tumblr.
This is what LITERALLY every right winger looks like. Anyone who says otherwise is just a Jewish troll psyop.
Oh look, the cuck thinks his opinion matters
White people built civilization from the ground up with no help from anyone else.
Jews control society, the banks, the economy, the media, and the government.
Hello r3ddit. Got your ass BTFO again I see?
this is what happens when you don't beat your children.
anything more, little cuck?
Yes, could you please explain to me how the race that single handedly built civilization from nothing is now in a position of inferiority, being tricked and manipulated into a self genocide?
Shouldn't these people be smart enough to realize what is going on?
Why are you avoiding this conflict in logic?
>white people built society with no help from Jews
>Columbus comes to Murica based on a round earth meme that wasn't proven
>blacks were the slaves, not the j00z
>the j00z paid for your ships to run away from True Christianity
based white cuck
On the contrary most of these people probably got beat by their ignorant trailer trash parents, just for all the wrong reasons.
It's because all groups of people are 100% equal in every way, duh. Racism btfo.
Does that make Jews the most equal race?
Methinks all signs point to Jewish supremacy.
because it's not done through force or outsmarting, it's done through exploitation of our empathy. white people have a curse of not being cold blooded like jews are. we cannot be richer than the rest of the world and be ok with it. instead we just throw away billions of dollars and send it to Africa. meanwhile Jews are the most privileged and rich group in the world and they have no qualms about playing victim 24/7 about an event that didn't even fucking happen 70 years ago.
No no I believe in science and progress, not racism. It only makes sense that every group would develop identical capacities, because if that didn't happen it would be like, totally bigoted n stuff.
>why is Jow Forums so shit
>OP posts pic of t_d
Kill yourself tranny
How does this get the Jews control of society again? You didn't explain the part where the most intelligent, most empathetic race somehow gave up all their power to greedy rats.
>implying theres a difference
Both of you worship that stupid fat cat kike
Liberal diaspora Jews are almost exactly the same as liberal whites. They're a little more cautious about criticizing Israel maybe, but they still do it. And all their other beliefs are identical.
Why did I respond seriously to a holocaust denier. Fuck me.
liberal jews would never advocate for the extinction of jews. even the most leftist jews still value their jewish identity. meanwhile they criticize white people for their identity.
conversely, white liberals are literally suicidal and want their race to die for the supposed sins of their fathers that have been ingrained in their brains by the education system and movies (jews).
Jow Forums is shit*
welcome to anonymous culture, enjoy your stay
Jews have ingroup preference and networks through which they communicate and promote each other. If you're trying to go for the IQ argument, it's not a good one, since there are way more white and asian people with 120+ IQs than there are Jews. That doesn't explain the Jewish overrepresentation in positions of power.
>You didn't explain the part where the most intelligent, most empathetic race somehow gave up all their power to greedy rats.
Empathy. They gave it up willingly out of empathy.
Jow Forumsfags aren't normal right wingers. They're young men who grew up as social outcasts and needed something to latch onto and someone to blame for their failures. They're told that the niggers and the Jews are the reason they can't get some wet pussy. This is why they want an ethnostate. They feel like if Tyrone and Schlomo were gone, there'd be no competition with the blacks or electric Jew conditioning telling girls to fuck Chad.
Black people also have ingroup preference and networks through which they communicte and promote each other, but they oggabooga in the hood.
What is so special about Jews that they not only took society whites built, but also make white people genocide themselves through degeneracy such as homosexuality and interracial breeding?
Jews were kicked out of every country for over a thousand years by the most empathetic race, so what cause this change of heart?
>what caused the change of heart
nothing happened. we're going through another cycle. jews are always accepted with empathy and understanding by white people. but then they start undermining they're society and then they get kicked out. we'll see if this cycle completed itself once more or if it's too late.
>Columbus comes to Murica based on a round earth meme that wasn't proven
The thing I always found funny about this is that pretty much everyone on earth at the time, including most Europeans, knew that the earth was round. What people were really into in the 1500s was Earth's place in the universe. Europeans were studying it, Africans were studying it, Native Americans were studying it. Chris thought he came up with some revolutionary shit by asserting that the earth wasn't flat, which is why so many people didn't take his stupid ass seriously. This guy who just now realized some shit that the entire species figured out centuries before now wants money from the government so he can sail the planet. It wasn't until he started talking about trade routes to India that people actually started to consider his stupid ass.
>complains about betas on r9k of all places
Newfaggots frick off
He's complaining about them on pol. It's particularly funny there because they all claim to be superior in some way to everyone else, when they're not all that bright and not impressive physically. They're twinks that are experts on what Jow Forums has told them that they need to be experts on but if you try to have a conversation with them about anything else, they'll just call you a kike or a nigger.
But Jews already control society. How can white people kick them out of their own society?
Is it empathetic to continually persecute the people who handle our money?
Is it empathetic that white people have had most of the money for centuries? I guess it's starting to trickle down now, but the Jews control the money now. Does that mean Jews are the most empathetic race?
It is rotten and dismal that a world of so many hundred million people should be ruled by a single caste that has the power to lead millions to life or to death, indeed on a whim...This caste has spun its web over the entire earth; capitalism recognizes no national boundaries...Capitalism has learned nothing from recent events and wants to learn nothing, because it places its own interests ahead of those of the other millions. Can one blame those millions for standing up for their own interests, and only for those interests? Can one blame them for striving to forge an international community whose purpose is the struggle against corrupt capitalism? Can one condemn a large segment of the educated Sturmer youth for protesting against the greatest ability? Is it not an abomination that people with the most brilliant intellectual gifts should sink into poverty and disintegrate, while others dissipate, squander, and waste the money that could help them? _ You say the old propertied class also worked hard for what it has. Granted, that may be true in many cases. But do you also know about the conditions under which workers were living during the period when capitalism "earned" its fortune?
Letter to Anka Stalherm (14 April 1920), quoted in Ralph Georg Reuth, Goebbels (Harvest, 1994), pp. 33-34.
> because they all claim to be superior in some way to everyone else
this has never happened
just because people hate niggeres and spics doesn't make somebody inherently superior to anybody
you're just projecting your own bias onto everything because your shitty leftoid subhuman logic dictates you to
>this has never happened
It happens all the time. Go to literally any thread on Jow Forums or /pol2.0/ aka r9k, you'll see polfags who think they're superior to other races and even other white people. And let them get their hands on an IQ test, they won't shut the fuck up about it.
>select few posts by anons to appeal to you own bias
>claim they represent majority opinion
please die already nigger
you're worthless and have no idea what are you talking about
Reddit is banning all their subreddits
If t_d is banned I'm never coming back here
as a black person these trump memes have made me become a white supremacist that hates neocons and civic nationalists.
>defending Jow Forums
>for FREE
Ok user. Keep deluding yourself. Whatever.
is that an implication that the only thing worth defending is something that is payed for?
no its just defending a community full of retards for free is pretty pathetic dont you think?
Thread shitting on Pol again? kek
discussing like real retards
Whites aren't more empathetic, that's just a lie they tell themselves to feel better. We're conquering and looting your country for your own good.
Triggered Jow Forumstard detected.
Betas that pretend to be alpha are worse than r9k virgins.
>because it's not done through force or outsmarting, it's done through exploitation of our empathy. white people have a curse of not being cold blooded like jews are.
>Rape and pillages country #3000
lol, fuck off.
most pol tards are based. There's always gonna be fat nerds who cling to an identity in any group, why are you surprised. That's like finding one fat kid in america and being like I TOLD YOU THEY'RE ALL FAT
>my history professor Shlomo Shekelbergstein told me all about how evil white people are, take THAT!
not really government does it almost flawlessly
>da jooos xD
compelling rebuttal you look really smart
Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.
As quoted in The New York Times, "Hitlerite Riot in Berlin: Beer Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler to Lenin," November 28, 1925 (Goebbels' speech Nov. 27, 1925)
>My nazi history revisionist buddies told me that whitey dindu nuffin and that all of history is a lie!
>implying he isn't the most powerful person in that image
The absolute size of that lad is astounding
you could tell he looks up to Goering
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes other
We both know the answer:
They need to feel less like shit
Because they cannot stop injecting their stupid politics into every discussion. You can be talking about a new office chair you bought and some polshitter would find a way to turn the thread into a shitfest of screaming about jooz, niggers, libfags, etc.
And when you call them out, pic related happens.
I would like to hire you Schlomo, with all the strawmen you have, I would pay for 300 strawmen for my fields.
there's nothing but trannies here now, no surprise.
its astounding how you dont see the irony in your post. Jow Forumsfags lack so much self awareness its amazing and sad at the same time
>But Jews already control society. How can white people kick them out of their own society?
With violence, just like we did every other time.
>Is it empathetic to continually persecute the people who handle our money?
No, but they've taken advantage of our empathy for long enough. Now they must reap the fruit of their deception and die.
>Is it empathetic that white people have had most of the money for centuries?
No. Nobody thinks that.
>I guess it's starting to trickle down now, but the Jews control the money now. Does that mean Jews are the most empathetic race?
That's some retarded mental gymnastics, kiddo.
What is most embarrassing is that they actually defend that shitty board like they owe allegiance to it or some shit. It's so cringe. Embarrassing and retarded.
Wowie moishe. That's an extremely elaborate way to say "no u". Did they teach you that in law school?
>What is most embarrassing is that they actually defend that shitty board like they owe allegiance to it or some shit.
>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>be a popular board
>get media spotlite
>develop a reddit tumor
>>Jow Forums is the new /b/
/b/ is filled with sex offenders and faggots. Jow Forums is filled with newfags
Zionists and children
>for free
stop paying the government and see what happens
Reminder that Jow Forums helped defend Jow Forums from the aeromatic tranny raids.
A reminder that after the tranny raids ended Jow Forums turned into /lgbt2.0/ and they embraced it, nobody even fought the fag flood
Jow Forums has since regained control thanks to our right wing friends
>With violence, just like we did every other time.
I thought whites were the most compassionate race? Why would they use violence against others? And didn't white's unending compassion give Jews that position in the first place? Why can't they make up their mind about Jews?
>No, but they've taken advantage of our empathy for long enough. Now they must reap the fruit of their deception and die.
But you said this happens over and over. If you let black people into your house, and they kept taking things, would you keep letting them into your house? Then again white people let them in because of their unending compassion.
But if that's the case, why violently kick them out?
>No. Nobody thinks that.
So white people aren't compassionate? I'm confused.
>That's some retarded mental gymnastics, kiddo.
I'm just trying to understand you fren. There's no reason to get upset by harmless questions.
Reminder that Jow Forums are the trannyfags
My black brother
We may be on opposite teams and your race may be inferior but that doesn't mean we cant enjoy stringing up kikes together
I promise that when I get black slaves that I will let them keep 10% of their labor
Hitler wasnt fat or jewish
Trump is fat and jewish
>Because they cannot stop injecting their stupid politics into every discussion.
Oh, you mean like how OP came into a board unrelated to politics and started a thread about hating Jow Forums.
>post picture of infiltrator faggot that probably was banned after he posted gay shit
I have aeromatics home address.
Orig Coping in this al hard ly
>I thought whites were the most compassionate race? Why would they use violence against others?
Because as compassionate as we are, you can only push us so far before we strike back, and when we do, we do it well.
>And didn't white's unending compassion give Jews that position in the first place? Why can't they make up their mind about Jews?
Because people aren't some monolithic force that remembers everything that ever happened identically. The jews have infected and been expelled the west since their inception. People die and forget, the cycle continues.
>But you said this happens over and over. If you let black people into your house, and they kept taking things, would you keep letting them into your house?
That's a good question. Thank you for justifying the Holocaust. May it be reborn six gorillian times stronger.
>So white people aren't compassionate?
Having money =/= having compassion. You are retarded.
>I'm just trying to understand you fren. There's no reason to get upset by harmless questions.
I've dealt with your kind enough, shitlib. Your (((questions))) carry more venom than any snake or scorpion. Be thankful that I am as civil and gentlemanly as I am right now.
Why don't you go look up what Goebbels said about Stalin?
Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler faith is very slight.
-Joesph Goebbels as quoted in The New York Times, "Hitlerite Riot in Berlin: Beer Glasses Fly When Speaker Compares Hitler to Lenin," November 28, 1925
Being compassionate doesn't mean you arnt capable of violence.
I'm a very violent person but still deeply care about people in general.
Dox yourself pussy, what are you afraid of us?
I'm not that fond of goebbels, I think he was a burden to Hitler. Used him for gain
Why don't you dox yourself first homo
>Because as compassionate as we are, you can only push us so far before we strike back, and when we do, we do it well.
That would make you less compassionate than the Hindus, who invited practically every invader in, throughout history. These violent periods whites have are not very compassionate at all, especially when they should be intelligent enough to realize it will keep happening.
>Because people aren't some monolithic force that remembers everything that ever happened identically. The jews have infected and been expelled the west since their inception. People die and forget, the cycle continues.
Yet the white race as a whole is still the second most compassionate race, after the Hindus. So clearly there's plenty white people never forget, ever.
>That's a good question. Thank you for justifying the Holocaust. May it be reborn six gorillian times stronger.
Good joke. We both know the Holocaust didn't happen come on user.
>Having money =/= having compassion. You are retarded.
Yes, but it is fact whites are rich because they built civilization from the ground up. We also established white people are the second most compassionate race ever. Yet for some reason white people don't seem to be compassionate with wealth?
>I've dealt with your kind enough, shitlib. Your (((questions))) carry more venom than any snake or scorpion. Be thankful that I am as civil and gentlemanly as I am right now.
I'm simply asking questions user. I am just having trouble putting the pieces together. We're having rational discorse, as per white our white tradition.
You DO subscribe to pagan philosophies, don't you? I certainly hope you don't worship the King of Jews.
Because I demanded that you dox yourself. I'm not the one in question here, I'm not the one making these claims.
If you're not a nigger you would dox yourself
I've doxxed myself before just to prove a point. I'd do it again too
Nice reply fagboy
You live in a white country and you havnt been sacrificed or executed yet.
You should be sucking up to the white man jew
That's not very rational of you user.
I suggest studying paganism, specifically of the Hermetic variety.
Good luck!
Yes simply put. No U
->namefagging as chadbot
->calling out others
You are and I mean this, one of the biggest faggots on this entire website. A website full of anonymous posters, but you just have to attach your name, because your posts are so important or some shit.
I hope you fucking kill yourself someday. I dont even like Jow Forums but goddamn you are just such a faggot its truly unreal
Science rejects the very existence of multiple "races" of humans but whatever.
t. "free" mason who pays to have friends
You do know that tranny raids were to bait out /pol right? and by invading this board /pol played right into aeromatic's plan. how does it feel to get trolled by trannies of all people?
not really surprising since /pol worships a literal tranny