Lets have another creative thread.Post your music,paintings,drawings or anything you like to do.
I just uploaded my last song for ever:
Lets have another creative thread.Post your music,paintings,drawings or anything you like to do.
I just uploaded my last song for ever:
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't uploaded anything in quite some time. I'm too busy mixing and producing music for school projects that I have no time for my own shit.
Still, if you're curious, here are some songs about killing myself
do you like my pixel train
way too blurry i apologize before
This is something I made in about 2 months in ny broom closet of a bedroom. Enjoy.
you have really nice voice
its nice and it remindes me jonatan leandoer127
i quite like this user
this feels really fleshed out and good concepts like a part of america
here's my stuff im shilling
an idea
a jam
and a song
man i like this style of music gj
and ty for haunting i like that :D
I like these threads, but I never have anything to post ;_;
only one i have on my computer is a space marine
How the hell do I stop procrastinating? I want to post at 8 am on Saturday, but I keep finishing my videos at 7:30 am on Saturday instead of working on it on any other day. I just want to keep a semblance of a schedule, but I'm so fucking lazy
I made some boxes for my shaper tools today, what do you guys think?
Forgot the pic. Autism is real
damn son, i wish i wasnt a clumsy fuck.
nice fuckin work.
Thx, wanna see what i used that massive thing for?
Did you eventually make that maple tiger violin?
What? No, I don't make music instruments, you must be confusing me with someone.
I used that tool and others to make this cabinet a few months back.
Warhammer 40K is cool, user
It looks nice.Good job
Can't wait to see more of your work.
In the meantime, be well robot.
Hey lads, how do I get into graphic design?
have no talent
Here is a drawing I did of a sad fox
messing around with hip hop again
damn dude you've been posting in these threads since forever. how's it going?
the daniel johnston cover is dope. your friend ejaculating around 0:50 was funny too.
your track sounds dissonant and ultra rare
and im good i know i shill hard and its not working for my new channel, i deleted my old one in a fit of psychosis rip xD
its going good im trying to make a game atm with unity i want to make a game and put my music in it but i have to draw everything and i cant draw
how are you?
I worked on my train guys, I went a more STALKER theme with it.
are you going to post some screenshots or something from the game in the future?
yeah im good as well. trying to get around to starting a project with a couple friends. we still don't know exactly what music we're going to make.
Here is the train all finished up for now.
yea i defo will im between making a rpg turn based or a adventure game i just need to get started on the lore il post stuff from it if i make progress
good luck to ur ventures friendo
I make music. Here is a track:
I draw and draw, pretty much all to myself. Hoping it can get me out of my mumdane life but all I end up doing is drawing woman after woman and no one knows it. Too afraid to share my work because I'm not "ready" yet.
Oh well, it is fun at least.
did this one in a while
it's a wojack do not bully
are you doing these from scratch or what's going on here? they look like photo thumbnails that were scaled way up. it's cool, i'm just curious what the actual process is
You're leagues beyond a lot of people who "draw." Your shadow mapping is clear and decisive. Your values are executed well so none of the shading looks out of place. The figure itself has good gesture for being somewhat of a static pose, and those are some poppin titties. Keep drawing!
bumping from the ninth page
This is my work, DOAWK
Most of mine are 99 percent scratch, as my local train station is not on hobo overgrown and have campfires. I will scope out a local place, take a few pictures and then play out a scene. I import them into minecraft as paintings usually.
This one I got the reflections mad good and finished up the poles but the perspective in 3D as the boardwalk moves right is horrible. SO is the back of the train in the OG one to be honest.
i recently unearthed a video i youtube video i made in 2012. its a video of young me doing parkour ironically.
>could this be considered art?
interesting. that's very impressive then, if you're actually recreating these just based on photo refs. the thumbnails look like actual photographs. what program do you do them in?
post the link, user, lets see your moves!
I made this song and used my artwork on it.
Weird way of doing pixelart user, i swear it looks like a scaled down picture, u should try to play with colors more .
don't know if it counts but i already posted my video in like 3 of these threads so i'll just post the storage heater I designed
opacity is your friend, you can vary your pixel coloration super easy and it makes ANYTHING look more realistic. The more slight color changes you have the more depth you have. But look at any real looking pixel art, if you zoom out far enough they actually do look photoreal. Here is the reference for this image
bing bong bababa
finally done, i think
here is my bocchi wedgie
deleted & reposted because of minor mistake
here's my bocchi wedgie
I drew pepe and wojak a couple of days ago when bored. Uni sucks hehe
I have many better drawings if you are interested (just posting this one cuz PEPE)
forgot to color the goddamn panty frills
here's the actual final, agh
This looks amazing good job user
Very cute
It turned out pretty good if you tell me, +1 for the frills on her panties
If for some reason you make another wedgie in your life I'd recommend to change the hand position of whoever's giving it
Well I posted an outline for this book a few weeks ago, and I finally got around to the first chapter which I will start to post screenshots of. Actual criticism of my writing is appreciated, Ive never written anything and havent read in years even though I used to love it, but its probably shit. Names are also subject to change. We'll see if I do chapter 2 eventually.
>I'd recommend to change the hand position of whoever's giving it
elaborate on this, in what way would it be better?
Also your art is cute as fuck user hope you do more
Honestly I would rather have someone draw it as a manga
Im kind of torn too, I wanted to have the younger brother betray the older one, and seek revenge throughout the story, but I started writing and I almost want them to stay friends so I can try and write some good banter
Im no historian so all my anciet combat knowledge comes from fantasy media and Total War so stuff may not be accurate, I dont think most fantasy fans care though and neither do I really but I want to try and keep some stuff accurate
Guys I want to be creative and put music and writing out into the world but whenever I start to try I find myself instantly drained like some fucking psy vamipre sucked up my aura and can't bring myself to actually commit wtf is wrong with me :c
I had originally wrote the first pages in one sitting going late into the night, and had to sleep. When I cam back to finish the chapter a few days later I decided to add this duel, but it wasnt planned well and so I think Ill scrap it since it actually is shit.
Ill probably write a bit more about hammer bro slaughtering everyone whos name I think I subconsciously stole from skyrim, and then just cut to the dragon showing up since this whole duel was poorly written, but thoughts on this bad section are appreciated too so I can better plan fights in the future. Thanks if you read.
My goal in life is to make music for video games.
I made a love letter to No More Heroes.
I hope u like it.
The giver's left hand looks a liitle unatural, it looks like it's trying to grab the inside of her underwear instead of her waistband on the tip, maybe it should grab inside a little bit less, or even an underhand grip, kind of like lifting weights but with underwear
never thought i'd be giving tips of how to make a wedgie look genuine but here i am
this is fair, i'll see if it can fix that up a bit. thanks for the suggestion
here's a short one minute clip
just a quick song idea i had
if you listen i will personally drive to your house and give you money
Melodic rap song I made
nice orinigalin
lo fi, home made rock and folk
i drew this
i love it user, do you have an artblog
Thanks guys, I gave myself the challenge of drawing every single day until I get something out of it, I've been going for more than two years now.
I don't want to give up now, it's one of the only things that mean anything to me now.
I started a very bare bones draft of a VN I want to make. Basically it's like Until Dawn minus the lewd. Frens go out innawoods camping, skinwalker things happen, based on your choices and items that you chose to bring with you I'm the trip, people will live or die. I dont even know if there would be any interest in it though so I'm procrastinating even harder than I normally do
That's a cute ass girl with donuts combination, user
Im working on finishing the last voiceover parts in my video about beavers and cowboys.
>want to do things
>realize nobody's gonna care and its just gonna suck anyway
>dont do things
I have a new short mostly edited (just need to add music and foley), I'm mad that I didn't do more with it but I have what I have and I'm fine with it.
Combining elements that I've had a lot of fun playing with, mainly split-screen comic book-like panels (think more Guy Ritchie or Brian DePalma than Ang Lee or that shitty version of The Warriors) and just fucking drenching the screen in blue to simulate night time/late evening time.
In the meantime, here's the two things I mentioned, in other projects I've done.
Old shit but I'm curious what people think
Did you enjoy that beefaroni?
don't be a faggot, show us the cool things you want to do
I did. It wasn't very filling but it got the job done when I needed it.
Dude user, keeping doing this. You've got talent!
i actually wrap my hair around my neck like this
comfy scarf mode
I wish I had musicfriends to jam with :(
I like this
The daniel johnston cover is nice
Really like the style
Heres a short song
Theres other stuff on my channel that you might like more like a koji kondo ish instrumental and a rap but w/e
I make beats & wallpapers
These look like pictures/photos on a wall in the ps1/n64 era
>indie pop
>various genres
Finished an album, someone the other day said the typography was trash so I changed it and made it better.
Beautiful and cute
Daniel johnston is my all time favourite outsider musician. Your cover is great.
I'll add on to the typography thing - the text would probably look better if you desaturated it a little and added a bit of blur, so that it blends in with the aesthetic of the rest of the cover
Thanks for the info.
Im not gonna change it anymore now I'm happy with it and it's been "published" so I don't wanna keep changing it. I will take the advice for the next cover though.
Yeah it looks good how it is, it's just a minor nitpicky suggestion. I didn't mean to come across like it looks bad or anything. I do like the cover design a lot, it's very cool