4 mg today

>4 mg today
>4 mg tomorrow
>4 mg next week
Such is life. At least I'm not a waggie.

Attached: Dēinawas Deināina.png (600x600, 139K)

but seriously, do you think you'll pass?

I looked through your posts in the archive to find out whether you were a NEET talking about wageslaves or a tranny talking about people with dicks

>Such is life. At least I'm not a waggie
no, just a stone cold killer

Pass away maybe haha.

Attached: Le Monde Continue.png (600x600, 148K)

Those meds have made your balls shrank. You was supposed to be a Viking.

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he was also supposed to be alive, funny how things don't end up the way you wanted them

Hey, user. I'd suggest you book a doctor's appointment. Tell them you've been feeling paranoid, unmotivated and have been hearing voices. Just don't say you're suicidal. Good luck!

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demoralization won't work on us, we aren't your average user

I'm at six now...

other user, but i did that and he told me i was just being a bitch and that i have to deal with what i have

>deal with hearing voices
Which third world country do you live in?

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Probably America tbhon.

the only voice you will be hearing soon will be that of your cellmate

well, desu it worked out, since i dont have it anymore since i stopped doing weed

Oh. I see. Yeah, he was right to tell you to fuck off. I'm glad you came to your senses though.

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well you don't need drugs when you get your dopamine from killing people but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, mr killer?

yea, ty hope it works out alright in the end for you too

i'm more of a 1 mg man myself

what are you taking OP?

taking haldol 5mg and lithium and effexor seems to help just keeping taking your medication and get on a good diet things will look up good luck user

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we can only hope.
that you probly wont make it, hope this post is orginal and i dont get the banned

Aiste, what will make me feel better after having wasted the entire day reading novels I didn't even enjoy?

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