Have you ever experienced something paranormal/supernatural, robots?
Have you ever experienced something paranormal/supernatural, robots?
No because shit like that isn't real and it never will be. Anyone claiming it to be true is either lying for effect or schizo.
yes, a girl once talked to me
Alien abductions. Happened almost all my life. Not as much anymore but still, kind of afraid to have kids because my dad had the same thing happen to him and then it switched to me and stopped for him.
What did the ayys look like? Were they the standard Grey?
Coping retard
Daily reminder that psi balls are unironically real
The ones that target me and my dad, yeah just stardard Greys.
What did they do to you during an abduction?
I can't know exactly but I've always assumed study. Also I've ended up with pain or minor injuries from it over the years so whatever that might be.
Do they still abduct you?
I have a couple stories I think.
anyone claiming they know everything is either lying or retarded.
my dad was plagued by aliens his whole life, it drove the poor guy nuts.
Yes but not as much as they used to. I wouldn't say it's predictable but it still happens about twice a year and has remained that way for a few years now.
Well for mine it stopped for him when it started for me. That upset him more than anything they ever did to him, and him trying to "protect" me from it caused his marriage with mom to fall apart.
You should film yourself sleeping one night. If you catch a genuine abduction you could post it to /x/ and be a legend.
Well, my dad said they're not going to do more than probe you. They mean no harm but we're basically plants to them.
old house was haunted. random vases dropping off shelves, things moving from where i placed them by themselves, getting some epic ghost pussy, etc.
>your dad was molested, repressed it with alien abduction false memories
>passes on his molestation to the next generation, like most victims
>you cope with the same false memories, aided by suggestibility from his own "abduction" stories
sorry you got dad-raped, user
I've tried filming it before but electronics just go out. One of the obvious signs afterward when it happened was that the clocks on things would reset to blinking 12:00.
I've never suffered serious harm that I know of because of them. I used to be afraid of them but by now it's just like a part of my life I deal with, mildly annoying at worst. I mean apart from the worry about kids but I'm not at that point in my life anyway.
Yep, sure thing. Heard it all before.
Honestly, don't have kids. not trying to be mean but that's what the aliens expect from you. Throw them for a loop and break the cycle.
Though it still worries me, I get the impression that if they wanted that especially, they would have already gotten what they wanted and taken eggs from me since the visitings amped up and the injuries were... particular, after puberty.
What the fuck dude, you have eggs? Anyway, they don't "want" it, I think they believe that's all there is to humans. they fuck and create shittier genetic copies.
My brother once pulled a thought out of my head once, and I have lucid dreams sometimes, but other than that not really.
Well I don't have sperm, that's for sure.
>aliens gathering human eggs
We're just a farm for them.
Any one can just check out the following
When I was like 7yo i woke up in the middle of the night and heard someone in the bathroom, i thought it was my brother (9yo), i went to see what the fuck was he doing because it sounded like he was playing with the toilet paper so i got upset. When I was getting closer to the bathroom the sound stopped, there was absolutely no one and the bathroom door was wide open
A week before they could actually see me, my ultrasound appeared to show a lightning bolt. My mother at one point had a dream of a sort of spirit guide that claimed to be my father's would also guide me(this I claim would be bs). Otherwise, I see the occasional shadow person, that I have at least two witnesses to know exist.
Back when I did hallucinogens, electronics would fuck up when I was tripping really hard. TVs and computers would get errors they'd never have when I was sober, so it wasn't just me being incapable of using them properly. You might just have some kind of natural ability to "trip", considering that people say they meet extra-dimensional beings and shit when tripping.
They can presumably rape space and time to get to Earth from wherever they're from, are you seriously telling me they can't grow human eggs in a lab? And why would eggs even be useful to them? They can just sequence the whole human genome and then perform whatever vague nefarious experiments you imagine on clones instead of flying all the way out here to abduct dumbasses.
>implying you can't taste the difference between lab grown eggs and eggs from free range farms
Kept hearing a strange noise outside my window, like a birdcall, but it sounded like a person trying poorly to sound like a bird. Not unusual for a bird to be capable of a strange noise, so I ignored it, but it got periodically louder and closer. Didn't like the vibe it was giving me and didn't like that I was being creeped out by something so insignificant, so I just closed the window and crawled into bed, because it was a school night and I take a long time to fall asleep.
I then heard the noise louder and impossibly close, as if it were in the room, and then my bed bumped upward.
Well, the CIA disagrees with you on that one buddy. Shoulda read the declassified Mkultra files but like everyone else you're a fucking RETARD and never will because you're too ignorant to know what's in them.
I guess I can cover it briefly. /x/ didn't believe me.
>start having semi-recurring nightmares my last years of high school
>they're always different but end the same way
>almost every night for the next two years I have one of these dreams
>they continue even after I graduate and get a shitty wagie job
>one morning I wake up after having one of these dreams, I remember it was 6 AM, hadn't set alarm so it was odd I was up that early (I worked late shifts)
>there's a fucking face an inch from mine
>the thing gets off my chest and bolts
>caveman brain engaged
>run after it making caveman/ape war noises, the only thought in my head is to kill the thing
>it ducks into my closet (not even a walk-in)
>brain fucks up and I attack the coat it disappeared under
>coat falls off hanger
>stand there for a moment just marinating in what just happened
>logic catches up to unga bunga, the creeping realization of what just happened sinks in
>spend the next 30 minutes alternating between huddling in the corner with a knife and stalking around the room in circles, all the while whispering out curses and threats of death
>this becomes a ritual whenever I feel I'm being watched, sometimes blare Nazi music to try scaring it (I dunno why I thought to do that)
>in this time, the recurring nightmares become altered twice and then stop entirely
I tried asking /x/ what it might have been but I was met with nothing but a few anons accusing me of larping. So far, I think it might have been a mare or something.
>run after it making caveman/ape war noises, the only thought in my head is to kill the thing
>it ducks into my closet (not even a walk-in)
>stand there for a moment just marinating in what just happened
>logic catches up to unga bunga, the creeping realization of what just happened sinks in
>spend the next 30 minutes alternating between huddling in the corner with a knife and stalking around the room in circles, all the while whispering out curses and threats of death
bro idk how to describe it but this makes perfect sense to me.
This sounds like something that would literally happen to me in a dream or a dreamlike state.
Everytime I get threatened by something paranormal I start cursing with a knife and go ape mode.
Your story sounds HELLA real and unfabricated but It also sounds a lot like what my dreams are like.
I went to go wipe, Nothing, Pull pants up, Feel something sticky, Pull pants down, Covered in shit
What kind of injuries?
Do you recall getting an egg sucked out of you?
Multiple ghosts at the house I grew up in.
>as a kid
>going to bed so closing the door to the non-bedroom side of the house
>see something out of the corner of my eye
>the shimmering faint image of a child moving towards the fireplace
>close the door and pretend I didn't see anything
>several years later
>gotta take a piss in the middle of the night
>walk to the bathroom
>similarly shimmering image of someone, knees on the floor, facing the wall before the bathroom
>stare at it for a solid ten seconds
>quickly flick on the light
>it vanishes
The LSD experiments? Tell me more.
>Have you ever experienced something paranormal/supernatural, robots?
>yes. I have had many encounters and in one of those encounters my friend was with me. Both of us were shaken. Also I am having a continuous Dream for the last 10-12 years and it's getting scarier every time.
Describe the dream, and give us more details, user.
Do you get paid to do this? They tell you what to meme and you go around shitting up sites until you have enough to force it?
once i took a big BIG poop and my poop actually killed me but i came back to life in time to get my middle school picture taken
Before the start the Dream let me the explain the area where I live because my dreams are designed in the shape of the this area. It will take time to post the dreams since I am a slow cunt. (I am bad at English so some parts might be hard for me explain properly)
>be me
>there is a temple of kali near where I live. It's about 9 mins of walk from my house. Been seeing it for years and never really have any fear of it. In fact when I was a kid I'd refuse to eat if someone didn't take me to the temple to see the kali idol.
>I am muslim and in my country Hindu population is 2nd.
>Anyway there is crematorium in the other side of the temple and also a big and really deep Dighi (Dighi means bigger and deeper than a pond).
1st dream:
>find my self in the Dighi but it's completely dried and the bottom is Har as rock. There are many trees along the edge of the Dighi. And the frightening part is that there are many many dead bodies prepared for burning and some are already burning. I try to get my self out of there but I couldn't find a way. I quickly ran to the edge to grab the tree roots and climb but I couldn't go up. It felt like something wasn't letting me use my strength. The feeling of dread was getting stronger then I wake up at the sound of ajan (it's muslims call for prayer)
I looked at the pic before I read your post and it didnt become apparent there was something until i read it was meant to be spooky. prior to that it looked like apicture of a little girl with curly hair. And thats all it is. That being siad
Heard a disembodied female voice talk to me when I was completely alone.
2nd dream:
>I am in my house. Suddenly feel the ground rumbling.
>go to the Porch to see what is happening (the porch of my house faces the road)
>see the kali idol its running at me. I run to my room which also faces to the road and there is pretty big window.
>she can see me and her hands are coming towards me. In the dream I feel like if I go under my bed she can't touch me so I hide under my bed.
The same occurs in a row for the next three days. In 2016 I had almost had the same dream but in there she killed me two times and I had that dream for 3 days in a row.
>Wake up
>Feel bird fly in through window, wings and feathers brushing against my face
>realise I didnt open the window and that birds arent active at night
>Open eyes
>See an almost opaque, holographic like shape of a demonic goblin perched on my chest
>Feel its breath on my face
>hear its inhumane snarl and rattled breath
>Hear a voice in my ear im going to die
>Feel its claws digging into my chest
>Running out air, lungs literally wont infalte
Wake up
>Wake up
>laying on wrong side of bed
>Room dark but have my night vision
>Cant movie
>Large, tall, thing humanoid creature walks into my room
>Scared but also somewhat intrigued, odd.avi
>being stands right over me, its slightly hunched over because its so tall
>Has no features its opaque and humaoind with long arms, slender body, thin neck and large head. Ayylmao
>Suddenly its facial features start to appear, almost like it was wearing some of mask that dissolved into its head.
>Large eyes, small mouth, no nose
>Well this is a new one I think to my self.
>See a bright light outside
Awake fully from sleep.Look around, pinch myself. Fell totally drained and very depressed.
>Insane sex dream
>Girl is incredibly hot
>can feel everything, such a passionate and intense bond with this girl
>Shes everything I ever wanted
>Can feel hersucking on my cock
>Decide to go down on her
>Her pussy it really wet, ok.jpg
>Get a really sour taste in mouth, pull back
>Pussy is suddenly really manc, yellow pus like sibstance running out of it
>She oushes me back into it
>I pull away
>Look up, she grabs my hand and puts my fiungers in her miuth and starts sucking them
>Suddenly her body starts turning grotesque, like her muscles start turning fibrosis.
>Her face goes very gaunt, cheek bones become very pronounced, her eyes turn totally black, she wont let go og my teeth
>She starts snarling and giggling
>Her teeth go from normal teeth to multiple rows of long, razor pointed needle like teeth
>i can literally feel them biting into my fingers
>Shes unnaturally strong, I cant fight her, realise I cant move at all.
>Realise its not a girl and thats no longer a dream
>Have a really painful orgasm
Wake up. No cum anywhere. Fingers hurt for about 15 seconds after i become lucid. Feel totally drained, almost like I can barely sit up at all.
There are some dreams in between but I forgot. Anyway before starting I want to clarify that I literally forgot about the 1st and the 2nd dream. 3rd dream:
>be me with three of my buddies let call them Shane, Mike and Alex.
> there is a path near my house irl, its like a path in a forest made after walking (you get the idea)
>now in the dream I am walking along the road with my friends and talking. My friend shane is hindu and he tells me that there is a temple and it's really hard to get in because the front gate and the door of the temple is always closed.
>we decide to go there. After some time we reached a gate (can't really explain how we got there in eng so skipping that part)
> We enter and see a old Greek styled temple. The doors are closed. There are some elder who were talking about what's inside the temple.
>I hear them saying that it's a "Mahakali" temple (I've never never heard of Mahakali. That was the 1st time I heard it which was in my dream. Recently I Googled it and found out that there is actually something called "Mahakali" in the hindu religion.)
>they say the door are closed so that it can't gaze at people.
Dream ends
>Be me
>new apartment, forst night
>Sleep with the hall light on, close the door so theres a small crack for the light to come through
>Open my eyes, ohshit.mpeg theres people in my apartment
>Look over at light crak in door, see three shadows of light rush passed the door
>Start trying to move, start trying to scream, start threating to kill them
>Suddenyl apparritons are in my room
>They move around the end pof the bed
>Tall, grayish, humanoid, opaue creatures, no features
>They circle tje bed
>One of them leans right over and looks me right in the eyes, probably an inch from my own face
>Anger and terror grip me, flight or fight response taken over, I want to end these things. Literally ready to genocide something
>Wake up, sit upright, throwing my fist about and screaming.
>Drenched in sweat, heart racing. Ive never been so fully charged in my life.
Look around apartment, find nothing.
>Wake up
>Hear helicopters and see bright lights coming from outsid emy window
>Open window and see over Los Angeles, police helicopters with their serach lights out in force. Obviously looking for criminals
>Can see, hear and smell the wind and city scape
>Realise I dont live in LA, dont even live in the US
>Realise Im not looking over a lookout over LA im over looking the man wall at the back of apartment which gives me a view of the surrounding suburb.
>Realise im not in a totally awake state and what Im seeing arent police helicopters
>Get out of bed, walk into living room and see my apartment. The couch is a different colour, TV is out of place and I have a fan. Ive never had a fan
>Walk into back padio and look into the sky to see the biggest, brightest spherically shaped craft just hovering in the sky. Its light was as bright as the ambient light vien off from a full moon. It looked like a gigantic Christmas decoration with all these flashing multi coloured lights
>Time seemed to me still
>Look out over suburb and watch as all the house lights and street lights start to switch off, like a black out except its in a sequence and its coming towards me
>over come with dread
>Hear my neighbour, but cant see them in their back yard through the fence saying 'RUN RUN!, THEYRE COMING!'
>See these huge black shadows, hundreds of them like flying, running and jumping over the roofs of all the houses.
>hear people screaming
>Run back inside
Wake up. Its 330am.
Pic related is very close to what I saw. And all this occured before True detective season 1.
I had the the 3rd dream in 2016 and the 4th dream last year. I had completely forgotten about the third dream. This is where it gets interesting. 4th dream:
>be me
>this time alone.
>suddenly feel like I want go the temple where my friend Shane took me.
>in the dream somehow I remembered the way to go there.
>After arriving through the gate I see three doors. And something interesting happens.
>I am completely awere that I had this dream 2 years ago and also I knew where the 3 door would me lead me to.
The door in the right reminded me of the 1st dream, the middle door felt like a gateway to my 3ed Dream. The last door on the left was the door the the temple. But was closed.
>there was also a front gate to the temple and an old woman was guarding it.
>I was just standing there and staring at the people there.
>suddenly a hindu guy goes to the woman and tells her that he wants go in the inner temple grounds (in my 3rd dream I was in the inner temple ground, in this dream I am in the outer part)
>the old woman warns the man to avoid the the gaze of the the idol. She says that "If it looks at you, you will die" for some reason I felt that those words were for me.
Dream ends when I woke up it was morning
Yeah, I once bought an eightball of coke before a party
Once I got there, it was all mysteriously gone
I'm pretty sure one of these chased me when I was out running.
>Wake up
>For some reason my head is on the wrong side of the bed
>Lmao how did this happen
>Realise I cant move
>Hear a rattling under my bed
>Gollum, yes literally gollum from LOTR runs out from my bed, climbs over me then runs back under the bed.
>Suddenly lucid
>Get up, get down and look under bed, its gone
>Little cunt I think to myself
>Walk out into living room, once again the room is rearranged the wrong way. Realise Im lucid dreaming again
>Open front door, total layout of apartment is different. Similar arhitecture buts its not my apartment
>Amazed at how lucid I am, decide to explore.
>Go around and open up some doors
>Find a bunch of entities which look like people it what appears to almost be a slumber party
>People are playing games, wearing pyjamas, sitting on comfy bean bags
>I barge in, people look at me but they dont say anything. Give me a weird, unwelcome look
>I dont care.
>Open up another door, see a group of asian girls, all wearing pink pyjamas and they all scatter. I grab one by the hair
>Proceed to humiliate and rape her.
>Still dont wake up, still lucid
>Grab anither female, shes black. Has an afro, hold her down and urinate all over her.
>Suddenly get a feeling of impending doom, trouble, also realise I dont know how to get back to my body
>Panic a little but not totally, which is strange for me
>Look down a notice what I can only describe as a tether, exactly like what you see on donnie darko. Its watery, brightm glowing and it connects with my abdomen and its leading back out the way I came
>Suddenly get accosted by an entity, some what human but some what demonic aswell.
>It tells me Ive gone to far
>Disregard it and over power it
>Rush passed it and start tracking back along my tether back to my apartment
>Run back into my room, look over and see my own body still laying in bed.
>Its day time outside
Wake up, its night time. Check clock. Once again its 330am.
>>Find a bunch of entities which look like people it what appears to almost be a slumber party
>>People are playing games, wearing pyjamas, sitting on comfy bean bags
>>I barge in, people look at me but they dont say anything. Give me a weird, unwelcome look
This didnt happen to occur in late 2012 and you dont happen to Australian by any chance?
anone are you ok?
>be 4
>every time a dream ends, find myself floating above my bed
>just a carbon-copy of my actual self in bed
>wake up with a bounce
>be 32
>sleep paralysis
>see shadow figure slink through ajar doorway
>realize who it is
>jolt up and state "NO DRACULA YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BLOOD"
Umm. Yes. Care to elaborate as you how you know that other than a really really good guess?
my grandpa is from some native tribe. he was cursed by someone or something and his home filled with spirits. i lived with him at the time since my parents had work and couldnt leave me alone. i saw a claw machine claw come down from the ceiling and pull my hair. it was so painful i cried. it vanished after i tried to grab it. the first week of paranormal activity was the most intense. the entire family, consisting of 7 of us, decided to sleep in the living room. we thought safety in numbers. after a while i was the only one still awake. then, hands that looked so dry and cracked they resembled wood came out from under the couches. they levitated above my members and held their noses. they were trying to suffocate them. luckily muscle instinctively led them to slap the hands away. the hands move back to the couch before the slaps could ever connect. but they came back to try again a few minutes later. after that night we never slept in the living room ever again. ive had a poltergeist walk towards me and grandma, snap its fingers and temporarily turn the world gray. devoid of color, we looked like black and white television. while kid me thought it was intriguing, my grandma panicked. she began to slap her skin and try to rub the effect away as if it were a powder. it was the only time ive heard such blood curdling screams up close. we moved like 5 months later, but wow... i could write a book on everything that happened. from the knife incident, to the closet frequenter, the police encounter and the possessions. native horror > eastern european horror> japanese horror. dont touch native american relics it will scar you for life
The last one (actually three in a row in the same day. I forgot the 1st one) I had a week ago it was in 7 am . 5th dream:
>be me
>go to bathroom
>the door is open. I am washing my feet and hands.
>suddenly the main door opens I can see the day light coming through.
>hear a voice calling my name and telling me to to the temple.
>instantly remember the other dreams.
>try to wake up then wake up
After some time go back to sleep forgetting that I had a nightmare in the day
5th dream 3rd part (I got on the sofa to sleep this time) :
As soon as I fall asleep, I see a man shaped thing is sitting behind me in the other sofa.
>light from window is falling on him and he is brownish black.
> it says in a angry voice not so deep(male) voice " Didn't I tell you to come, I Wil take you"
> I am frozen in fear. I try to wake up. I can even hear my sisters voice. Try to call out to her but I Can't make any sound.
>Then I try to fall from the sofa to wake up.
>start to fall. Felt like I was falling in darkness. I felt like I was falling for 5 seconds. Then I start to crawl to my sisters room.
>wake up.
>I am in the sofa and I didn't actually fall. It happened in my dream.
That's all for now.
I don't mean to alarm you but I was one of the beings or 'entities' you came across when you literally barged through that door. I don't think you realise what was occurring. It wasn't a lucid dream but rather astral projection. The beings or entities you saw included myself and several other friends of mine who practice this on a regular basis. We are however clairvoyants. You are not or at the very least arent aware you are and it was obvious. This ofcourse sounds totally spastic I know but If I remember correctly you had an Australian accent, you're short(no offense) but very well built, about 5ft3, you have a tattoo on your chest of an eagle or a skull and on your left upper arm you have multiple old school 'sailor jerry' tattoos. You have brown hair and blue eyes. Is this correct?
You can probably imagine that I'm some what unsettled right now to say the least. Yes you are correct and ftr is a jolly roger skull on my chest.
>working night shift in multistory car park
>all lights go out
>this is normal, they're on a circuit with motion sensors that didn't pick up any movement for 15 minutes
>hear a little girl singing a lullaby above me
>it's 1am on a Sunday night
>I sneak through the car park, careful to avoid the sensors and tripping the lights
>the singing is always one floor above me
>I sneak up the ramps up to the top of the car park
>the singing suddenly stops
>there was no way out without tripping the lights
I was never able to explain that one
One time I was in my living room and a battery flew across the room. I was home alone at the time and I had no pets but there was a fucking battery that just flew from the fireplace to the kitchen. I suspect that it was a weird phenomenon with physics and I was lucky enough to witness a battery fly across the room.
You must have a very vivid imagination. I think you could be a good lucid dreamer, because you are most likely subconsciously controlling your dreams to be like this. Consider practicing lucid dreams.
this LARP is interesting.
Like I said sorry to cause you alarm. However what you experience wasnt lucid dream, night mare or whatever it was Astral Projection. You have probably heard about and Im assuming you posted all of these
meaning its not surprising you've managed to experience it. However I don't think you can do it voluntarily. Hence why you behave so depravely. You need to understand those girls you harassed and raped weren't for you, they weren't human in any physical or spiritual form either. The reason no one spoke to you was because you brought with you and very very dark spiritual auro, the kind that attracts other dark entities and spirits. Its not often you come across and human who can enter the astral plane with such a negative energy.
Long story short you cause alot of trouble and attracted alot of dark, demoic entities. That person who say attacked you was a very low level demon. They prowl the plane, almost like watch keepers. You over powered it however when you ran, and yes you ran fast back to your body there were numerous other dark forces that followed you. You caused such an imbalance in the that plane that neither myself nor any of my friends have been able to go back there.
This was many years ago but I must ask, how are things your normal everyday life? Did you continue to experience AP and OBE after this incident? Have you gone through any traumatic events of deep depressions last few years? Do you pray every day?
you should write manga about this
>You must have a very vivid imagination
To be honest I don't know.
>I think you could be a good lucid dreamer
My answer would be no. Because this only happens when I am dreaming this dream.
paranormal threads are ALWAYS ruined by dreams. just look at that shitty indian story about exploring some poo church.
admins should issue bans for such horrid quality posting
No, but god damn do I ever want too. I wanna find spooky shit, man.
just google "haunted locations near me" if youre sure. i live in houston and there are TONS of places. youll need to travel to specific locations if you wanna see the mothman or aliens, but to see a white figure walking down a hall can be as easy as a 20 minute drive. personally i plan on going to a canyon where lizard people have been spotted. its 2 states away but im gleaming
I had to start drinking in order to overcome the anxiety youve given me reading this fyi. I have experienced similar things but never on that scale and never with that amount of control ever again. Im currently going through a very very deep depression, alcohol abuse etc. However in the years directly after that incident nothing out of the ordinary occurred. No I do not pray every day, should I? Its funny how you say I do it involuntarily. Its true. I go on dream forums and people say they try and try and Ap, OBE or lucid dream and just cant and all I have to do is fall asleep on my back lmao.
out of curiosity, what dark spirits followed me back? And do you mean when you say gatekeepers and that the asian girls weren't for me?
Who /bedtime stories/ here?
>Have you ever experienced something paranormal/supernatural, robots?
when i was 10 a girl talked to me
>not listening to chills
shake my head
I do this a fair bit, yet sadly have encountered nothing. Haunted streets, buildings, all turned up nothing. FUCKING FIND ME, PARANORMAL SHITS!
At least someone believes me.
It did feel somewhat dreamlike, except I was already awake.
This is very curious. When I say dark spirits I mean inhumane demonic forces attempted to, well they did latch themselves onto you and would have come back into the world with you. You provoked them, you cause it to happen. Sounds cliche but its like you fell for the bait. What you need to understand is that the Astral Plane is like a giant role playing game, people can log in but the thing is no everyone who logs in is there for the same reasons you are. Some straight up aren't even from our mortal world. They exist there for different reasons, many of them band however if you stay out of trouble and or have a higher power then them you can avoid them. You acted like a bull in a china shop, like a new guy on the prison yard, arrogant and benevolent.
Its not surpising that you say its occured less and less because chances are it still happens, probably more but you just dont know. Chances are what came back with you takes over and uses your spiritual vessel to travel through the plane doing nefarious or even evil things. You mention you abuse alcohol. Do you understand that alxcohol poisons the soul? Not just the body, like it literally kills you but it makes you body so toxic your own spirit leaves it allowing you to be invaded and taken over by other forces. These make you do things that are out of character, wrong, dangerous, risk taking behavior, things you regret, you probably dont even remember. Sound familiar?
This kind of stuff can take years to manifest. The reason I say you should pray every day is because I think your spiritual being is in in danger. I think that you are being beaten down and take advantage of by these force sin your weakened state of mind.
Long story short but I know exactly what thats like. That overwhelming sense of intense rage, like war like animalistic murderous rage. You are going to kill whatever that thing is. Its strange becaise IRL im quite timid, quite a nervous person. Im not a bitch but i try and avoid fights and general feel more scared then confident during confrontations but not what said experiences happen. I feel like I could conquer a nation Im so angry. Its pure flight or fight repoinse, deep seeded surivial instaics.
Ill keep that in mind. Sorry I ruined your astral projection, spiritual world gaming night.