What went wrong with western society and it's women?
Was it democracy?
Human rights?
What went wrong with western society and it's women?
God I wish she has a penis
>I need ti pist this to make my post original but please refer to the top.
it was treating women as equals
>implying Belle isn't perfect
"Western society" is a term made up by Americans, it doesn't really exist. You can't group all cultures from Europe into one thing. A lot of cultures that are considered western now were not always considered western. For instance, ancient Greeks were considered orientals or Africans and weren't recognized as westerners.
They went from lazy, pacifist scum that should have put you to death to lazy, pacifist scum that should have put you to death.
Since when has the US had democracy, human rights or equality? Lmao
Pic related is just supply and demand.
Would thots exist if there were no thirsty betas to shower them with money and gifts?
The thots are just lazy millenial scumbags who exploit what they can.
Many guys are jelaous, but there just aren't enough gay men or thirsty women to grant them the same lifestyle.
You mean what went right? Fuck off fascist scum
Basically western culture/society == white people
Sorry if it is confusing for you
Women aren't wearing burqas
Nig nogs weren't genocided or sent back to africa
Subhumans of all kinds are allowed in usa, steal jobs, commit crime and vote
>Women aren't wearing burqas
Women do wear burkas in the US
>Nig nogs weren't genocided
Just sterilized, mutilated, forced into crumbling neighborhoods, beaten, lynched, enslaved and denied human rights to this day.
>Subhumans of all kinds
[Citation needed that subhumans exist]
>are allowed in usa
[Citation needed]
>steal jobs
[Citation needed]
>commit crime
[Citation needed]
[Citation needed]
Sometimes I wanna force all femoids into burqas, because absolutely none of them are redeemable.
But I also kek into oblivion when I tell retarded incels to look at the male-to-female ratio in their faggot Islamic countries. I like how they justify 4 wives for one male in a society with less females than males which makes sure you have -actual- incels (not faggot crybabies) with no choice but to fuck a goat or Jihadcel through the border.
>Pic related is just supply and demand.
So is heroin and child porn. Doesnt make it right. Go and cope somewhere else.
>Women do wear burkas in the US
Post evidence? Unless you are talking about a bunch of animals who imigrated from the middle east and haven't degenerated yet.
Nig nogs are still in Amerimutt land and all the other shitskins, they are still alive so i consider that as a priviledge for them and a crime to the rest of civilized society.
We both know that you are a 50y retard or a shitskin fren.
>The thots are just lazy millenial scumbags who exploit what they can.
Exactly, they dont deserve to be empowered. If they want to be thots fine, just admit what you are and accept the public shame.
Literally the only problem I have with thots/whores is when they act like they're above it all. I'd respect them a whole lot more if they were up front about being a whore.
Even that's pretty vague. "White people" is a really broad term. There's nothing that unifies white people outside of their phenotype, other than that, whites are really diverse. So you can't say "what went wrong with white women?" because at one point, it was cool for certain white women from certain parts of Europe to fuck dogs while in other parts of Europe, it was seen as disgusting. It's still socially taboo for an American white woman to cheat on her husband but in France, it's just something that people do. Nothing went wrong with white societies or white cultures, things just change.
There is no single cause. We are animals. It is all of us.
>Post evidence?
>"the share of American Muslim adults who are convertsto Islam also is about one-quarter (23%)"
Your turn to post your citations.
>I consider that
I asked for evidence, not your precious roastie feefees
>We both know that you are a 50y retard or a shitskin fren.
Ad hominem.
Cite your sources.
The phenotype is all that matters, though i would add that there are common behavioural patterns among whites that lead to similar cultural developements.
Same thing goes for nig nogs. Where ever they are they always create the same types of societies and cultures.
Too much comfort + sklavenmoral due to Christianity
I wonder how many Belles were back then in the primitive times and humanity couldn't enjoy their blessings because they were forced to serve a single fucking male
>denied human rights to this day.
Show me the part in the human rights bill or the law that states humans rights doesn't apply to blacks.
The part where it says, "If you're a black therapist helping a mental health patient and the cops see you, you get shot for laying on the ground with your hands up."
My favorite passage, desu.
Is the white on her nose just light reflecting, or is it cocaine?
taste and redpilled
i think u meant to say ''pretty women'' not just ''women''
How is this related to human rights?
daily reminder her dad was her cameraman and promotes/manages her.
it looks like highlighter, the most retarded makeup in existence, especially if you use too much
Industrialization and modern medicine made old social norms and institutions unnecessary. Women don't need to depend on husbands, they can work now. Women don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies or most stds because birth control and antibiotics. Whether women were happier under a rigid patriarchy is irrelevant because everyone prioritizes survival>freedom>happiness. Jow Forums can kick and scream all they want, but it's impossible to maintain traditionalism in an industrialized society without a china tier totalitarian government.
>The phenotype is all that matters,
Phenotype doesn't determine culture
>Same thing goes for nig nogs. Where ever they are they always create the same types of societies and cultures
Not true. The blacks of the Americas may have cultural similarities with the blacks of West Africa but that's because they're literally the same people. But for any other black ethnic groups, this is completely untrue. Your post leads me to believe that you don't know much about cultures outside of your own (white American).
One faggot wrote today that he submit 30k to the slut in your pic. That's the fucking problem, bluepilled idiots enable women to go crazy. The is only one way to fix this shit.
>Would thots exist if there were no thirsty betas to shower them with money and gifts?
yes, some men in relationships will still pay for porn.
the right to not get shot? or literally any of the multitude of things wrong with that but your a brainlet
Well then go to the middle east and live there, faggot. We're in the land of the free, and it ain't happening. It's stupid that people donate so much to her, but why does that bother you? Focus on your own life, not what others do.
>your a brainlet
This is why you shouldn't talk shit. Now about the unrelated incident you mentioned, it's police brutality. Not a violation of human rights. Your cops are dumb and shoot both blacks and whites. What, are whites' human rights also denied?
Right to a fair trial ring any bells brainlet?
Well i could care less. Problem is when faggots like you complain about girls going crazy, your own fault. Fag. Men literally ruled over women 50 years ago ALSO in europe, nothing to do with muh middle east.
I have a nametag to avoid this confusion you low-IQ subhuman.
It's a direct violation of the 6th amendment, one of the first 10 amendments, also known as the "Bill of Rights". The disproportionate lack of a fair trial for blacks is indicative of human rights abuse.
We could just move to concentration camps of children on the southern border, too.
I don't complain. Everyone can do whatever they want. It's not like I know them. Unpopular opinion, but I think it's fine that chicks have freedom, everyone should. If someone doesn't like what they do, they can just not interact with them.
the true root problem is individual liberalism. In any kind of group system there are some restrictions and rules that narrow your freedom in exchange of you being part of it, and having some strict role inside it which gives you a firm fundament to stand on and have clear moral abut of what is good and what is not.
Since individualism values personal freedom the upmost, it deconstructs everything else to maintain it, including social structures and institutes. That gives you an individual freedom but absolutely destroys any kind of social integrity, at which point one human becomes pretty much alone in this, with blurry directions and vague statement of "just live lmao". So, since no one gives a fuck about anyone except himself, everyone starts to just live the way he sees, which is of course almost always the most easy and resistence-less one.
Everything else like feminism, sjw and shit like that are just consenquences.
Great, did you also tell that to OP?
Nah, OP's are always just trying to stir up shit. He's probably not even reading the thread. He can read it here though, I guess.
Absolutely nothing went wrong. Stay mad, incels. : )
Then go live in a collectivist society. I'm serious. If that's what you want, go do it. Don't fuck up my society any worse than it already is.
>did good things for society make me angry about society?
are you one of those virgins who don't even participate in society? what do you have to be angry about, since all you do is watch cartoons. you should be happy
1. I don't judge weather it's good or bad I just connotate why is it like this
2. Why you think that I am part of your society user?
Democracy -> feminism -> whores
I wasted my time reading a fucking novel I didn't even enjoy and I want that time back.
>What went wrong with western society and it's women?
50,000 BC - 1920: Hypergamy has always existed in humans because humans are driven by the same essential animal desires as everything else, we just like to pretend we aren't on occasion to make ourselves feel better. Cultures throughout history have devised means to curtail it through religion or otherwise (see: the concept of marriage).
1920 - 1960: 1st wave Feminism (initially) gave women public / social equality, although not cultural / sexual equality.
1960-1980: 2nd wave Feminism / Sexual Revolution gave women sexual equality. Civil rights era invalidated whatever remaining public / social inequality women had, although cultural inequality remained.
1980- 2000: 3rd wave Feminism go past equality into the realm of dominance via the erosion of marriage into divorce rape and various other legal means. ERA legislation was rejected in favor of VAWA, WIC, and other privileges and exemptions for women based solely on sex rather than pure equality. 2000s-2010 saw that dominance driven on even further. Sexual "liberation" continued apace as marriage declined.
Current day:The final nail in the coffin was / is social media. Social media fully unleashed hypergamy in a way never before seen on this planet by any species in history. Now virtually any woman has a choice of effectively thousands of mates. Due to the way hypergamy works, the scales are no longer tipped - they're rigged from the start by the females' biological imperatives.
People overlook that women by default have been the selectors of paternity throughout history, and the ONLY time in the course of human history this has not been the case is when they've been socially or culturally curtailed by men or by a culture (see: Islam, or any other religion / culture enforcing marriage or a similar system).
The majority of non-Chad men are left to fight over the scraps of available childbearing women to reproduce.
>1. I don't judge weather it's good or bad I just connotate why is it like this
Fair enough.
>2. Why you think that I am part of your society user?
Well, it's the middle of the day in the USA, and this is an American board, so it's a safe assumption.
marriage didn't curtail it lol, made it much worse. you needed looks AND nepotism. plus you weren't allowed to touch other girls. gross.
>marriage didn't curtail it
It curtailed hypergamy by pairing one man with one woman. Not one chad with 90 desperate sluts who'd have his baby and then foist it onto a beta or (as it current) the State.
well, you are wrong
>i'm retarded
hypergamy literally doesn't exist outside of the concept of marriage. marriage is what created hypergamy.
>90 desperate sluts
kings and emperors still had many kids after marriage was created.
the guys who were sent to get killed in war? the guys who built railroads and only ever fucked prostitutes? what are you talking about, craig? a beta never got to use his cock properly, he was a literal slave.
Uh, what exactly is wrong? Society is better off generally speaking than ever before.
Another shittalker embarasses himself. First, you don't understand that some user talked to me and I replied to him. Second, you are mistaking the Bill of Rights for the Bill of Human Rights. The Bill of Rights applies to US citizens only while the Bill of Human Rights is recognized and backed by the UN. Now show me in either of these documents where it says they don't apply to blacks like you claimed.
LOL, it's actually falling apart. We'll probably see mass depopulation (if not outright extinction) in our lifetime.
Articles 1-2 of the bill of human rights lay out equality. The US violates the bill in their treatment of blacks.
You were replying to another user and ascribing my post to his as though we were the same person.
I used the US bill of rights because we are talking about the US, and surely you would be smart enough to know that disproportionate legal treatment toward blacks and Hispanics is in violation of articles 1 and 2 of the bill of human rights, which the UN itself does not even closely follow.
Your level of autism is astounding
>hypergamy literally doesn't exist outside of the concept of marriage
You're delusional and blind. It exists in biology - it's not a social construct (such as marriage). It's women's fulfillment of a biological imperative to secure the best genes. The samesuch imperative that can be ultimately self-destructive if left unchecked.
Marriage checked it and imposed social stigmas or ostracism on people who violated the tenets behind it.
>kings and emperors still had many kids after marriage was created.
The same Kings and Emperors who had to get the Pope's approval to marry or divorce? The same Kings who risked excommunication if they didn't follow the rules? Try Henry the 8th. Not all of them were above the rules. OP's asking about Western Civ, so we're mainly focused on that (ie: the rules of Christianity). At best you had a tiny ass sect of Mormons and a few cult-tier branches of Christianity that allowed for polygamy or something besides one man, one woman. The religion as a whole hammered the shit out of sluts both male and female.
>a beta never got to use his cock properly
I disagree and so would any glance at the number of people required to breed in order to grow the population. The top 20% of the men literally could not be the only people putting babies in women for the growth rate to be what it is.
its growing in a lot of cities, and quality of life is rising like crazy.
>marriage for higher class exists in biology
>best genes
that's not hypergamy, that's common sense.
>popes approval
>top 20% of men
child mortality rates were 30-50% for a lot of history. a lot of those retarded ass lazy men who are too scared to go outside today wouldn't have even become old enough to go to war. you are a very confused little man. if you think hypergamy is bad, try being in a society that actually has real challenges.
>still doesn't understand biological hypergamy
>"lol" answers to the actual historical case that explicitly proved your statement wrong
>you are a very confused little man
If you refuse to be educated, seems like you might be living with "real challenges"
>biological marriage for status
you don't understand, it seems
you might want to try picking up a book. history wasn't kind to losers with soft hands.
He's not talking of marriage, and hypergamy's definition got butchered to mean "tossing away your current mate for a new one, particularly women". Let's not be petty discussing semantics here.
>that's common sense.
Yes, but the means does not justify the end. That's why he said
>that can be ultimately self-destructive if left unchecked.
>if you think hypergamy is bad, try being in a society that actually has real challenges
See above. Having frustrated men for no reason is stupid. MRA, MGTOW, incels, Japan's hikikomoris, TRP are already fucking up enough in retaliation to the current mess. If behavior gets punished, they stop performing said behavior. That's base human reward system. You want people to be productive and do things to progress, reward them. That's why monogamous marriage and branding anyone who would cheat and not be loyal got introduced, some higher intelligent men realized this worked better in the long run in the state it did back then.
>tossing your current mate for a new one
that's not even close to what hypergamy means though. what you're talking about isn't even very common. the 50% divorce rate myth is for elderly couples, in their 60s where it doesn't really mattress. it's a hard sell to even say the rituals of courtship helped out losers before, because 1. they would still have to grow into adults and take responsibility before performing those rituals and 2. jealousy and fears of abandonment are well cited throughout history as real things. people have always been selective and at risk of separation. you think a lot of guys who can't speak to girls got a good wife handed to them when there were other bachelors?
it was the sexual revolution and giving women voting rights
>You were replying to another user and ascribing my post to his as though we were the same person.
Then you'll have no trouble pointing to the part where I called him by your name. He shares your belief, supported your example and I responded to him according to the contents of his post.
>I used the US bill of rights because we are talking about the US
No. You said human rights, which are covered by a universal bill, and then you switched to american rights. Also your own proof invalidates your argument that blacks are denied human rights. Article 2 or the Bill of Human Rights states "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Decleration without distinction of any kind, such as race, COLOUR" etc. Blacks have human rights.
>disproportionate legal treatment toward blacks and Hispanics
[Citation needed]
>No. You said human rights, which are covered by a universal bill, and then you switched to american rights.
Because human rights are violated by US policies. Again, I assumed it was self-explanatory that shooting unarmed civilians in the street was a denial of human rights.
>Also your own proof invalidates your argument that blacks are denied human rights. Article 2 or the Bill of Human Rights states "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Decleration without distinction of any kind, such as race, COLOUR" etc. Blacks have human rights.
They are denied their human rights in the US system you autist. That's the point.
>[Citation needed]
US Department of Justice.
This, she's worthless as a women. But could have made a great male.
By the way, when are you going to cite your sources again? Since I've done so several times and you have yet to display any contradictory citations.
>They are denied their human rights in the US system you autist. That's the point.
Wrong. That is violation, not denial. Denial would mean they haven't been given rights. Violation can be prosecuted through the court.
>Since I've done so several times
Lie. You have provided no quotes or links. You are attempting to argue with vague replies like "the Department of Justice". I have presented a quote from the Bill of Rights disproving your initial claim.
>Bill of Human Rights*
My bad, I rushtyped.
fuck i just remembered i had a talk with a girl yesterday and she told me a bit about her sex life like how one of her boyfriends couldnt cum in her mouth or how funny it was that one time her boyfriend couldnt get it in her then she said she gave head a few hours prior and let the guy cum in her mouth
she was 15
>semantic argument on the word "denied"
So that's what your argument boils down to: semantics. Violation is the same as denial. Prove me wrong.
I thought she did, shame she doesn't
It's not a product of equality, that's for sure. How would equality lead to this? And pretty sure feminists are livid she's objectifying herself.
unironically women rights
It is not. One (blacks being denied rights) means oppression is institutionalized and things will only change by toppling it. The other (blacks having their rights violated) means that the establishment has already given them rights and they can work with the system to have them respected.
Blacks are being manipulated by a certain political group with angermongering and victimization for the sake of power. "Black Rights", "Gay Rights", "Female Rights". They already have them. The can't acquire them. It's like when the liberals demanded the legislation of equal pay. When they were told no because such a law has existed for decades, they said "the conservatives said no to our proposal for an equal pay law!"
Here is denial.
Refusal to satisfy a request or desire (the denial of privileges)
Here is violation.
The act of violating such as infringement, transgression.
You said the Department of Justice said there is disproportionate legal treatment towards blacks and mexicans. Show it to me.
>What went wrong with western society and it's women?
Men supported their actions, dumb nigger. You think the turbowhore in your post would be taking pictures of herself taping her nipples and pretending to masturbate if no one gave a shit?
nothing. theyre having a good time and living lavish
Degeneracy isn't a real thing, but a big part of the reason for this is lonely guys and incels often having jobs, many high-paying, willing to spend lots of money on girls who provide at least somewhat of a girlfriend experience to abate their loneliness just a little. And for some I guess they just find some girls hot and have enough money to throw around that they don't even look at prices of things in general.
She's very likely making 3 to 5 million USD (pre British tax) per year, possibly more. She, like most of these girls, do this purely as a job. Who can blame them if they can get so much so money so quickly with not much effort? Sure, some effort, else every hot girl would be wealthy, but far less than nearly any other high-paying job. I know if I were born as a girl, and attractive, I'd strongly consider taking that easy money waiting to be taken, too, and I bet many of you would.
tldr orbiters
capitalism, user.
I appreciate how she censors her curse words by modifying them only slightly so that technically she's censored the word but yet it's still clearly obvious what the word is. For example, the letter 'u' in the OP pic of the thread above. In your pic she's just inverted the 't' and rotated and mirrored the 'c'. She surely has a genius level IQ.
Men want to have premarital sex with women so women started having premarital sex with those men. I think its safe to say that the two groups evolved in certain ways together.
Romance has become less about starting a family and more about pleasure. Rights are good, democracy is good, equality is good.
The word on the paddle is mirrored like a stamp so the bruise comes out in the right direction, you absolute moron.
Counter-culture. And it eventually screwed up the gene pool, because our culture became too individualistic to the point where most people have lost sight of reality.
Liberalism. That's liberalism with a small "l".
That's the idea that individual trumps the group
It's the idea that rights exist without attendant obligations ("inalienable human rights")
It's the idea that equality is an a priori moral good ("making things more equal makes them better.
It's basically all of enlightenment philosophy.
If you want someone to blame specifically, you can blame John Locke and John Stuart Mill. They started this whole mess. However good your intentions, when you start a moral system with the axiom that individual liberty is the highest moral good, you're always going to end up where we are now. No matter how noble your initial reasons for propagating it were.
There's a reason liberalism can only subsist in wealthy societies: it's called parasitism.
Just look at social media. Every femaletwitch streamer I message does not even respond to my DMs. As a white man, I cant even get a reply.This says alot about our society.
That doesn't explain the 'c'.
>Rights are good, democracy is good, equality is good.
Wrong on three counts.
oh? on jah?
p.s. we do be living in a society
Show me societies in the world today that aren't individualistic and democratic (or at least not authoritarian) and are doing better than ones that are. Locke and Mill helped transform humanity into its next stage of existence, and another is soon on the horizon. You and others like you want to claw it back into the dark.
>that aren't individualistic and democratic (or at least not authoritarian) and are doing better than ones that are.
South Korea
Arab Gulf states (UAE primarily, but also Oman)
>Locke and Mill helped transform humanity into its next stage of existence
Technology did that, not Locke and Mill. As China is showing right now, you can have a technologically advanced society that is the complete polar opposite of liberalism. But it's typical of liberalism's ideological vacuousness to take credit for the industrial revolution and the computer age, as if you can't have advanced engineering without gay pride parades or something equally ridiculous.
>You and others like you want to claw it back into the dark.
The mass immigration you support is doing that for us already.
Anyway, nobody outside of Western Europe and North America views the "Western liberal model" as a viable model for development anymore. The West's brand value has tanked over the past two decades.
This is a good example of what he means. How can you hope to craft a meaningful ethnic/national/civic/civilizational identity when you're constantly redefining new ethical standards for what constitutes "a good person" and portraying any history that comes before it as "darkness"? This is partly why people are so atomized and have no meaningful group/community identities anymore.
It was the capitalist Jews
Everybody is afraid to say it though, except for that Muslim Congress bitch
why do people get angry at belle? She is objectively less of a thot than most modern women, esp re. aesthetic