What do you think is the ethnic composition of this board?

What do you think is the ethnic composition of this board?
Is it majority "diverse"?

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imagine being lost in the jungle at night and she comes running at you.

>looks like that
>still puts the effort in to make her hair look nice and get ear rings
>meanwhile I can't even be bothered to take a shower in the morning or get out of bed

Wait I just realized she doesn't have any eyes, so it's probably someone else who does her hair.

What the fuck is wrong with India? You never see insane shit like this anywhere else but there.

saw a poll once and it was 50% white. zoomers are multiethnic af. most people here are also underage

Thanks for the info user.
I guess it is time to leave for me.

Probably has at least 2 dozen beta orbiters as well but still craves chad's cock

Do you really believe polls? There will be a ton of people lying just to fuck with it

There are over 1B of them. Guaranteed you're going to see fucked up shit coming out of that shithole.

>5 % black and white
>18 % brown
>73% non human

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Well the European users are 100% white for the most part but the American users well, see for yourself

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looks like this guy lol

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I bet this woman has a husband and kids

Why dis nigga melting lmao

Why the fuck does India have so many insane genetic disorders? Didn't they basically practice eugenics for a long time?

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Long-term inbreeding, that's what their "eugenics" boiled down to.

>In fact, Khatoon does not even know if she has eyes or a nose. Her mouth is just a small slit on the left side of her face

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I think most are white and asian. If there are any darkies on this board, I would have to question why, they are clearly not welcome.

There's a billion of them, they're often too poor to get things fixed, and it has one of the highest rates of cousin marriage outside of the Middle East

There's going to be many fucked up people

India is a gigantic garbage dump with literal shit everywhere, disease festers in every corner. Pollution is rampant and who knows what kind of pathogens are in the air and water, dangerous unknown chemicals in the water plus all the food has been contaminated at every stage from the crop to the factory to the restaurant, from the animal to the butchers to the restaurant and street stand. The people are unclean as fuck and bathe in the most disgusting river full of decaying corpses, they even brush their teeth in the Ganges. They wipe their ass with their hand, and they shit in the streets and in the fields.

I could go on and on. You know how when a pregnant mother drinks alcohol it can give their baby fetal alcohol syndrome? Well the same thing is happening here except it's not alcohol it's every fucking nasty thing that exists, the baby doesn't stand a chance.

>Poo family is a bunch of retards with low IQs and deformities
>Dad is a fluke and actually average - marries a white woman, thus reverse-inbreeding
>I come out a genius at one of the world's best medical schools and my brother is a musical prodigy
India inbreeds itself to retardation. No matter how superhuman the genes they hold may be, they completely negate them with all the accrued deformities.