Last thread reached bump. Lets go again.
>What are you on rn?
>Favourite drug?
>How's your day in general?
Last thread reached bump. Lets go again.
>What are you on rn?
>Favourite drug?
>How's your day in general?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want something that will help me concentrate and that isn't adderall or speed/amphetamine.
What should I get?
Already tried concerta, doesn't work. I haven't tried pure ritalin though.
they're both methylphenidate
Yeah, but isn't Concerta like just a slow release version of actual Ritalin?
yeah you're right
I heard from others that concerta works really well even with the slow release so I thought if it didnt work for you it might not work in ritalin either
tried 2cb for the first time yesterday. felt nothing, I only got stoned that day. :(
Is ALD-52 a good LSD analogue?
>I heard from others that concerta works really well even with the slow release
You can bypass the concerta slow release mechanism although it's one of the hardest pills in the world to beat. What you need to do is throw the pill in your mouth for a few minutes to suck off the coating (the coating has active ingredient in it). Then when that's done, you need to bite the pill in half, throw out the dark half and chew up the light half. It's even technically possible to crush it up and snort it by peeling off the coating but this is like performing heart surgery and not really worth the effort.
3(THREE) threads! HA
Why would you recommend ritalin when he says he doesn't want speed? Ritalin is technically not an amphetamine but it's in that same ballpark of 'euphoric' ADHD meds that you can get addicted to. My answer for OP would be modafinil or strattera
>>What are you on rn?
Nothing, long term soberfag
>>Favourite drug?
>>How's your day in general?
It's OK I guess. Ever since I came off meth a year and a half ago, though, I've been plagued by random tiredness most days and today is no exception.
how much did you take
Half a pill. Not sure of mg, i split it with another guy and he felt it.
most pills are 18-20, half of that would give you barely any effects, I don't think it would give you any visuals at all, take a full one
So are research chemicals legal in Europe?
depends on the chemical? weird question
Didn't see the other thread when I posted this, my bad.
daily bupe dose so i can become addicted with none of the upside of heroin
For example AL-LAD and other LSD analogues
thank you for not making the op a fucking how2drug linkfest like the other thread
good night anons
hope you have cozy highs
>knowledge bad!
i like this thread more than the other one, lets use this one and sage the other
>What are you on rn?
i forget how much heroin, 60-95mg maybe and 1mg of Klonopin
>Favourite drug?
either ketamine or heroin, cant decide
>How's your day in general?
its ok, im kind of sleepy and in a heroiney trance. not high enough tho. its gonna be a long hazy day where I waste a lot of heroin and probably dont even get a good nod going.
dosage? it can b p mild below 20mg. also do you know for sure that its 2cb or did you buy some pill at a club? oh, nevermind my b you answered already , yea if the other anons right and u only took 9-10 mg then that explains it. i took 16mg for a light trip a month or two ago and it was a litttle too mild even for me and im lightweight and dont like psychs
heroin only has upsides :)
chill guys, dont hurt the comfy, no need to bring up the R word right now, lets just enjoy getting real high this morning
next dubs decides my next heroin bump.
but /2.
so for example, post ending in 466. 66 is dubs, divided by 2, I sniff 33mg.
For trips, the number gets divided by 16
so post ending in 44666: 666/16=41.63mg
so trips mean more dope but not so much more that I die lol
my dubs say you get off opioids
>live in aussieland
>tried dex, ritalin, concerta and vyvanse
>only liked dex
>want to addygang
>aussieland means post-diagnosis by psychiatrist prescription only
>even then, they only give dex to kids (because it's fine to give kids legal meth, right?)
I don't even want to abuse it. I just want to be better without having to worry about running out. I get things done. I'm so happy at work, don't hate it every damn day and I perform better.
Looking at research chems, but looks like Australia has some dumb fucking legislation to cover that too, I think.
Hold me anons
>heroin only has upsides
yeah that's why i'm doing bupe to only get the downsides it was just a shitty cynical joke
suspicious dubs, but they still count of course
I said my next bump. so 00/2=0mg
youve created a heroin snorting paradox user-kun
I cant bump 0mg of heroin, but if i just sniffed up nothing, then continued on and had a second bump and sniffed real heroin for that one then that would actually be the one that counts as my next bump.
I have reached an impass that you have so cleverly devised
how do i escape this debacle??????
do I plug it? that would work.
do i inject it?
oh I have an idea, if I went totally sober then I could use heroin again because my next snort would be a large dose that I wouldnt use the word bump to describe
Fuck user youve really got my balls in a vice grip here
I'm gonna have to think on this one
oh i was joking too mang, heroin has downsides.
The longer I live, the more my life becomes like an eyehategod album
>Le funny children's cartoon reference
>Le Reddit frog
Based and redpilled
>Spurdo sparde XDXD
Don't reply to him, he's clearly just trying to get a response.
valid pointo
>Uh no you're the Reddit poster!
alright, just sniffed some H.
I weighed out 0.00mg. there was heroin clearly visible in there but it was still 0.00, even the same amount of sig figs and everything so this totally counts as my "next heroin bump"
for good measure though I will continue.
the next person to get dubs was actually myself: 77/2=38.5mg
38.5mg heroin comin riiiight up!
>im sorry you had to deal with all that
>people are so fucking shitty
that bitch who called the cops.. like she cared about her job cause she didnt want a dead patient. but if she was actually concerned about me in the slightest...
why the fuck did the meeting only last 11 minutes??? and she changed to other scripts like it was nbd. every time i talked to her afterwards she was totally unapologetic. apathetic actually. even in those meetings she seemed uninterested. she just took an axe to my life and couldnt be bothered to listen to the story of the damage she caused.
god the mental health industry is so full of shit. its best to avoid it entirely anons
>i hope you manage to get past it all and find something that makes you happy if even for a little
thanks user-chan, thats nice. i hope so too. right now that thing that makes me happy is heroin. it will suffice for now
lmao fuck off
>hurhurhurhur thatll show em newfags amarite??
been drinking on the sesh since friday mornig@8AMgmt ive had literally had 4 hours sober, and thas waking up, down an red bull, then hit the booze. its now sunday@5PM45ish mins feels good
best drug is weed tho, but i had a spat with my dealer the other week, he was being a long cunt and i called him out on it, now i dont have a dealer, the little bitch
days been alright, 6ish beers in, got a few more till i pass out and go down the shop to bu more, the work monday night
projecting fag
Does anybody have a trusted research chem site in Europe?
Around 3 months ago I took 3.5g of mushrooms. I just ended up a little introspective
So I took the same dose today from a different supplier expecting the same experience and Jesus christ it was mental. Pretty sure I didn't exist for a short while
>a long cunt
I'm sorry, but that is a fantastic phrase that I have never heard. Thank you for introducing it into my life.
i would like to make a toast to our partnership with addygang on behalf of the streetampmafia
it's called speed
nah, in the US speed is meth
>in the US speed is meth
your problem
this is an american website though
cope lardy
I'm seriously so jealous of people that can buy drugs IRL. I imagine it would be even worse if I was addicted to something like heroin and had to buy it regularly.
I've literally bought drugs from an IRL dealer once in my life, it was an eighth of weed back in my senior year of high school
From what I've read, the better you are at growing, the more alkaloids that the mushrooms produce.
I hope it was a good time, my guy.
Not existing can be my favorite part of strong trips.
>still responding to him
he's been posting that same Jow Forums-tier bait for at least a month now
Kek at everyone who lives where weed is illegal. I'm about to order online and it will be at my door by tuesday. Don't even have to deal with normies. Anyone want to help me out with deciding what strains I should get? Going to buy about 10gs.
Bit of a strange 1, woke up to a strange sound and smell and realsed I'd knocked a can of beer onto my xbox's powerpack. It was making a strange popping sound and smoking slightly.
Just getting high and going to spend the night playing minecraft
>tfw already nodding in and out while im prepping this 38.5mg bump
hope this doesnt kill me lads but I said I would and I'm alredy late so down the hatch it goes
Not gone through their site so they may not have it but, amnesia haze is great. Bubba kush is nice. Had some stuff off a guy he said was a mix of gelato and maui dawg, which was nice and potent
>chill guys, dont hurt the comfy, no need to bring up the R word right now, lets just enjoy getting real high this morning
pretty hypocritical that the heroin attentionwhores always say this non-stop yet they fly off the handle at anyone for the most mundane things because of opi rage
Thanks, unfortunately they don't. I'm thinking of trying some lavender kush and pineapple express. Also going to go for some tried and tested strains I like ie sour diesel and gorilla glue.
street powder could be anything, alot of times it has meth in it to give a kick.
usually we do call it speed though, just in my native language. but who gives a fuck about the slang name, its normal to hear people calling it downstairs or current, like electrical current.
well well well, who's the slave now "whitey"
if you can find congo black or red or swazi gold get em.
Man it's impossible for me to focus on anything on stimulants. My thoughts just get so focused that I make some lecture/essay to myself over some random stupid topic in my head but because of that I can't focus on anything I'm actually doing. Can't watch anime or play videogames because I'll hardly pay any attention to what I'm doing. And it makes stim fapping not fun at all, the only reason it takes so long is because I can't focus on actually masturbating so my dick just keeps getting soft every 5 seconds.
its a guddun, anyone takes to much time for it to be reasonable, they're some next long cunt
>heroin posters always say this
Yeah, cause we want to protect the comfiness here. I just wanted them to stop arguing
I have never ever namefaggged or avatarfagged or used trips or anything like that!
Where does that accusation even come from?
>yet they fly off the handle at anyone for the most mundane things because of opi rage
Ive already apologized for this on several occasions including the last thread.
Ill say it again; sorry Dxm guys, ik you arennt all underage.
Ill try to keep my opi-rage in check, but ill also ask you guys to call me out if you see me acting like a douche.
What more can I do?
Addy gang
How many milligrams of benny should I take to see Mr. Hatman?
>I have never ever namefaggged or avatarfagged or used trips or anything like that!
you don't need those to be an attentionwhore and act like a big "thread personality"
>Bastiaan diverts Ritalin from students that actually need them
>picks up one dexedrine but all the pills in his hand look the same meaning the film crew probably returned the meds
He's just trying to get a rise out of you. His posting style reminds me of several shitposts that I've seen over the past few days.
Nice assumptions and no this is the first time I'm posting about this. I used to have no problem with him and kiwi but they've started to get on my nerves in the past couple months with their acting like they're /drugfeel/ celebrities or something
This is almost the highest ive ever been.
Perfectly smooth transitions from nodding out to waking back up. Each time i snap out of a nod, i feel like a fuckin orgasm and passing back out is like a full body reverse orgasm
Just chillin on my outdoor deck on a lounche chair with ma doggos here, home alone, njoying the cool breeze, smokin cigarettes reeeeel slow, drinking choccy milkie, boutta smoke a J right now.
So fucked up that i keep dropping the cigs on myself lol
Fuck i feeeeeell AMAZING
Im too fucked up to reply rn
Probably. Idk, im not gonna worry bout it, ia just enjoy this CRAZY GOOD High on a beautiful summer day
these threads were never that good
at least it's online. If you think druggies are annoying on the internet be grateful you don't have to interact with them irl.
what would meth heroin and mdma at the same time be like?
Lol cant b2elieve its been 35 min. Heronapping messed my internal clock
Best chill sesh pf my life, still super fucked up
Its serene here that jesus would cum his pants from how much peace is here, and i dont even believe in him lol
well meth+heroin is a pretty common combo but meth and MDMA are so similar that I feel like if you combined the two one would overshadow the other in terms of effects.
I tried meth and MDMA ... the MDMA dominates but the meth makes you really energetic and less "lovey-dovey"
But when the crash comes it comes hard and early like in less than 4 hours you'll start getting really angry and emotional...
One minute I was having fun with my dealer and his girlfriend cutting lines and snorting them... 5 hours later I'm at my place crying and thinking of all the ways my dealer is "exploiting me" for "car rides" and stuff... I call him up and confront him... he says "What are you talking about? You're one of my best friends. Don't you trust me bro? Me and Leisha are coming over. Don't go anywhere"... So while he's on the way over I come up with a brilliant plan. I concoct a drink of crushed up vitamins and cranberry juice. The vitamins were the smelly kind and it made the juice look weird.
My dealer and his girlfriend come over and try to calm me down.. I am accusing him of all sorts of crazy shit and I'm generally having none of it... so I say to my dealer: do you trust me bro? He smiles and says of course I trust you and I love you.. I wouldn't be doing this to any of my customers you know. I'm doing this because I'm your friend. This makes me more angry and I bring out the concocted smelly drink and I say: OK prove it.. if you trust me DRINK THIS RIGHT NOW AND don't ask what me what it is.
He says hahaha how much acid did you put in this? I make a serious face and I say "drink up". His girlfriend says: "is he going to be able to work in 6 hours?" I say: he might be dead! drink it if you trust me
Now his girlfriend gets mad and grabs the drink and dumps down the sink... she's screaming at me: "You've really lost the plot!" and grabs her boyfriend and they're about to leave
Which drugs do I do to "normiefy" my personality? I'm a fucking weirdo that don't connect with nobody
holy shit man, are you the guy who was telling meth psychosis stories? please tell more of your stories
stims or phenibut. although in my experience, if you're truly an autistic weirdo like me, no drug will actually help you to connect with people. they'll just make it easier for you to spew shit out of your mouth
>I tried meth and MDMA
Please stop doing stupid shit and take care of yourself senpai
yeah I'll post 'em as I remember my whole life is a story
give us another one pls!
After a while smoking weed, now even sober i'm with this feeling of "who gives a fuck?" to my problems that used to bother me
I'm not even complaining
This story is about the time I finally lost the battle with my demons.
My stoner room mate had had enough of my bullshit. He stole my car and parked it somewhere at random. He says I'm not telling you where I parked it unless you move out. I tell him to fuck off because I co-signed the tenancy agreement, we have a big fight and go back and forth and he tells me he's moving out and I can keep his half of the apartment bond.
Losing my best friend should have been a wake up call but after 2 straight years of metamphetamine abuse I had turned into a completely different person. I forgot about my passions and instead developed new ones. I had a thing for cars with loud engine noises. I bought a butterfly knife and learned all the tricks. I was twisted.
My ex who's also a meth user longer than I have said she's seen this cycle a million times before. People going unhinged and starting to act really abusive towards her as their addictions progress. She eventually stopped coming over except to check on me. I stop finding solace in everything except for meth and staying up multiple days...
"We age faster because we stay up during the night when most people sleep. This is why I look 49 when I'm really 34" - my dealer used to say.
One day I wake up and nothing feels normal. I call up my friend and tell him there is an unusual buzzing activity outside my apartment. He tells me I'm paranoid and should go back to sleep. I go outside and think: why do all the asians have earphones? I start confronting them. They just smile back politely at me. I stop a man at random. "how do I make this stop. do I have to die"? he says "yes.. it's just the nature of your existence".. that fucking guy scared me more than anything.. I think it's finally gonna happen.. I run back towards my apartment and seal my door with epoxy resin (1/2)
I stay holed up in that apartment for more than 6 days going through my meth. After day 4 I went full schizo and started saying faint smears of written text like "$350" "You suck" "B8, D4" which are apartment numbers in my building.. I think the universe is communicating with me and if I sleep I'm going to lose this cosmic revelation of truth.
I was raising hell inside the apartment and starting to destroy it slowly. I was cutting up the rug and trying to dismantle the light circuitry in my ceiling. I ran out of meth and fell asleep. I wake up to the noise of the cops searching my apartment. The manager had let them in on account of a neighbor's complaint. There is a cop standing over my head with a meth pipe "What is this?" he asks. He had a sleeve tattoo. Also his partner looked like a tranny. I didn't think they were real cops "it's an oil burner. they're legally sold out there. nice tattoos". as I get up to brush my teeth, the tranny grabs my arm and slams my skinny ass down. they cuff me and take me to the police station.
They give me a court date and let me go. They also gave me a card for a mental hospital. I call them up and they say they can deliver medication to my house. They sent over 2 nurses and I told them how my TV was really a computer. They saw my destroyed apartment and said I had to go with them to the hospital. They manage to lure me inside then said "hand over your shoelaces". I tried to escape but the door to that hospital was locked and fortified. I was not going out any time soon. 4 other nurses grab me and give me a jab in the abs of some anti-psychotic medication.
They put me on a heavy daily dose of Risperidone, Olanzapine and Lorazepam until the psychosis cleared. I was released within 3 months. (2/2)
>i am using snus
i do not do real drugs anymore after severe disassociation
Enough to be fully delirious aka 700 mg you should look at and think of hatman for day's before you trip and you should do it in public in a well lit night (full moon clear sky) preferably in a rural area and around the woods I find your more likely to see figures if you don't take dxm with it but maybe that's just me.
Gonna be trying MDMA for the first time on the 4th of July. I'm 6ft 180 pounds. I sort of tried it once before with gelcaps that were supposed to be 150mg but I didn't really feel anything, except after a couple hours i felt this minor, pulsing sort of feeling. It was very faint though, barely noticeable. This time I have two presses, each is supposedly 220mg.
A friend of mine who has rolled a few times said take half, then wait till I start to roll and take the other half. I really want it to be a good experience though. I will be in a public place watching a fireworks display with a sober person babysitting me.
Should I do the half and half, or just take it all at once, or do something else?
Any other tips for a first timer? I have a shitload of experience with Psychedelics and I'm very good at keeping my shit together and not freaking out in public when I'm tripping so I'm not worried about that.
only take half a pill, stay hydrated, don't die
How do I make meth? Like what's the easiest way? Nothing complicated or special just plain old pure enough colorless crystal meth. I have no friends and for reasons I won't mention it would be difficult to order online I have no education in chemistry but I'd be willing to learn a bit. I only need enough for personal amounts as I have no connections to be able to sell so I assume i don't need to much equipment or ingredients right?
Okay so just half with no redose then? Will 100mg be enough? I want to be in absolute ecstasy, for lack of a better word
can you buy it without g-man busting your door down?
i wouldn't recommend shake and bake because plastic bottle can explode and you might die in a nasty explosioin
when i was asking about "buying it" i was thinking of glassware
this, I've seen guide on erowid and drug forum and such but never thought of attempting it because of the dangers involved with the process. Some of the chemical reactions can be explosive, every once in a while in the news you'll see some white trash blowing himself up while trying to make shake and bake meth
i took too much 3-meo-pcp and went out on my balcony naked and then some lady called the cops on me.
police forced me to go into an amberlamps because i was super high. i only remember thinking i was being kidnapped when i was in some van and i started trying to escape, then they must have sedated me
now i have an $8,600 hospital bill
what the actual fuck?
i was basically fine. i would have sobered up if they gave me time. but no
they had to run all these tests for no point
let's go through it:
>laboratory urology - $257.78
totally pointless. they won't even find any drugs in my piss
>emerg room - $2,115.46
yeah that one makes sense i guess, but my deductible is like $3,500 so that would be covered, right? i guess i deserve that
>laboratory - $34.51
meh, not very much. don't care
>dx x-ray - $519.98
totally unnecessary. surely they found no issues
>med-sur supplies - $515.03
not sure what the fuck that was all about. they couldn't even give me a shirt to wear
>hematology - $298.12
what the fuck? steal my blood and make me pay for it? fucking assholes
>ct scans - head - $3,282.07
yeah except i was perfectly fine. fuck that shit. totally unecessary. i bet they did it just to spite me
>chemistry - $1,681.29
what does that even mean? they can fuck off with that shit, honestly.
i literally got nothing. they just took me to a place and i layed in a bed and then left.
if they left me alone i would have been fine
fucking assholes piss me off
i ain't ever paying that shit LOL
I don't think so how hard is it to get good enough glassware in North America? And what's a shake and bake method? Are you talking about beakers and stuff like that?
>Weed giggle built my abdominal muscle
no idea
here in eastern europe i just go online and buy it
from what i've heard in some states (fucking arizona) owning laboratory glassware is a felony so it would be wise to check your local laws
shake and bake is what it sounds like
you shake a plastic bottle and meth "bakes" itself inside
very dangerous, prette shitty yield something like 50% effectiveness
damn dude that's rough, how are you right now? taking any drugs?
what is this like? is it just like regular pcp?
never took regular PCP but it's like MXE just way more potent
Holy fuck.
I really hope you're larping, because that sounds like some stressful and scarring shit.
I'm kinda crazy myself and I sometimes lose (a little) touch with reality and it always scares me when I think about how much worse it could've gotten without me realizing.
You good nowadays? Do you use any drugs these days?
Yeah that wasn't the end of it lol I kept using for 3 more years on and off until I went to jail and was forced to quit for 2 years. Now clean 9 months....
Currently in my system: GBL, pregabalin, weed.. no meth or heroin though which is good. Thank you for your kindness user.