Girl smiles at me

>girl smiles at me
>get a thousand times the dopamine rush I get making threads on Jow Forums
Im assuming you guys have had similar experiences. Why are we still here and not outside?

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I only get looks of disgust

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>he still feels dopamine

Get out of here normalfag

Because outside is complicated, here we just manipulate words and stay in the comfort of our own home.

Happened to me last week
>Went to get ice cream
>See a qt working behind the counter
>She looks at me and smiles
>She had such a nice smile
>I smile back
>Felt really empty when I left
>Thought about it for the rest of the day

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risk reward

girl smile might give you 1000 dopamines, and r9k post maybe only 20 dopamines, but there is no negative dopamines in making r9k posts, going outside there is lots of negative dopamines

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its true. i work with a solid 7.5/10 qt petite blonde girl and any time that she greets me with a hug or laughs at my jokes i hang onto the dopamine for days afterward.

Because girls don't smile at me. that's why im here in the first place

Whenever girl smile at me I always get sad because I assume it's either that they notice a feature that they find funny and are trying hard not to laugh or simply out of pity similarly to how you're always nice to retards

>girl smiles at me
Say what now? I don't understand.

>random girl is polite to me
>spend the next 3 months fantasizing about marrying her and making a family
human brain is funny sometimes

>literally any girl interacts with me ever
>fall obsessively in-love and can't stop thinking about her

>simply out of pity similarly to how you're always nice to retards
This. People are usually pretty nice to me but I can only assume it's because I give off serious autistic vibes.

A girl looked right at me and said "I like your mustache" and I said "thanks! Thank you" kinda blushing and turning back to my workout. Feelsgoodman

nowadays i can't even imagine living any other way then this. i don't have enough background knowledge to fantasize. what do they do? what do girls feel like? smell like? are they warm?? what do their voices sound like when they're talking to you directly?

Really? Why? Smiling doesn't mean anything.

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Why would I give a fuck when I can get a bigger dpm hit when getting high? Fuck whores.

>cute girl makes eye contact with me at grocery store
>violently shit my pants

that's why im here and not outside

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What the fuck?

I'm not the best with social interactions but damn. This made mi night


>girl smiles at me in the bus
>get a deep feeling of anger
>give her a cold deathstare
>she gets anxious and leaves in the next stop
>start feeling dread and guilt inside

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i killed a thread again.

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It was a good post, it naturally died

a girl told me i had pretty hair once and i had no idea how to respond

Man you guys get smiles imagine not even being noticed

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>Girl I work with that gets orbited by a gorrillion dudes kisses me on Friday night.
>Start to feel excited. About to move so I'm not looking for a gf. Thought we might hook up or something though.
>Saturday morning she's super short with me and is distant. Pretty clearly playing games.

Same story, different girl, every time.
Women are a meme.
The dopamine is a meme too.