What's the point of improving yourself if you'll never be a girl?

What's the point of improving yourself if you'll never be a girl?

Attached: Mom Now.png (600x600, 144K)

It hurts me to see people go down this path, to turn away from themselves for something that isn't them. Why can't people look in the mirror and be proud of who they are, not for what they've done?

so maybe you'd find another reason to live and move past your sad delusions of being a girl

I don't get it.
Is being female supposed to be the end goal of self improvement or what? Literally why?
Being cute cumdump has nothing to do with self improvement.

Why? I'll most likely die way before any of you and it'll suck all the way there. If I was a girl, at least I could cope.

Attached: Proposition Ridicule.png (600x600, 152K)

Society has normalized not loving the skin your in and if you have a problem with yourself you need to change it completely beyond natural changes

You'll just delude yourself and end up winding yourself into an even tighter lifestyle. When you snap, you'll snap very hard.

If you like yourself so much how did you end up here? It must hurt to know that most trans people are more successful than you and you are just a virgin loser.

I don't love myself, nor hate myself; yet this hasn't deluded me into wanting to be something I'm not. I still try, I'm still a good person like I've always wanted to be. I don't look in the mirror and go "Wow you're fucking amazing" or go "I fucking hate you". I just look in the mirror and usually say "Ready for another day, Me?"

Why don't you crossdress, maybe take some HRT and find a boyfriend who treats you like a girl? I'm not one of those trans shills though, but it seems like a decent solution to your problem.

>it'll suck all the way there
if you dont do anything about it nothing will change and you keep being miserable till you die, of course it will suck all the way, thats why you do something in hopes that it will stop sucking eventually
>If I was a girl
the closest you'd ever get is being a tranny, you do that or you try do move past this desire and do something about it, like going to the gym or other normie shit

40% of trans arent very successful they are feeding the worms.

So, I can do the things I'd like to do duh

No. 40% attempt suicide but generally they don't make it.

So basically trannies are just like a lot of other depressed people, they keep asking themselves the wrong questions.

Transgender people tend tobe more depressed because of the social stigma and discrimination against them.

Also, doesnt suicide rates increase after sex change operation?

Why is that?

Maybe just maybe theres nothing wrong with their sex and its just a mentally ill brain.

So how did they come to the conclusion that continue down that path would lead to a better outcome? See, asking the wrong questions.

this the most cope answer trannies have, its the same answer normies give when confronted with the negro problem

>muh stigma
>muh discrimination

If trans lived in the forest without society they would still kill themselves. Suicide rates of trans dont decrease in countries where they more accepted.

>Also, doesnt suicide rates increase after sex change operation?
Literally no.

Because the studies show it works. The suicide rates significantly decrease after GRS and it's the best known way to treat gender dysphoria.

>the (((studies))) show it works
no it doesn't

It's literally 5x times as high as before