Guy here.
Why didn't anyone tell me dating would be impossible when I'm in my thirties? I'm literally invisible to women.
Guy here.
Why didn't anyone tell me dating would be impossible when I'm in my thirties? I'm literally invisible to women.
I'm in my 20s and rejections is all I known from women. Some men weren't meant for reproduction.
I think most of our problem is that if we're not in school anymore, we don't interact with women, and if we somehow do, they're too young or already married
He has a point, school is the only time us incels get looked at, looked down upon or be doted upon.
Because it's not and you're lying. Dating in your thirties is way easier than in your twenties. You sound like a larping teenager.
I'm 35. Your options are old or fat at this age.
You're either lying or retarded. At 35 you have way more option than at 25. You can basically date/fuck girls aged 20-40.
Yeah, I am getting up there myself. It is nice getting attention, too bad I never learned how to flirt or move anything forward. Is there some how to for this? For the best really, everyone has kids now. I just stick to escorts, they get me.
More like 32 and up.
You can meet up younger girls. The problem is you feel like you're not moving forward because they tend to be a little scattered whereas older people are ideally more focused.
I don't want to sound Jow Forums but would be nice to meet a younger woman who wanted to have a family. Maybe church? Not religious though.
At 35 it's fucking easy to pick up girls in their 20s. I'm guessing you're a teenager?
Escorts are good practice for your skills really. Also try getting hookers from bars where they hang out. Then you will eventually learn there's no difference between talking to a hooker in a bar and talking to an ordinary girl in a bar.
I think 23-25 is probably the sweet spot. Undergrads are too focused on their college clique and what their friends are judging them for.
Young women see men younger than 25 as literal boys. At 35 you're in your prime (especially if you have some money). Young women see you as super mature at this point.
If you think dating at 35 is hard you were probably having zero success at 25.
t. 32 years old
I thought if you took the redpill epic style that 22 year old blonde virgins from good families would be courting you because you are 35 and have a 401k and sensible car and a mortgage? Wtf???
I'm 26 and have been invisible my whole life. I can only imagine what tier comes after invisible when I'm over 30.
Same. Can talk to friends about vidya, movies, different topics, but clueless about what to talk to grills about.
Not trying to be rude but I think they fucked guys like me in their 20s because i got laid more then
Same brother, I have some chick who friendzoned me and I can talk with her, really would like someone that.
I need to not Jow Forums when drinking.
I unironically have done way better past 30 than when I was younger. There's a lot of things you can improve -- your looks and physique, your accomplishments and backstory, your banter and charisma, and so on. Basically you're deliberately unfucking the terrible job your parents did raising you as well as whatever you picked up from your peers. You do get new problems though. If you really become a high tier guy, relative to your age, you aren't chasing teenage pussy in clubs basically ever. And any age appropriate single women that aged out of their scene are usually too lazy and past their prime to be a good match. So you are stuck in serial monogamy with whoever is fun and cute and available, but there's nobody to get serious with. That *is* the RP success meme but it's still kind of shit if you ask me.
They fuck whoever has coke
>If you really become a high tier guy, relative to your age, you aren't chasing teenage pussy in clubs basically ever.
Because that teenage pussy is chasing you.
I didn't have coke. I'm not even that attractive I'm just tall and drunk. Haha. Oh well I guess I get to have sex with everyone's wife before they finish working out and building a career or whatever. Life is wild and very blackpill
It's the party scene man. My buddy fucked 50 women last summer, he's 38 and was living in the basement of a hostel. Tall and drunk is more than enough
Yeah that's some dumb shit people write on the internet. Younger women crush on older guys because they're exceptional. Most exceptional guys have projects and passions that keep them busy so you'll still be restricted by your free time and social circle.
What is that supposed to mean? It is a fact that a guy in his 30s will have an easy time getting teenage pussy. Much easier than a teenager guy.
More likely he won't even meet them. Even if he did, dating a teen as 30+ adult is most likely going to fuck up your reputation. Not worth the drama IMO
You might have heard of this thing called online dating. 18-23 year old girls are easy pickings for a guy in his 30s.
Online dating is probably the worst way to date across an age gap. But hey if you think it's gonna work, good luck to you
I have tried and it does work. Stop being such a whiner. It almost sounds like you actively don't want to try to get a girl.
Does this imply that you can still get laid even if you're in your 30s and most definitely are not a "high-tier guy" in the sense? I was under the impression that things got better through your 30s for high-tier guys and worse for not-high-tier guys.
It's much easier to be a high-tier guy in your 30s. Unless you are a total loser you have several advantages over guys in their 20s and it works largely in your favor.
You must be lying OP, when you were teenager have you ever flirted girls with same age?
>sorry user I only like older guys
in that case, define "total loser"
If you're moderately good looking you can get laid very easily in your 30s because you know a lot of tricks, you don't give a shit, and your standards have declined. Pretty much everyone above a 3 in the age range of 18 to 45 becomes acceptable to you and there is no social group to impress
Do you have a steady job and career? Are you independent? Then in your 30s you're all set. But if you're a NEET living with your parents then you do have a problem.
Any older guys use viagra or the equivalents?
I do but it's not because of my age but rather because I've never had a high sex drive.
same here. just turned 32 and still a virgin. everyone i meet is married or in a relationship.
At the end of the day, looks are the only thing that matters.
He is not low-tier, he's talented enough in his niche of night creatures and degenerate sluts. But he's certainly not LTR material for any woman with a brain in her head.
I'm not low-tier either, I'm just more mature and responsible so I can't run in the same circles and don't focus on the same women. Either way, sexual reproduction is competitive by design so you still have to bring something to the table.
I have one, but I masturbate too much.Then if I go out I drink too much. Combination fucks me up.
Sounds like I can relate. But if I know I'm going to have sex in a few days then I will nofap. I'll still pop a viagra though so I can fuck 2-3 times in that evening and once more in the morning.
It should be perfectly ok to fuck girls 12 and up. No reason the age of consent should be 18. Men shouldn't be shamed for going after the young pussy. It should be come just as punishable as criticizing gays or transsexuals or blacks. If the young girl wants to reject a guy, then ok, it would be no different than getting rejected by a 30 year old girl. Men are not intimidated by older women, they're simply less attractive to most men.
How does it work for orgasming though? I just fuck for like 20 minutes and then need to finish with my hand which is a downer for the lady usually. If I no fap for a few days I struggle to not finish. Delicate balance.
Every man and woman is different when it comes to sex. I can't give you any input on this. Other than, practice, git gud at sex.
Did you miss the memo where you're supposed to become the 1% of people who actually look better after 30 (with HGH, steroids, hair transplants, abdominoplasty/gyno surgery/lipo, teeth veneers, etc) and acquire a lot of wealth in the meantime? The bar gets raised exponentially with every year after 30.
Im 24 and a virgin.
I think it will get easier when I get older. Im moving to Japan soon, and Japanese women are more approachable
>>I'm literally invisible to women.
Try being overweight, balding, dentures, hearing aids, missing left hand and left leg, ostomy bag, urine bag, in a wheelchair and autism.
24, completely invisible, life gave me the shit end of the stick.
Would kill myself, roll out into traffic, but then my parents would be off the hook. I intend for them to suffer until they die. They new about what I would be like from ultrasound and other tests. Decided not to abort me, their miracle child.
Mom was 50 dad was 57, years of drugs and shit to get pregnant.
Fucking assholes.
Can't even be queer, no asshole, 1 non working testicle, micro penis with no erectile tissue.
Will make them pay as long as science can keep me alive.
Fuck every g_d dammed Christian, fuck them all to hell.
It doesn't man. You have to change something with yourself, probably just putting yourself put there more.
I'm 31 and mt gf is 22
>He fell for the Japan meme
if youve lifted since 15years old kept thin havent balded not got much sun damage and own a house and degrees or make 70k a year plus then its easier than ever to date 24-30ish women in your 30s. if youre fat no money and no degrees then yes you will be invisible
OP, you don't have anyone because you've never actually asked someone out and you expect them to come to you. quit larping faggot.
That's because you're aiming for other 30 year old. Aim for an 18 year old qt3.14
Alright my man, I'm maybe a bit older for you so hopefully I can cheer you up a bit. Alright where to start... You're not invisible, they just don't like you personally. Would you like sitting next to a smelly dirty homeless bum on transportation? You might have better hygeine but to other people you're basically a huge piece of shit to them and they don't want to be near you. It may not be as explicit as if you were a dirty homeless bum, maybe a bit more implicit. You'd think by your age maybe perhaps you'd have put 2+2 together. If you were 29 and everyone thought,acted,treated you as if you were a piece of shit, do you really think turning 30 your fairy godmother was going to show up wave her fag wand and spread a bunch of pixie dust around *POOF* everyone suddenly likes you?
You know you can change yourself, by the time you got to 30 you probably have quite a bit since say you hit puberty or whenever you started getting interested in having a gf. You can change yourself, you can't change other people. So if they thought you were a piece of shit, they'll still probably think that.
So in short I'm not certain if you're actually a piece of shit, maybe they are you know like if you're comparing being 30 to what, 18?21? most 18-21 year olds were considered stupid as fuck otherwise they'd get considered adults a lot sooner. So maybe they were fucktards, maybe they still are. Perhaps if none of that made sense before you've now had an epiphany, so I hope that helps you feel better buddy.
Also technically dating kind of gets worse in terms of if you want to get married the older you get. You really think some girls folks want a son? They probably think you're a fuckup and maybe are happy just to pawn her off as someone elses financial responsibility.
What's the point though? Zero in common, no chance for it to last.
This, and she's already chasing Chad the high school quarterback.
Depends if you have your shit together.
No one wants a 35 year old who works at McDonald's. You need to have your own house and a good job by that age. Not sure if OP has any of that shit.
Not OP, but I'm 33, have my own house, and make six figures. I'm a wizard who's never kissed or even been on a date. How do I unlock these magical 30something dating powers?
First, forget online dating. It's 100% looks based.
Second, go out into the real world and just start talking to women. Go to some Meetup group or gym class where you think there might be women.
Third, when talking to them, reference that you have your shit together.
>Yeah, I had to take my BMW to the shop today, no fun!
>Work as a CIO is a lot of hard work, that's for sure.
>Oh you know a good roofer? Who are they, my house needs a new roof.
Shit like that, women who are looking for guys in their 30s are keen at noticing context clues like that.
Finally, ask the women out! Worst they can say is no, don't be such a beta pussy about potential rejection. It's not going to happen magically like that Elliot Rodger fag thought.
If that's what they care about, why not just straight up buy a whore and skip the whole losing everything you own when she gets bored part?
Lol I'm 33 balding manlet and in the last two weeks I fucked an 18yr old, a 22yr old and a 23 yr old. What is your actual strategy to meeting girls?
What's yours? Sounds like its working.
Bumping, here's a (you)
do you have a house, a car, and a good job?
I've noticed that there are two kinds of guys in their 30s. On one hand you have those who've retained their youthful looks and still have lots of hair, who are pretty fit from going to the gym since their 20s, who by now have a good career and got their shit together. They get a lot of attention.
And then you have those who are aging badly, who are balding and fat. For those guys, it's over.
so basically they aren't attracted to guys in their 30's, they just want their money
Ok this is epic pasta
The only difference between the two is money, the first ones can afford
hey, at least you have an excuse being in your thirties, imagine if you were in your twenties, it would be worse
At least you're still in your 30s. At 40s like me it's just over.
>no asshole
What the actual fuck
Grindr and your set