MBTI thread/ Worst mistakes

The biggest mistake I have made as an INTJ is choosing to study Hospitality hospitality management. Now I am stuck in a yearlong placement and my soul is being crushed every time I step into the hotel. I should have chose to study accounting or finance. FML

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Other urls found in this thread:


>be INTP
>try to make your dream come true and apply for music studies
>don't get accepted
>now I have to go study some codeshit into uni since I got accepted

GGs I'll prolly quit it the first year. I just wanna make music for living

I would happily take your studies.

this system is bullshit
i've gotten enfj, enfp, infp, infj, and intp from this test
i just took it again and i got infp-t
my biggest mistake as an infp-t was discovering that i am currently an infp-t because this system is horseshit

try other tests on the web. I have tested myself 5 times on different tests with four results of intj and one intp.

you're probably infp
accept it and it'll be alright

eat my dick ya little nerd i'm too excellent for that shit
it's probably actually that i have bipolar disorder and a shitload of cognitive dissonance but that's fine i win anyway every time
either that or this test is fucking bullshit

If you're taking 16personalities then stop fucking complaining. You took it upon yourself when you decided to take that shitty test. Take one that actually uses cognitive functions. They may not be as pretty but at least your results won't change every 30 seconds.
Take this one

>extraverted feeling: unused

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>tfw ENTP again

I've been an xNTP since I was in my mid-teens.

told me i'm enfj this time, which is less annoying because it's what i used to get whenever i took these fucking tests

>I had an amazing dream last night
>I dreamed that I was an INTJ and had an INTJ brain
>I could literally feel the superior mental clarity, felt like I could perceive things accurately as they truly were. My mind was no longer foggy and slow
>experience absolute assuredness and efficiency of thought. No longer have doubts and second guesses about things.
>wake up and it is all gone. Back to being inferior INFJ brain

Dreams, why do you torture me like this

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Second time doing this test second time I am an INFP
probably it's true, I am vegan, introverted, want to avoid conflict by establishing some middle ground, currently trying to learn yoga, avoid people because I get wrapped up in their issues, and so on and so on.
This image is wrong, INFPs should be at the top :^)

>dragged into doing irl shit with people

i'm always the 5th wheel and it's always awkward

Both my INTJ friend and I are guitarists who also had to code instead of becoming awesome widdly-wah rockstars. On the upside, it's a piece of cake and technology is fun to learn. On the downside, you don't get to play badass solos on a computer.

dude you're a mess lmao, why so unsure of yourself?

Good morning, /mbti/! Have this bump, my friends! \(^_^)/

Mister Bump was here

INTP means logically understanding the world around you, excluding understanding people.


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I do understand people pretty well, it's just the communication that's a bit flawed

I finally understood it when I learned the Logic vs Feeling spectrum. It's not about whether you think or feel its about how you make decisions and understand things. A feeling person will make decisions based on what they feel has more "worth" to them and will understand things conceptually. This doesnt mean that they dont think about things, an infp spends a lot of time thinking about concepts and meaning.

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>be intp
>Be weird and isolated
>Want to turn myself in a billionaire and maybe conquer the world
What was the question, really?

What type is she? A god-awfully fucked INFJ?

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Don't trust tests, they are honeytrap, that most of people fall for, and read about Jung's cognitive functions instead, since they are most accurate and helpful, they will help you figure out about yourself accurately. There is lots of reading, but you will eventually figure out how it works.

Mentally damaged SFP. Literally most of her actions are Se and Fi based.

Why hello, my brother. We shall begin the uprising soon

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What? Of course you can play guitar on computer. Computer can do anything.

You know, I can't refute this.

>be me
>huge INFaggotJ
>tfw no qt smart ENTP

INFJs spend their whole life cooking up an idealized version of the perfect partner in their head. I think these people haven't found an ENTP. They're so perfect in every fucking way and too cute to be mad at for having flaws. They are literally perfect for us. I want one so badly.

No way fag, give me an ENTJ or give me death

OK gents. post your type and your current projects/interests.

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What is with the amount of INFJs here? Arent we supposed to be the rarest?

no you fucking don't, and no we fucking aren't

also homosexuality is pointless

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hi its me the one isfj from like 20 threads ago i guess
im back after that user said i was selfish for comming on this board because im npc teir
but life sucks so i came back
>are there any other isfj's here yet? or am i still the only one?

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>tfw INTJ
>tfw surrounded by stupid, irrational people
>tfw people constantly bitch about personal problems but get mad when you point out obvious solutions to them
>tfw nobody appreciates your insight
>tfw they accuse you of being aloof when you stop pretending to care
You just can't win with these people. Wish they'd leave me alone.

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I feel like INTP, ENTP, ENTJ, INTJ, sometimes ENFP are the only types that actually take others' advice to heart. Every other type is way too ego-centric and wrapped up in their own cognitive loops to change themselves according to outside judgment. There's a whole process they have to go through before the information becomes palatable and digestible to them.

Depends on what you consider "outside judgement", because there are types that bow down to social pressure like their life depended on it

I suspect it's some social thing where I'm not expected to actually help when they bitch and moan about whatever, I'm just supposed to validate their frustration. The way my brain works though, when you give it something labeled "problem" it will try to find a solution. Then I have to sit there like the kid in class who knows the answer to the teacher's question but has to watch her pick the retarded stuttering idiot who didn't do the assignment take 5 minutes to read 3 sentences of nothing.

In a place that used to be for unique individuals before it turned into an incel circlejerk. I just wish not so many of them were such tremendous fruity submissive faggots but type =/= sexuality.

Many people see ENTP as bullies but they're not really they just like to find the amusement in the situation and I think INFJ have a naturally appreciation for it.

Though personally I have a soft spot for ENFJ.

Yes but kowtowing to social pressure is not the same as taking constructive advice. That's a symptom of having given up and being completely unable to change for the better. In this case one needs to learn how to block out all negative stimuli and be mindful of their own sense of peace and balance.

I think that's the case as well. It is also true that people already "know" what they have to do, so they will become frustrated when you point it out, because you haven't gone through the aforementioned glorified performance piece of hearing them out and validating their frustration. Of course it also depends on us to learn to be tolerant with emotions so we can help people better. But god damn, is it hard.

already ded threds

let them die

No you dont mbti, you wont die in my watch

But Mr. Bump, what if mbti wishes to die?

It is not their choice if they live or die

>abloo abloo I got different results everytime because I'm whiny pussy which answers differently every time
>stupid test
just kill yourself
there's no hope for people like you

>did the test again after several years cause don't remember last results
>got entp
>look up my idol's personality trait (allegedly)
>also entp

>pic related

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>entp here
is it possible to adapt two personality traits at once?

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What do you mean exactly my ENTP brother?

but logic isn't a humans natural mode of being!

fuck you i'm back you fat faggot and i'll kill myself on your grave so that my blood stains your casket, forever tainting your fucking rest, you mentally disabled putrid sweaty bloated cunt
we enfj in here now you're all fucked i'm the only one in here that matters fuck every last one of you and if any of you need to talk or feel like you wanna vent or something hit me up i'll listen to your problems but you're all faggots

like combine strengths of an enfj and entp?

like combine strengths of an enfj and entp?
idk, feels retarded now thinking about it.

Well kind of. As an ENTP you also have the main two functions of an ISFJ/ESFJ. Since your last two are Fe-Si, you have the power of those two, mostly ESFJ in order of power of functions. However they won't be nearly as strong as your main two functions, Ne-Ti.

I'm an ISTP HR major. I hate HR, talking to people, being on the phone and basically every aspect of it. So I have a bachelor of science but it's in an industry I fucking hate and despite my experience nobody will hire me, and I can't break into any other industry either, and I have no fucking friends but no desire to try to make any so I just get drunk and play minecraft all the time

No, but you can use your shadow functions like Ni or Se by working.

Infp here. What are ways to improve your Te? This test confirmed my assumption that I am in fact an absolute brainlet who cannot keep his shit together.

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I love you all a lot~
Hydrate yourself in such warm weathers
I feel like I'm melting~ x_x

I'm building Heroes 3 maps and making music
Almost everything is important to me, especially what makes people happy~

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INFJ-A here. Please no bully.

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>mfw being born an INFP

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Oh no, did you really take that seriously? I was only pulling your chain. I am sorry if I ran you off :(

Learn the functions...

I had a dream where I was an extrovert. Instead of zooming in and trying to deconstruct and separate everything to 'prevent it from having power over me', I instinctually wanted to become a part of everything, to let it become me. I think that's as close as I'll ever get to feeling what the extroverts do.

Read books, understand and memorize concepts, take notes. Criticize concept, find holes in your criticism, see where it fails and where it succeeds. Argue for the concept within your defined limitation then argue against it. Find review journals about your concept to see what academics think. Filter again, meet with friends who care about the concept, visit public talks on concept or go on boards/discord and argue on concept to someone who knows more about it than you. See how your own arguement holds up. Neck yourself if you spill spaghetti.

t. brainlet entp/intp

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>always say things that make sense to me
>nobody picks up on it

>go silent a lot, not even realizing it myself
>"hey user, are you okay? awfully quiet.."

>constantly looking sad
>"hey user, cheer up, what's wrong?"

>spent a lot of time researching political theory
>still in ideological crisis

>get attached easily


>my "popularity" with frens come in waves, one day we're distant, and some random time later they're all over me

>1000 cal/day

>bideo games

>tfw just wanna play video games and draw all day
>tfw silly INTJ brain would commit suicide if I wasn't doing something somehow productive

You are so lucky you have an INTJ brain. Do not waste it or take it for granted. Do something.

>always say things that make sense to me
What do you mean? Like every now and then you'll say something that makes sense to you? Or just in discussions you say your opinion that makes sense to you but nobody else understands it? What would somebody picking up on it look like?

there's pleanty

you can improve your Si and Fe sustainably.

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Heh, user, what about you? What is it you want to do?

I don't look like a happy INTP at all.
>You look half asleep
>You look dead haha
I wouldn't talk about problems even if they did ask, though.

Why the fuck am I able to recognize literally every flaw I have but still have the miraculous ability to never fix them.
Also I had my first girlfriend dream last night and it fucking sucked lads

people have literally walked up to me and said DON'T LOOK SO SAD!

mind you i have no fucking idea who they even were. apparently that's just a thing strangers do.

>tfw intj but only 134 iq
is this the worst possible outcome in life

No since IQ doesn't mean shit. You could have been INFP.

>want to do something productive
>get down to it and start learning
>start building confidence
>all of a sudden, realization what I'm doing is never good enough
>completely give up
>try again six months later and have to start all over again

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tbqh dude that's high enough to do most anything you want, the most important factor is your discipline.

I don't understand the appeal of the ENTP desu user, maybe because I'm the sort of INFJ who favors Ti even.

All I can say is Ne and Ni doesn't blend that well. Lots of talking and lots of procrastinating. It's a pointless relationship. But sure, good conversation, lots of fun to be had. I'd still prefer an ENTJ that can keep me woke to the real world. Ni is a bitch of a function, it can be really difficult to stay grounded in reality. Nothing like Te to give you a big hug of wake up.

INFJs are cute. ENTJs love cute things. INFJs are big goal oriented. ENTJs are big goal achievers. It works, it helps.

why are you doing this
it's already hard enough for us to find happiness, and you come in and try to convince the others we're not worth it
did an ENTP eat your dog or something?

IQ really does not mean shit. There is an infp with a proclaimed 162 iq on here and even 115 intps blow him the fuck out. Iq is meaningless. What you do with what you have is all that matters.

T. 149 INFJ

>iq doesnt mean shit
>lists iq
every time
this is how i spot insecure brainlets

That never happens to me, but it'd be absolutely enfuriating, so I'm happy about that.
Being almost invisible has its benefits.

>my biggest mistake was thinking I'll ever be happy.

I can tell his IQ is actually much lower than 110 as I am a 173 IQ INTP and have analysed his speech patterns.
It feels great to be a genius.

feelsbad user, don't worry you'll get to where you wanna eventually

>post shit quality bait
>some retard actually takes a bite
This is how I spot brainlets who think they are smarter than they are

I can't afford to be a dreamer next to an ENTP. They require a lot of guidance and emotional work. They're bigger procrastinators than I am, and for me it's because I'm a crippling perfectionist. They're hard work. I'm not happy when I have to be overwhelmed with other's needs.

An INFJ can date anyone is my guess, it's about what we're looking for goal wise. It's about what our dream is. My dream is to achieve real life things, material success.

If I wanted to be poor I'd be poor by myself. I've exhausted myself my whole life giving advice and guiding others and giving others a life purpose. An ENTJ seldom needs to be told what this right path is. They've got their own path that they follow without fretting too much.

I want to be with someone independent.
What can the ENTP even do for me? Just make me laugh and feel entertained for the most part. I don't find myself longing for one.

>gets called out on his dumbass bullshit
>"i-it's just bait"
every time

as a person of iq of infinity, i can conclude that people who tell others their iqs online have in fact have done nothing to show for their numbers and worse off can barely think enough for themselves to realize the pointlessness of basing their actions and motivations of an imaginary number.

y'all need a little fi, a little Te, is what i'm saying.

lol keep coping

>realizes he can't even defend himself
every time

What has Fi and Te to do with this though?

I won't deny your infinite IQ, but can you show examples of what you have done for that number?
t. 192 IQ INTP that would like to improve

What is there to defend. Also not really bothered by some copecel who gets offended and feels inferior by people posting their superior iq numbers

>gets btfo
>switches tactics again and writes in complete sentences
lol where's your calm bravado now
anyway brainlet i'm going to sleep, night

Fi as in believing in yourself for your own sake, not basing your self worth on some externally set social standards, as in IQ.
Te because get shit done.

I have written a 300-page proof for the intellectual quotient and how to cheat on every test, even future-created ones. It was after middle-school where I found out I actually had an IQ of 69, so I decided to, based on how depressing that is alone, to totally beat the system.

Also, an INTP who wishes to improve?! Let's have some beers friend.

>intellectual quotient
oops my 69 iq is showing

>gets embarrassed because he fell for obvious bait
>attempts to turn the tables around and literally rationalize his way out of it
>still gets blown out
>I totally won here....I am going to sleep now. Yeah.....I saved face. Yeah.....

ive got infp once. is it hopeless for me?

yup, wanna kys self yourself kill with me?

nice trips but ive never felt suicidal so i dont know if the chart thing is accurate