Grandpa was teeenager when he fought in WWII resistance

>grandpa was teeenager when he fought in WWII resistance
>I am 24 and afraid of talking to people

are we just pussy generation?

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You were conditioned to be the way you were. There are forces trying to keep you down. Don't let them win

He was also scared of talking to people, don't let him fool you, he was probably an even bigger pussy than you are. Fighting in a war doesn't make you masculine or outgoing, most of the people who were fighting at the time didn't want to.

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You can still apply for the military, nothing is lost.
Don't buy for the "die for israel" meme, the military is actually a pretty good way to learn useful skills, become Jow Forums and become a man, and all of that for free

It's alright user. I went out to Afghanistan and I'm still afraid to talk to people. My great grandfather served in the 1st world war and never spoke again.

I fought in Afghanistan when I was a teenager. Now I'm a 28 y/o NEET KV and afraid of talking to people.

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two diff types of courage

nice trips. what branch were you in? What was your MOS?

muhreens, 0331 Machinegunner

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Did you get to shoot at anyone?

Yes. My first deployment we lived at a remote patrol base and basically existed in constant state of combat. I am absolutely positive that I wasted at least 4 goatfuckers, plus countless others that I shot at but can't be sure if I hit him or if he died after being hit.

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The military is still full of pussies.

>t. Militaryfag

Holy shit. What went through your mind during the firefight?

I bet if you had a war to right it would give you some sort of meaning and purpose. If you grand father grew up in the current yet as you he'd probably respond the same way as you. The fact is uts harder to be 'normal' these days then it was in the 40s, especially as a man because everything you do as a man is either illegal or 'toxic'. You cant just punch someone because they threaten you, you cant just slap a womans ass, you cant just call a nigger a nigger or a faggot a faggot, you can just slap someone because theyre an idiot, you can just go and work in a factory producing cars or steel and you cant spend every afternoon after work at the pub while you wife stays home and makes dinner for you when you come home.

At least you didn't contribute to the killing of millions of white people for the sake of Jews like your grandfather did.

Been Army for three years now and i'm still socially awkward, even after Mali. alienation isn't really a generation-exclusive thing user

i'm about half sure he's lying. No one's that's ever had to kill is this open and proud about it unless they're a big-time section 8. i've seen and worked with a fair share of Peacekeeping and Afghanistan vets and i have never heard anyone go "yeah bro wasted all them shitskin goatfuckers bro totally bro"

No there's just nothing worth fighting for.

> i've seen and worked with a fair share of Peacekeeping and Afghanistan vets and i have never heard anyone go "yeah bro wasted all them shitskin goatfuckers bro totally bro"

sounds like you never hung out with Marine grunts then.

seen and worked with plenty. we get our fair share at our Legion halls on occasion. they see killing and related subjects as somewhat taboo like the rest of us.

The first time I was ambushed it was an insane feeling of dread, like my life was about to end any second. The scariest thing that I wasn't prepared for is that you can actually feel the bullets pass by if they are close enough to you. You can feel the shockwave against your skin. I fell on my back and was looking face up toward the sky and a burst whizzed over me. I could feel the shockwaves on the bridge of my nose as the bullets passed over my face. That was a surreal experience for sure. Eventually I got my wits about me and maneuvered with my gunner to some cover where we were able to set up an SBF and get the 240 rolling and gain fire superiority.

The first time I actually killed somebody was with my rifle, not the 240. We were moving toward a compound that we had just been engaged from and dropped a few rockets and mortars into until the fire stopped. As we were about 30 meters from the compound a guy with a rifle barrelled out of the one of the holes that the rocket warhead had made in the exterior compound wall shouting his allahu akbar nonsense spraying his rifle wildly. I reflexively shouldered my rifle and plugged him right in the nose(pic related). Felt really fucking good. It's the best high ever felt in my life. I still think about that image every day, seeing the back of his skull blow out and paint the compound wall behind him red. pure kino.

>No one's that's ever had to kill is this open and proud about it unless they're a big-time section 8.

That's just wrong. The best killers are those who are open and enthusiastic about it. The military even has systems to sort such people into positions where they will be most effective(SF and crew served weapons)

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>reverse image search
>0 results found

absolutely based. nice fucking shot Marine. Chesty is smiling down on you.