How much sex are normal couples even having?

Say a couple has been together about 8 years, they have a couple of young children, they are engaged to be married, etc. How much sex would the woman be giving the guy? Does the woman's sex drive dry up in a long term relationship? Does the guy have to beg her for more sex than once a month?

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marriage that goes beyond 10 years is unnatural, in the good old days you'd fuck some hoe and once it could walk around and talk and shit the tribe would help raise it to such an extent that the bond between the parents wasn't as necessary anymore

Heard cases were sex was non-existent for months even before engagement. Most women also are garbage, flood their body with xenoestrogens and what not (pill) and the men act like doormats which doesn't help either. Most people aren't having anywhere as much sex people think which is ironic considering they took the pill to be able to do it more. Might as well use the pull-out method or whatever at that rate.

It's almost as if every couple is different and have different sexual frequencies.

>How much sex would the woman be giving the guy?
And if they are reasonably young, she would be getting dick somewhere else and making the guy feel bad for suspecting it.

It's funny because men commit for sex and get none.

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I have sex with my gf once a week but we've only been together for like a month.

I've been with my wife 7 years and we still have sex for 20-30 minutes, 3 days a week.

Most of our married friends with 5-10 years still have sex at least twice a week. Usually the girl wants it more than the guy because masturbation is pretty comfy, according to the guys I talk to.

Sex is just a part of life like coffee man. I think if there is a meme about sexless marriages it belongs to fat people or very poor people.

You should have sex everyday at this stage. The future looks bright for you.

Me personally I can fuck 6-7 times a day so idk
but i only bust 3-4 times

We only get to see each other twice a week because of our schedules. I'm sure we would be having it every day or so if we were living together.

Studies show that married couples average 105 times a year. About once in 3 days.

Call me back in 1year, cuck.

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literal cuckold

Why do you sound so angry, friend?

Say the American, an entire civilisation fascinated and mesmerized by black males genitals

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Because the truth has to be told, and I have taken this burden upon my shoulders.

99.99% of women are vapid whores wearing a mask.

says the guy from a poor black nation

You're pretty much describing me OP.

>married 7yrs
>two kids, boys, 6mo and 4yrs

We used to fuck every night, now it's like every other week with a blowjob/handjob once a week. We just don't have the time or energy to bang like teenagers any more. I never have to beg, but I'd say I engage the sex about 90% of the time.

Keep telling you that, third worlder.

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It's over man, sorry for your loss

Sex is a myth, nobody is actually having it, they all just pretend to because everyone else thinks it's normal. It's like black guys all claiming to have 2 foot long dicks, each one knows it's bullshit but they all brag about it to each other because they don't want to be the odd one out. Sex is a gigantic conspiracy and it is used to control us.

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> women get tired of sex after one year
I've been married for six years and I wish I could just go a day without her grinding on my leg while playing vidya.

Nice fantasy loser, a dog is not a woman

>Married for six years
>Play video games while his women lacks sex.

Show me your s o i face

>pssh yeah guys you know that thing you want desperately? I get it ALL the time and I reject it. Look at how superior I am!

I'm going to use cheese wire instead of rope when it's time to string you up on a lamp post

This x10. Normies aren't getting shit. Everyone is blinded by social media and sex quotes and memes, they really think couples are fucking all day and night and trying out different fantasies and fetishes and watching porn together etc. It's all nonsense and a giant control mechanism to keep people anxious about being left behind

based truth user rekting the normies

It's one thing to have sex and it's another to make it every interaction. I'm used to just being alone for most of my life and I got used to it. I just like having alone time

>How much sex would the woman be giving the guy?
Only cucks rely on a woman "giving" them sex. In a true relationship both parties want to fuck each other as much as their schedules/libidos allow.

how could you not get bored having sex with the same woman for years?