>I voted for Trump to get revenge on Chad.
lol the joke's on you.
>I voted for Trump to get revenge on Chad.
lol the joke's on you.
I am a socialist but I am also a slightly misogynist asshole who goes to the gym.
Cool that you point that out even though it doesn't prove anything and is very uninteresting. Site says more likely to. Of course there are exceptions retard.
Virgin right wing vs virgin left wing vs virgin commie vs virgin nazi vs virgin centrist vs chad radical centrist vs thad alt centrist vs gad anarcho-centrist
I voted for Trump because he was the best candidate by far
pretty sure most of the beta fucks on Jow Forums are right wing too
doesn't trump hate exercise or something
>voted for Trump to get revenge on Chad.
Naw, nobody ever said that, Most voted for Trump cuz the other option was Hillary EEEWWWW.
You will get no joy in your life talking like that to people
so im either a weak socialist fag or a trump voting chad ?
>be me
>im a soci
>im a soc
>im a so
>im a s
>im a chad
thanks Jow Forums
weak socialist detected
>screencap with le epic twitter tagline
link the study I bet my left nut it's widely misrepresented
> using vice
> using dailwire
lol the joke's on you.
nobody on Jow Forums is chad
the article says "gym bros", not "sex gods" so it most likely refers to Jow Forumscels
also these
nobody on Jow Forums is chad
sure buddy keep telling you that no one on here is chad
stop reading fake news you alt right faggots
Ironically Vice is pushing the opposite of the right.
Are you american?
>retards are right wing
>skinny dudes that study are socialist
Sounds about right.
Good thing I'm a communist, so I'm buff, get laid regularly and intelligent.
So far you've come off as a dumb fuck.
Take a deep breath, lad, you're seething
>I voted for Trump to get revenge on Chad.
Said who?
Do you post on the CBT threads?
I didn't even know r9k had CBT threads.
Okay sure
It doesn't. Post body:P
wow liberal men are fucking pathetic LOL
Yes I am American. Originally though.
Originally? What are you now?
Lefties consistently have higher IQ scores on average.
You won't trick me into getting banned with your clever ruse.
most poor ghetto niggers are left wing tho
You can post on Jow Forums and link here you know.
No shit, just look at this absolute hunk of a man
The modern left is sadly very pathetic. It's a shame because historically people like Lenin were fucking jacked. Nothing I can do though, other than lift to the thought of leftists of the past.
t. Jow Forums left-com
Blacks are a minority. Plus women and asians, who are more likely to have higher education, are 2 of the 5 left demographics.
trotsky did nothing wrong
Low IQ unskilled immigrant labor vote left tho
Too bad that's a very small demographic
>Too bad
Thank god actually
Thank Allah**
If you voted for Trump, surely that means you were a Chad all along? Low on the Chad scale for sure, but still a Chad.
I couldn't imagine even the wimpiest of Trump voters not being able to knock out the average Chapocel.