How to put yourself out there?

I am 24 and a virgin. I consider myself good looking.

The problem is I barely meet women. Meeting women at university is harder than it may look.

I have thought about going out to meet women, but there? I dont like parties nor bars. I can only think of clubs, but what chance of meeting a qt pie is there?

What should I do?

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talk to them. anywhere. out in the street, malls, stores, whatever. if they are receptive and you have some decent convo ask for their number/set up another date. inb4 cringe pua shit, yes it is but what are you gonna do

try online dayyting
expan your social circle with more girls just for friends and they will help you out
shit like that

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Just do what I do, ignore them and work on yourself and your career. Just get hookers when you feel like it or it's a special occasion. So much cheaper in the long run.

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>Make male friends and get invited to parties
>Make female friends so you can have someone to talk to rather than just having an all guys group

Well, I'm ugly so there's no way a cold or warm up approach could ever help me.

That's why I'm suggesting that you go with hookers instead. They're not as bad as everyone here makes them out to be.

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Get a job at a grocery store. Work meat counter. Youll meet lots of women user.

Find a bar with free pool, chat up the bar fly mommies that show up alone

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>I consider myself good looking
Obviously the women don't consider you so, otherwise they would randomly start talking to you anywhere.

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I have had the chance to. I simply dont like the women who hit me up. They are usually ugly or average. I want to meet women I like, that is all.

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That is what I do but sometimes I just wish I had someone. I often go to the movies alone, etc. I want a gf to share experiences with.

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i would kill without a second though to have a woman like that pic jesus who is she i need to know now

Then you have a golden opportuinty, befriend the uggos and date their friends.

you said you consider yourself good looking? then just talk to them, all of them, you're going to fail again and again but it'll work eventually and then that will give you the confidence and experience you need. I've been there user, I have bad social anxiety but am good looking, I just said fuck it one day and tried talking to any girl I thought was cute. got several numbers, was too anxious to go out on dates at first but worked up to it through texting and stuff

I'm in the weird middle territory where I get blushing, the occasional store employee low key flirting with me (and like at a fast food joint) and an approach rarely. Thing is I'm self-isolating to hell.

how do you talk to women if you're not into basic shit?

if you're good looking like you said, as long as you don't talk about anything TOO weird you're fine. what are you into? I'm sure you can find something normal to talk about, you have the whole internet as a resource

Is that true? Is the reverse true too? Girls talk to me all the time.

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Not the op but vidya and abandoned places.

Nobody does this. People get girlfriends by meeting them through mutual friends and engaging in mutual activities from there. Women just conceal their internal discomfort and disdain in order to use you as a quick and convenient source of free meals and attention before dropping you. Desperate PUAs will blatantly allow themselves to be exploited and label the experience as "success" or "progress" after the fact.

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>What should I do?
ask how to pick up women on a board specifically for antisocial misogynists

Try online dating sites. But first make sure you are someone worthy of a good women.That means work on your career and your home. Have good interesting hobbies. Boredom is the ultimate killer for women. And no videogames don't count.

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Why is it inevitable that every autist on the planet makes this exact post at some point in their lives. Do you guys have some kind of biological alarm that goes off and makes you realize, despite being perfectly happy being otherwise divorced from the human race, that suddenly you need a mate to share your defective genes with?

I'm fucking lonely.

I've never been okay with it, but I've always thought, "Hey, it'll happen eventually"

But now I'm 26 and I feel like it's too fucking late. FUCK, I JUST WANT A CUTE GIRLFRIEND

you're not even trying is the real problem.

What does it mean to try? Everyone always says:
>Work out
>Get hobbies
>Talk to girls
But guess what? I'm in the best shape of my life, I've got fuckng hobbies, and WHAT THE FUCK DOES TALK TO GIRLS MEAN? Do you know how fucking creepy you look when you just want up to strangers to talk to them?

If you're genuinely good looking, use dating apps. It certainly worked for me, although the first few times it'll be awkward. But you've got to fake it until you've got them in bed, lie about your past experience.

99% of people get their relationships from schoolfriends or friends of friends. If you don't have a solid group of friends after college it's over

lol exactly. you actually don't know look creepy when you walk up to strangers to talk to them unless you're a retard. people enjoy meeting and talking to others.

>If you don't have a solid group of friends after college it's over
It's not my fucking fault

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Yes, the genes must be spread.

And no, they're not defective.

They're superior and that will be validated. We can be content with ourselves just fine but we need our breeder.

And it'd be nice if the breeder was someone else who wants a breeder. It's okay to use someone if you let them use you too.

>just be a turbo normie
Great advice, now go fuck yourself.

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Reverse image search says her name is Belovedhoneybee, which I'm praying isn't a Steam Powered Giraffe reference