I hope you're enjoying yourself as much as I am

I hope you're enjoying yourself as much as I am.

Attached: Réussite.png (600x600, 147K)

You murdered the originaI Aiste.

nope. youre simply annoying. your constant crying followed by refusal to do anything. your tranny enabling. your constant shoehorning your stupid avatar in unrelated threads. take out of the equation the things you listed and youd still be hated.

most of all its your shit pointless af threads like this one. you overstayed your welcome kys fuck off already your kind ruined Jow Forums

I don't want to, I hate it
i'll do anything and everything so you can be happy.

Attached: Pokémon.full.1295129.jpg (681x800, 301K)

I was gonna take my meds soon, but I think you need them more than I do.
I already said I'm hated for avatarfagging.

Attached: Ideals.png (600x600, 121K)

You won't even admit to it, you truly are the scum of the earth.

how do you even sleep at night knowing that you killed someone for your malicious plans?

They will know, sooner or later they will.

Why is it that every time I check Jow Forums you have made a new thread? Fucking tranny shitting up my board, you really need to end yourself.

>you truly are the scum of the earth
It's your beloved Aiste you're insulting right now. I hope you understand that.

Attached: Mom Now.png (600x600, 144K)

getting pretty desperate, aren't we, its almost like more and more people are actually aware of whats going on

Will you keep saying that when the body is found?

Aiste, I just spent like, hours reading a novel that I didn't even enjoy. Why is most literature shit?

The book was The Man without Qualities by Robert Musil by the way.

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fuck off you absolute pseud

I need to cum inside your mom, like right now

Look, user. I know you're just trolling me because I'm a schizo so I supposedly have 80 IQ don't understand anything going on around me, but it's honestly annoying. You're trying to take away the only somewhat nice thing I still have. I think I just need to stop replying to you.
I don't read novels at all. They always exhaust and confuse me.

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oh dont worry, we are carrying our investigation fine without your help. the posts are not meant at you but at those unaware of your crime. feel free to stop replying, if anything your silence helps us

I'm going to save all these Aiste avatars in order to pretend to be Aiste in the future.

If I posted my discord here, would you add me?

t. guy with schizophrenia

No. I don't even have Discord anymore and I don't want to.

Then where can we talk?

I would advise you against that since aiste avatars tend to be asociated with the murder of their original owner and you dont want people acusing you of murder

Whatever garbage avatarfagging you're pulling is working, i really want to fuck this cartoon now.

If there's one thing I'm proud of, is my aesthetic taste when it comes to avatars.
>inb4 user calls them ugly to insult me

Attached: Confident.png (600x600, 415K)

>supposedly have 80 IQ
>confused by novels
How nice of your therapist to lie to you. Don't tell anyone but it's even lower than that.

Where do these avatars come from? I like the artstyle.

Your avatars are OK, it's just the association with you that makes them shit.

Do you have an email address where we could talk?

the real eye-chan would never forsake than one aspect of him for the sake of aestethics