Anons, I need a fast, painless (and preferably unmessy way depending on the location) to kms

Anons, I need a fast, painless (and preferably unmessy way depending on the location) to kms.
I really can't keep coping anymore and any foreseeable outcome in my life leads only downwards so yeah that's I guess haha

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know a good one, but it's a little messy.
>semi air tight room
>fill it with open fire (loads of candles or even a real bonfire)
>go to sleep
>die from oxygen deprivation
Your brain doesn't realize the gradual shift, so you won't feel a thing. Godspeed, OP!

I wouldn't know where to find one, since my parents would notice if I did it in my own room

Go to one of those euthanasia clinics in Switzerland and ask them about it. Maybe they're cucked by politics and pussies into only allowing 90 year old corpses to off themselves but it's worth a shot.
Ask them to incinerate you after as well of course.

That's not how they work but thank you for the suggestion retarded user

One last bumperudkd

If you know how all the suicide methods work then why are you asking dumbass. Just fucking take a shotgun to your head then, you're dead anyway who gives a fuck about how messy it is.

I don't know how suicide methods work, I was talking about the Switzerland clinic since I live at the border with Switzerland
And guns are too hard to get by here

So you are from Europe. Google Preikestolen in Norway. Book a plane ticket to Stavanger, go to Preikestolen, and just jump. It is 250+ meters of falling and you will land on rocks.

It will be painless, immediate, and with 0% chance of survival no matter how you land. Bring anti-anxiety medication and/or booze if you think you might not be able to overcome the survival instinct in a sober state of mind when you are at the edge.

Attached: heaven.png (1036x764, 428K)

I don't want other people to see it and be traumatized or at least have a bad day. I'd probably chicken out after seeing all the other people standing there.
Also isn't jumping painful? At least some researcher say so.
Ngl tho, sounds pretty comfy and calm way to die: beautiful landscape, a short moment of flight and then nothing

use an exit bag
its cheap, it only requires a plastic bag, a rubber band, and some helium. you'll fall unconscious in a matter of seconds and after a few minutes you'll die due to lack of oxygen to the brain. just make sure that you're in a private place and nobody will find you while you're in the process of dying, or else you might end up as a vegetable for the rest of your life.

Totally understandable that you do not want to traumatize others, so my suggestion is to just stay there until it gets dark at night and everyone leaves for the evening. At night, no one will be there and no one will see you jump.

And jumping is only painful if you survive, so I would never suggest someone to jump from less than 100 meters and with a hard landing. From a 250 meter height with that rocky landing, I do not think that is even theoretically possible to survive. Imagine hitting concrete at roughly 252 km/h. It will be kind of like that.

Attached: 59a.jpg (341x512, 126K)

Jump infront of a moving train

you should try to just keep on living for a little longer

>Committing suicide
Fuck no. You have to stay alive.

Smoke a blunt and jump from the rooftop

I literally got nothing to live for lmao but you can try finding reasons if you're bored
Sounds comfy. Staying up till late, with beautiful scenery and then just going away and everything turning dark
I feel like I will still somehow fuck this up and survive, but thanks user seems like a decent suggestion

>I literally got nothing to live for lmao but you can try finding reasons if you're bored
are you poor? what aspects of life made it unbearable?

>Crippling loneliness
>KHHV and extremely bothered by it
>Non existing self esteem
>Basically no friends
>Only outlook is becoming a lonely wage slave at best while all of your "friends" enjoy a better life
>Extremely religious and controlling parents making you live a lie (I'm not religious and bisexual as well) since they would kick you out the moment they find out
Yada yada thanks for listening to my small rant

>crippling loneliness
>no self esteem
come to a third world country. girls throw themselves at white people

What would I do in a country with a women that doesn't understand me and a language I don't understand myself?

Why not the good old rope?

Attached: 1558740350336.jpg (800x900, 86K)

hanging is scary, not op tho

a lot of people speak english. how retarded are you?

What country do you even have in mind
Roping is painful, scary, and can go wrong so many ways. Literally one of the worse methods of suicide

If I may suggest, train? It is scary but It has a very high success rate(unless someone jumps to save you)

choo choo!
here comes the train!

Poor train drivers.

>I don't want other people to see it and be traumatized or at least have a bad day

You want to talk about it? Maybe suicide is not the option you only get one life after all

but you have no other choice, aside from jumping I guess? like the other user said, don't jump unless the building is very tall

also what do you care about what some random normies think? you should be more worried about your parents

i'm from bolivia and i know for a fact that you'd get laid here easily. but i would recommend colombia. hotter girls.

I was kinda fucked and had lot of bad stuff on my mind, here is how I left the depression:

Took ADHD meds (this made me study for the first time in 27 years) and I'm learning how to code. I still live with my parents and but I have the prospect to get a job soon.

This medicine (Venvanse) also gave me energy and I feel no hunger anymore. So I hit the gym and I'm getting fit

This all happened so fast that everyone around me is impressed how a fatass that had no willpower is turning his life to the better at this quick pace. Truth is the med is 100% responsible for this.

Tl;dr embrace the psychostimulant jew and everything will be fine

>Mfw my shithole doesn't approve ADD/ADHD meds
I want to kill these post Soviet Boomer cunts in the healthcare system


That sucks. Maybe move out? I live in a 3rd world country and you can get a bottle of venvanse, with 28 pills, for something like 80$. As long you have a doctor prescribe it to you (easy to find, just have an appointment with a psychiatrist and tell him you want to take venvanse, mostly will just give you the authorization)

seems like you just want attention. people that actually want to kill themselves just do it, they don't shit out a thread on Jow Forums asking them how to. best advice, just move to a better country. or, you know, just kys

Exit bag sounded like a decent choice
What exactly do you want me to talk about. I already wrote above why I want to do it
See above as well
>Just do sex tourism, bro
You know, I have legal prostitutes in my country, but that doesn't really count as actual experience with women, does it
I don't have ADHD tho

All I am saying is you should reconsider, don't throw away your life for nothing. If kys there will only be darkness, take a break from the internet and go outside and take a walk.

The feeling doesn't go away
It's not like I'm trying to distract myself from it, it just doesn't help

>You know, I have legal prostitutes in my country, but that doesn't really count as actual experience with women, does it

I'd never said pay for it. whatever cunt, I can see why you are lonely. you are annoying and probably nobody feels comfortable around you. stick to your original plan.

Where are you from (general area) I might know a way to help.
Also this is a joke fbi

You noob. Phenobarbital and potassium chlorure are available on the internet

You think killing yourself will solve your problems, it will merely pass on the pain to your family who will be sad you killed yourself

Also mix it with some benzos and a nice whisky and you'll go peacefully.

I wasn't op

Except going to a third world country to attract gold diggers is basically the same as hiring a prostitute
What are those? And can I get caught while ordering them

They're used for lethal injection. Phenobarbital is prohibited in lots of countries but it's possible to find it if you look well. Potassium chlorure is easy to get though

Is it painful? How do I inject it?

Potassium chloride is the opposite of painless. Plus I doubt OP is competent enough to administer an adequate dose of pheno to render the potassium chloride painless. He's better off trying to overdose on the pheno alone

You'll fall asleep and have a heart attack. You can either pop them or inject them. With the good dose you'll die within 10 minutes. Just do your research you already more information than you need. Taking your own life is something I can understand but having the stuff at my place knowing I can die whenever I want gives me strength.

Don't be a coward. Killing yourself will only make things worse.

>lives in a first world country
>still wants to off himself
God what a stupid privileged retard.

you sound like a 15 year old. grow up jesus christ.
get a fucking hobby. Stop coming here. it is really that fucking simple.

Do not get potassium chloride. Phenobarbital can be obtained on dark net markets and if you really want to be sure order some heroin/fentanyl

Sure, but should OP live for himself or just stay alive for the sake of the wellbeing of others?

This also. There's a lot of ways to do it.

Yeah speaking from experience. I unintentionally overdosed from what was probably fentanyl. I remember shooting up and then being awoken by paramedics. No sleepiness, no thoughts, it's even deeper than going to sleep for the night

>I don't have ADHD tho
ADHD is one of the easiest disorders to fake though

Some people feel like shit on adderall/stimulants tho

Is it really that common? Because I know that stims feeling good isn't something exclusive to people with ADHD. In my experience they're a very good anti-depressant.

>get an adderall prescription
>still too lazy to do anything
Never stood a chance.

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Privileged people aren't allowed to be depressed?
I'm lit really visiting r9k for the first time in like 2 years
>Get a hobby
Implying I don't have one LMAO
Exactly. Also as I said, I don't like living a life for my parents anyway
Thanks user I'll probably pick something safer

>Thanks user I'll probably pick something safer
for killing yourself opioids are one of the easiest, most painless ways to do it

>Roping is painful
ideally youd be out in less than 10
you want to cut blood flow not close the airway

I plan on utilizing the method found here.