Idealizing relationships

>He thinks "if only I could get the girl"
>He believes it all comes together once she "likes him"
>He feels ready to maintain a relationship with another person

Really user? Do any of you have any idea how many fucking headaches are involved with dealing with a BPD girl, a socially anxious girl, or even a normal girl? Even the most highly functioning woman I know gives me shit and headaches at least once a week. Do any of you have the mental or emotional strength to deal with that?

btw I haven't even gotten to the 'fuck her good and make her happy in a variety of meaningful ways' part.

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>Do any of you have any idea
no i dont user, fuck off normie

I just want the cuddles and love part.

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Brother man, I have recently just started all of this bullshit. You are actually 100 percent right. I don't even want this anymore

I mean, you could just not date insane chicks?

Is worth it in the end. It just takes hard work to have someone of quality.

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where is this oregono from?

>Do any of you have the mental or emotional strength to deal with that?
Yes I am capable of giving my all for another person. I've done it for several friends at a time, I could do it for someone i want to be my partner for life with ease

Since I'm old enough to know humans are awful in general I don't idealize IRL relationships anymore. I only idealize 2D relationships.

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My current gf has anxiety, its hard with her. It takes her for ever to eat her food because she's afraid she'll choke, so she sits there chewing the same piece of food for 2min. It gets so tiring for her sometimes she'll just stop chewing for 30sec. Its disconcerting hearing her squish her food around her mouth during meals. Lately there's been videow floating around FB warning women about emotional abuse, now anytime we have a disagreement anything I do becomes emotional abuse. Its a constant struggle with her.

>boo hoo did you know you have to deal with people and their problems to regularly get laid
no fucking shit. normies always complain that they have to do something to have sex. meanwhile I'd be willing to go through hell and back to have someone love and care about me. and here you are complaining that you have to pay your girl some attention, listen to her problems and take care of her emotional outbursts?

fuck outta here

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>now anytime we have a disagreement anything I do becomes emotional abuse. Its a constant struggle with her.

tell her to struggle out the door

Its not that, its the unreasonableness of the outburts and requests. The constant walking on egg shells, putting out fires, the unwillingness to listen to reason and logic. It gets tiresome

You sound just like the women you complain about. Have a cup of tea, sweetie. Relax.

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>dating girl
>she starts ranting about some situation/social disagreement
>as she's ranting, realize she's the one being unreasonable in said disagreement
>tell her calmly that i see the other person's side but i still respect her snd understand why she is upset
>flips her shit and I'm in the doghouse for a few days

If I'm dead honest, i think this mostly happens because I've dated people that just aren't on the same wavelength as me. But there's a lot of this walking on eggshells, relationships are stress in their own right. Especially if the girl is the ONLY good thing in your life. the stress becomes even worse, because fuck, you're gonna lose the only good thing in your life. OP is right, get your shit together and get stable before you get a relationship.

I decided long ago that a full-on relationship isn't something I could handle, but I'd really like to lose my virginity at some point just to say I had.

>be bpd
2 others ghosted me. My current bf sees nightmares of me chasing him with a knife frequently. Sometimes think about drugging him and just living together with him as hostage in abandoned house's basement. Also sometimes I go into uncontrollable berserker fury for no reason.

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>ywn rest your head on someone's lap and be gently petted until you fall asleep
We can dream user.

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>hard work
>someone of quality
please elaborate on these points and provide a non-fictional example

>how do I a girlfriend?
>lol just be urself
>then happens
>lol just say whatever pleases her

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Get a dog. Not even joking.

>lol just be urself
nobody said this

besides what's the point of a relationship in which you have to alter core aspects of your behavior? I get that relationships involve compromise, but it goes too far; I feel that what's been taught to us is at odds with what's being asked of us, especially in that men are expected to adapt to women and not vice-versa.

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your behaviour is not and never will be a constant, permanent, set in stone. it's variable and it changes. the question is merely what you're changing into. literally the only option you have. so just change into a person that is attractive to other people, kek

wake up sheeple, it's that simple

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