User, ALL people are obsessed with fucking and breeding. if you're not, you're broken!

>user, ALL people are obsessed with fucking and breeding. if you're not, you're broken!

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Having hormone deficiency is not a good thing

>not like us! not like us! not like us!

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>purpose of life is to pass down genes for humanity's survival
>user is not doing that
>he's not inventing things to make the world a better place either
>he thinks he isn't broken

It means you have a disease :(
RIP sad robotic user. You will greentext weird robotic phrases until you die

I knocked up a girl I went to high school with when I was 20 and then at 25, I got a vasectomy.

Now at 33 I just meet local college grillz and fuck them for a few semesters until they or I get bored.

Living the Dream

>humanity most important species! unga grunga!
>humanity worth saving!
>me not inventing things..... nobody must be inventing things!

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But I have read tens of thousands of wikipedia articles and I frequently talk about how much I hate minorities online! I dare you to find one so-called "inventor" or "scientist" who has ever done anything better than that.

I dont think OP can read

>>humanity most important species! unga grunga!
>>humanity worth saving!
Fuck off to a forest bitch, we know you won't do it

How do you approach college girls when you're in your 30s? Are you very young looking? How do you even get to the parties?

I'm not an anprim you retarded mong.
Here's why I think we should voluntarily die out:
>no more traffic
>no more lines
>no more littering
>no more wars
>suburban hellscapes will submit to the creeping wilderness
>imagine deer running down the remains of highways, now almost completely lost to time
>trees growing through cracked asphalt
>trees growing through houses
>raccoons just doing raccoon shit

he's a breeder with normative mental characteristics, would never understand the aesthetical appeal of dilapidated urban areas overtaken by nature.

Just go to an old Olympic stadium if you want to see that.

he's going to say, "What's the point if there's no humans there to enjoy it?" as if humanity has some kind of ability to bestow value by their presence. Only god and the raccoons will see it.

I look about 25 and I take the occasional class for fun. Cinema, Anthropology, etc. I have a metric ton of credits.

I tell them I was in the Navy for 8 years and am majoring in business. I ask them to dinner, a movie at my condo or offer to tutor them in math and them I'm in like sin.

>we need to stop reproducing in order to save the planet, fuck humanity it needs to die out
>colonizing the stars is pointless, it's too harddd
>we already live on a big spaceship that has everything we need, it's called earth
you're racist for wanting africans to die out since they're part of humanity as well
but no, it's just white people right, because they're the only ones who are intelligent enough to take responsibility for humanity's actions

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>you don't subscribe to (preset A belief) you must subscribe to (preset B belief)! Checkmate numale cuck!

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Leftist living in your head rent free

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I already know I'm broken fuck off and leave me alone

>24 yo virgin
>spend all my money on my hobbies
>buy whatever I want
>be happy
>normies stuck in their boring lifes with kids and living paycheck to paycheck tell me I'll be miserable if I don't find a wife to have kids with

How the fuck do these people work?

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I don't owe the world shit. If anything, the world owes me.

There is no purpose, if your purpose was true then we would still be in caves.
Death is a gift and is to be taken advantage of, without it. There would be little to no change.

Then you wouldn't be here.

>"Okay everyone, say it with me now!"
>200,000 Jow Forumstards in unison: "LEFTISTS ARE NPCs!!!"

Its holding you down, NPC, limiting you. Please. I know theres a soul underneath that cold hard exterior
>soul? Theres no such thing! Eat. Sleep. Mate. And let that be sufficient
What about your ideas?
>ideas are for nerds and Nazis, let the NPCs and jews do the thinking for you
Do you even want kids?
>no. But it is the normal thing to do and I only care about immediate worldly pleasures. And whatever increases my chances of experiencing them
But what about your spirituality?
>seeing shitty hypnagogic imagery and feeling strange bodily sensations while hallucinating to the brink of psychosis because of psychedelics is spirituality, isnt it?
Your just throwing your cognition out of wack then claiming it to be some profound insight that only appeals to you, NPC. It was quite literally all an illusion for the sake of fun! It took no dicipline to attain, your experiance means nothing!
>executing anger protocol

>Some men really think life is just about having children and a wife

Sorry it's 2019 things have changed. Some men will choose to be alone and enjoy his time and money.

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>be me, a quiet aspergian
>not obsessed with satisfying hedonistic impulses
>prefer to spend my time reading and creating things
>don't spend massive amounts of financial and mental resources trying to attain temporary material pleasure
>basically, too smart
>this triggers the sex-haver
>"b-b-b-but y-y-you just c-can't get l-l-laid!! y-y-y-you'd l-l-love s-s-sex if you weren't a v-v-v-v-v-virgin!"
>nope, not a virgin. try again!
when will they learn? there are just some people who aren't controlled by their biology. is it really that hard to envision?

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>current year!!!
It *is* all about a loving wife and children.
I know that and *you* know that.
That why YOU are HERE.

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Yeah if you're an NPC by nature or were raised on romcoms

>too smart
Always, *always*, ALWAYS! translates to

lmao sorry but things have changed. I don't hate women but I don't need them to live a nice life. Back when men had advantages to starting a family but now we don't.

Robots are so very fun because
A) they are here, the trash heap
B) about half insist they are in the trash heap because only retards live in luxury suites

>invokes beauty & tranquility
>oblivious to the fact both are unique human concepts
The imagery is the imagery of those who wish for self-destruction because of a sense of worthlessness

Always, *always*, ALWAYS! translates to
>waaaah i cant believe dat hes not obsessed with sex waaaaaaaaaaah

>on arcanine
Try harder

Or grasp any field from
>I can talk to people with rehearsal

>things have changed
Unlike between the Bronze Age and 1970?
Moving to goalposts & proving you are a tard
Moron, starting & leading a family is EASIER now. You think a guy going into a coal mine in 1820s Wales to feed his six kids had it easier than you?
So why has every generation ever done the same?
Because it is what counts.

Pure cope
I bet when you failed out in your sophomore year your excuse was
>I am so smart it bored me

lol why does not being obsessed with sex make you so mad

You lost the thread of the conversation, moron.
I am laughing at the moron who claimed he is
>too smart
to have a life.
Try to keep up

ok but why does it trigger you so much when someone is different from you lol?

How fucking stupid are you?
I am on r9k - I do not have sex, either.
I am making fun of the guy who claim he is too-
I see.
You are the fuckwit who claims to be too smart.

i don't think you're a robot pal

>I am on r9k - I do not have sex, either.
Then drop your ego and stop acting like you're superior to other robots you piece of shit

Look, idiot, I am laughing at the moron who think he is a wizard because he is
>too smart
>drop the ego
Just proves you are either him or as stupid

Why? Because I do not think my virginity makes me innately superior?

>i no da trooth! i am rite! u r all stoopid!
I am talking about this
Stop acting like you know the sacred truth when your only proof is your own tfwnogf feelz

didnt even read my post idiot
>not a virgin
but ok

nobody has ever said this to you that isn't a 14 year old or your parents who want grandkids. Nobody cares if you do not want to have sex

>sacred truths
What the actual fuck are you going on about?
I am just laughing at a guy that thinks he is a virgin because he is
>too smart
Kid, you are only autistic and, based on your responses here, retarded

Look at you;
Lying about that, too

>It *is* all about a loving wife and children.
>I know that and *you* know that.
>That why YOU are HERE.
This is what I am going on about
And when someone doesn't behave according to your "axiom" you call them retarded and "laugh" at them (basically defend your ego because they prove you wrong)

look if you're a fellow celibate robot i'm sorry for baiting and getting into this argument. our lives are probably similar. my original post was meant to catch a normalfag sex-haver not a robot.

Deer are pests. They have been since timber wolves were wiped out.

There is no living woman I would want to mix dna with

that's cool user but I want to make a woman carry my babies.

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No - I am laughing at an autismo claiming to be
>too smart

Calm down with the stutter posting. You've used it so excessively that it's blatantly obvious you were seething while writing your post.