>tfw zoomers are having sex before me
Tfw zoomers are having sex before me
only the chad zoomies with rich parents , the rest are following us.
There are 3 year old kids having sex before you, but i dont think they are very happy about it.
>There are 3 year old kids having sex before you, but i dont think they are very happy about it
Jesus Christ.
>tfw 30th birthday was 100 years ago
>tfw half-life 2 came out during the plebeian secession
>tfw zoomers will never know the joy of hunting for rabbits with a spear and rocks
>TFW there's grandpas in esports now
Zoomers are fucked.
Those fucking chads in daycare need to stay away from my board when they reach 18
>Back in 2015, zoomers born in 98-99 were universally hated on Jow Forums for being "fake 90s kids", the Bieber/Johnny test/iCarly-loving generation who didn't even remember 9/11, and were firmly slotted into the "First of the new school"
>But now in 2019, zoomers born in 98-99 are universally beloved for being "based Black Ops 2 zoombers" and are the majority of Jow Forums, and try to cram themselves into the "last of the old school"
What happened?
The 25 year old boomers became trash and were replaced by smarter and wiser zoomers
>back in 2015
we always hated anyone who was born after like, '93. after that the generational shift is too great. the dialect is too different. only the people emerging from the usenet days are the actual core of the 80s'-90's internet.
My zoomer sister has been having regular sex since middle school. Just stop thinking about it, otherwise you really wouldn't be able to live with yourself....
21 is zoomer right?
>we always hated anyone who was born after like, '93. after that the generational shift is too great. the dialect is too different.
I know that but what I'm getting at is that people born post-93 are now the majority of Jow Forums and beloved, when they used to be hated
>that boomer who was on the internet before 2015 and trying to school us on boring history
wait, how is it humanely possible to not have sex after your 20 lmao
they are definitely not beloved, they just create this image of themselves because they're so fucking obnoxious that they drown out actual content
Millennials were the lazy generation lol they were fat and dumb
Babies born today will probably have sex before me lmao
>girl likes me
>got dumped by Chad after falling for the open relationship meme
>disgusted with her when i think about how she probably slobbered all over his cock and guzzled his cum happily
pump and dump, in an original fashion.
>its another gay user fantasizes about cock and cum episode
just have a bit of fun my man
Anyone who was using Usenet when Usenet was relevant was/is a creepy old man on Jow Forums relevant to the age of the site's userbase.
anyone who is born after '93 and using Jow Forums is an insufferable newfag responsible for its needlessly protracted death
I picture a fat creep in his 40s with spongebob posters on his walls
Problem with girls like this is that a vanilla relationship is out the window. Its going to be all power dynamic dom/sub shit and that gets exhausting to keep up. I just want a comfy gf to relax with.
She seems like a nice girl, but its an obvious front. Getting low self esteem choke me daddy vibes from her. Probably best to avoid another potential BPD girl after the last one broke me.
Not sure if it's just a zoomer issue or I'm doing something to attract these types.
i picture a dumb tranny in his teens with madoka posters on his walls
'93 here. On the internet at age 4. Proto-zoomer, but with a big, boxy monitor and dial-up instead of an iPad and wifi.
>tfw zoomer and not having sex
He said *after* 93
'91 here and Usenet was in its death throes by the time I was old enough to use the net, only went on it because my family had dialup for way too long. My nerd coworkers in late 20s early 30s have never used Usenet. Usenetters were born 85 or earlier and if they are still on Jow Forums they should find something better to do
>hang out with my little brother and his friends
>they make fun of a guy in their group for still being a virgin
>they're all 18-19
>mfw sitting there as a 24 year old virgin
>What happened?
Time happened, faggot. I bet you're the autist who keeps posting that stupid collage over and over too.