Life sure is fun isn't it?

At least i think so.

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I vaguely remember your trip

take 3

Bad girl. Very bad girl.

Its fun if you become a stalker.

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how its new.


good girl very good girl, yes i am.

my life is stalker irl

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I want to bash your head in

well if you're not toga user, then why the fuck would you post her you fag
fuck you

i am toga, and i am cvnka. my trip is not the same code.

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>good girl very good girl, yes i am.
Sometimes you were.

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Are you an original schizo?

thank you.

some people say i am, but i just have aspd

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You're still a bad girl though.

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ok that's cursed, not looking at that.

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post more comfy vocaroos pls and thx

Wow. Butthead.

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i have youtube and twitch for that.

no you bitch.,.

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but the vocaroos are better :(

What exactly are the point of these tripfag threads, if you don't mind me asking? No one cares desu

Stinky cvnka.

Rude. Time to ignore and stop bumping your attentionwhoring.

To attentionwhore.

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I guess you succeeded considering I bothered to reply twice. That's ten minutes of both of our lives we'll never get back. Congratulations.

I'm not OP though. I only replied because OP was an old fren. You're right that they are a waste of time. Shameful feeling right now.

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I hate that I'll never have a gf like cvnka

I genuinely miss cvnka but I'm too scared of talking 1on1 sadly

ill do more sometime.

just for fun.


I'm not rude.

yes yes you will.

then join my server

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>Been a year at new, cushy guberment jerb
>Making mad dosh for arguable little work
>Midnight shift sucks
>On call sucks (But makes mad dosh x2)
>Just bought a new car (pick it up wednesday)
>Finished birthday trip to glorious nippon in march
Yeah life is not too bad tripfag
Distracts me from the soul crushing loneliness of not having someone and being ugly as fuck :')
>Captcha "Im not a robot"
yes...yes i am

At least you have money at least.

I'm not interested in servers and I'm afraid of talking 1on1, I just want her to make comfy threads again some day

this thread is comfy too me.

True enough.
I fell into the neetbux trap years ago and when I realized that it barely covered bargin bin vidja, so I'd have to make some drastic changes if I wanted to indulge in my hobbies fully. Did a CS major in college as a mature student, got some co-ops and internships, applied for position I'm in...And here we are.

>I'm not rude.
You can be.

just play video games now and ruin it all.

im always nice

can ywuw fuck my in the ass with a strapon until little cummies shoot out of my dick?

I am the togaposter now

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I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to insult you or your thread. I just miss toga tuesdays and some of her other threads.
we love her

i dont own a strapon

you can toga post if you want but people will always assume you're me.

We love her.
Togatuesday got me banned a lot..

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Not to me. Probably just other people.

We both know bans aren't hard to get around, the threads were worth it I think.
your filenames are different aren't they?

Pretty sure they're the same.. as always i rarely change them.

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Need to hold out until Cyber Punk is out
Also have monster hunter Iceborne coming out soon-ish
So until then...Coast on through and shitpost on r9k while working midnights

Weird, some of them seem wrong to me. gonna go play smite now, I hope ((((You)))) make another thread soon.

how is world right now anyway?
Did they add more content yet i played on launch

Since launch? A good chunk. Not nearly as much as previous MH titles (I think capcom didn't expect it to be as popular as it is). Granted the end game is pretty fucking grindy, even for a MH game.
Still 200+ hours sunk into it and I'm happy with the time spent.

what have i come across and which one of you cucks can finally kill me? I will write a last will that my murderer is innocent and will be free to go

Are you the Toga poster I've heard about?

i might reinstall then i liked playing it.


yes it's me. Lucky for you.

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>yes it's me. Lucky for you.
>pic related isnt best girl
You either did that on purpose, or you didn't. I'm not sure which is worse

Still cant find the right cvnka replacement.

You posted an anime girl wearing a fuzzy sweater? Now you must be hugged!

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So this is the togatripfag that's been rustling r9k's jimmies. Are you this desperate for attention? Also this thread is now for asuka posting only.

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