Why is it so hard to get a westernized asian women as a white man?

Why is it so hard to get a westernized asian women as a white man?

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Because we love asian men >

But why? They're shorter and they all have smaller dicks than us.

>stormy is so desperate for attention he pretends to be a fembot
stop making us look bad faggot

My boyfriend cares about asian women and he cares about all women and wants people to treat them better

you guys only want to fuck asian women then treat them like trash when you're done

"westernized" Asian women have already been corrupted by western culture. and are not even real asians. most women who claim to be asian are not even japanese or chinese their fucking Philippians or Korean wich dont count.

Black men are honestly better then you white trash brainlets

Why are you larping as me? I only like asian men

Please find me a nice white boy to stuff my vagina full of his hairy cock xxxxx ;)

Ya! Men need to be kind to women!

Oh lads. Be kind to women.

I love you so much
user I don't have anything against white men but Stormy isn't white, and I only love Stormy

testing testing what the FUCK just happened

Men need to -listen- to women. Also obey women!

Why are you namefagging on an anonymous oriented site?

Die in a fucking hole roastie attention whore

White men want asian women to be attracted to them but they get jealous, petty and entitled if we even dare to like asian men.

I've lost my respect for white men.

Okay, I will stop attention whoring. Happy? Let's not argue anymore. I will leave you guys alone.

Jupiter's cock! Lad are you okay? You talk like an INCEL!

Thank you I'm not actually angry just doing it for yous uwu

Have a nice day and don't namefag again please

You have a nice day too, user

Sorry again

Why would you want one? They're trash!

Please do not bully white men.

Good one OP. Meanwhile in reality.

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I have no problems with asian women liking asian men, or even white women liking asian men. I'm just a white guy who loves asian women.

Those are foreign asian women. Western asians are the exact opposite.

nahh it's ESPECIALLY western asian women that love white men. You kidding me?

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No I only love Stormy!

Yikes! Looks like being kind is far stronger than any graph or picture.

Why do asian women, especially western asian women, love white guys so much?

We don't, I only love Stormy
If you are kind to asian women like Stormy is, asian women would like you too

you were making false claims and denying reality. That's very mean!

The reality is I really love Stormy

White men can never compare to my dreamy Stormy

unlike FOBs, they can see through betas and go for chads and tyrones like white girls

This is false, I love all pretty women regardless of race.


ALERT! This user has OBJECTIFIED women!

I said I don't care about their race retard.

Be kinder to women like Stormy is!

don't join the united states air force!

you objectified women by looks and race. please be kind.

I wish all men were kind like my sweet Stormy

>tfw white
>tfw brown eyes

Now I know why I struggle with asian girls

I said I DIDNT care about their race retard.

And it's fine to objectify women by their looks just like it's fine for women to objectify men by their utility (socially and financially).

Don't be mean to my boyfriend you jerk


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Nobody insulted you! Stormy was polite to you the entire time. You should take his advice and be kinder to women!

It's a baby not an accessory you god damn THOT

This desu. Western asian women have their pick of chads/tyrones. I've seen tall, blonde haired blueeyed giga chads with gook femlets. Your odds are far better with FOBs. Silly incels won't understand this

blackbot here, shouldn't it be easy?
back in college, there was this one korean girl that people thought was hot and everyone wanted to fuck her, but she only got with really dweeby short white dudes because she was short.

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>white dudes
Yes blackbrobot, only easy for white dudes and only white dues. Generally asians who date outside their race go for white men. No blacks, no mexicans, no mutts, hapas, arabs, semi whites like greeks or italians

maybe on the east coast, but on the west coast and NYC it's more of a free for all.

Also she was kinda stuck up

saying that you dont care doesnt mean youre not still objectifying them. please be kind.

I guess i gotta go to the libcuck west. IMO i think asians generally are stuck up. i wish i could get down with latinas but they're really bitchy

libcuck west
>nice weather year round
>beaches and interesting places to walk
>game devs everywhere
>all sorts of food and grocery stores to buy things
>all sorts of babes everywhere

the only downside is that gas is a bitch and no one wants to do anything.

It's much better than some midwestern shithole, I know because I have lived on both coasts and inbetween.
>i wish i could get down with latinas but they're really bitchy
>age like milk
>turn into fat raisins by 40

Yeah no