I think i fugged my pussy up

I was so damn horny and i decided to use this stupid wooden thing as a dildo and i even shoved it down my throat and i got small fibers in my mouth im pretty fucking sure i got some wood fibers in my pussy too
Fuck me
I just want to be fucking dicked down so fucking hard
I am gonna be pissing fire within the next couple of days

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-16-18-46-37-1.png (675x494, 401K)

>girls would rather have sex with wooden splinters than with you
I wasn't ready for this feel tonight

please please PLEASE, I implore you, kill yourself

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Only splinters can satisfy my masochistic tendencies

can i hump you until i break the bed?

You remind of that one mother fucker that literally stuck his dick in a blender. Sadly, the screen cap I have is bigger than 2 mb so here's something unrelated.

Attached: 1560911673228.jpg (982x1500, 1.1M)

Thanks much appreciated
Also i am interested in seeing that

If you use your imagination then go for it

When the splinters are gone and you want to get dicked again, let me know

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Its not really bloody, he took the blades off and stuck a fleshlight/onahole on it then turned it on and it eventually twisted his penis into a cork screw. Now you're stuck with that image. You're welcome.

DAMN he got a duck peen now

>I was so damn horny and i decided to use this stupid wooden thing as a dildo
>I am gonna be pissing fire within the next couple of days

wanna know how i know youre not actually a girl and this didnt happen?

Men do not have pussies.

You don't piss out your vagina, dick-haver.

Ive got a small dick but im going to ravage you with my cock so hard you wont be able to move for the next month

Ok retards heres the thing
I fucking slammed that shit in my puss puss very hard and fluids were everywhere i also grinded it against it too
Whenever i do this i am always at risk for fire piss
But now the risk is even greater because i was horny and decided to literally fuck SPLINTERS

Total degenerate...on a nicer note hope you recover soon

It hurts and i hope it goes away

why don't you just use a carrot or a cucumber or something retard

lol why the fuck would you slam a dowel in your cunt instead of getting a tinder account or at least a good dildo. christ if you're underage b& you can still get a decent hairbrush with a nice handle to fuck and if there's an electric toothbrush in the house you can use it to vibe your dumb tween clit

>getting laid for a woman takes less effort than looking for a wooden stick around the house
>still uses uncoated wood to fuck her vagina
At least put clear coat on it or something you dumb nigger.

>gets mad at women who get dicked down when horny
>gets mad at women who masturbate when horny
Never change, r9k.

>get mad at women who don't fuck me
>get mad at women who don't fuck me
I don't see any gap in this logic.

yikes roastie toastie

lmfao Based. Made me laugh irl

Hope you get an infection and die you attention seeking whore. KYS

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lmao fukken noice

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>all of my holes
Unless you stuck it in your ear canals and nostrils too that's not all of your holes

i sincerely hope that there is a dumb zoomzoom girl who is going to her middle school tomorrow with splinters in her cunt

why not just ask a boy to lick the splinters out?

I broke all of my fucking hairbrushies because i ended up using them so i broke them as an attempt to stop fingering myself
In my final act of desperation i used a wooden handle
You only live once right?

wait wait wait did you snap those brushes from fucking them too hard? cuz that's hot af. dude gets his dick in you is gonna get it torn off by your superpuss. wish it were me haha

lol that sucks to hear
My depression and loneliness killed what little sex drive I had left of me. sometimes I discharge but thats involuntarily

marry me

how can I even make this original?

>I just want to be fucking dicked down
only after that splinters go out

I did that before with a pair of wooden nunchucks I own but I used a condom on it because I'm not a brainlet like you. Enjoy your pussy splinters you drangus

>Enjoy your pussy splinters you drangus

Attached: 1498086636168.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

>wooden nunchucks
>shoving it to holes

Attached: wooden-nunchaku-500x500.jpg (500x375, 15K)

Oh these young'uns... Have you not heard of cucumbers? Peel em and it's pretty good.

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god fuck I hate women

Yes and no
I broke 2 brushes because i ended uo tearing the brush part off and my last one i broke as an atrempt to stop touching myself
And thanks i didnt know breaking brushes were considered hot

>atrempt to stop touching myself
why? nofap doesn't do anything for women

shut up i dont want to see you post here ever again

looks like you could dp with that tho
naw the idea that you rode a brush so hard you snapped it was hot af because I can imagine you going completely wild on my dick, just slamming down on it. God I love fucking wild girls

>you will never mating press a needy fembot

Attached: sweat.jpg (560x560, 39K)

i want a guy to forcefully make me like his cock after i masturbate with objects and teaches me that a vagina only belongs to a penis

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