Cigarette general

>lighting my 12th cigarette of the night

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Based HSTposter

I've never had a better cig than a Dunhill.

I hate Canada so much. Our cigarette regulations are unjust and no amount of healthcare or maple syrup justifies living in this forsaken nanny state hellhole.

Our most popular cigarettes are probably Belmonts, known for having a charcoal filter. Other countries get menthol, all sorts of fruity flavors, cloves, and all we get up north is fucking charcoal for $15 a pack.

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Patrician taste

How much for a pack of loose tobacco to make rollies?

I'm hitting my juul for the 120th time tonight

Iktf, user. Recently paid my registration fees for university and now I'm too broke to even buy a pack of cigarettes. Seriously thinking about selling weird shit just so I can have money to buy more.

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If you want fruity just fucking juul already.
I do miss cheap cigs, menthols, cloves, and patio smoking though. Fuck Canada that I can't have a cigarette with my coffee without having to stand on the curb like a pleb.

>quit smoking last week
>first big test of willpower came when i changed my router settings and the fucking thing reset the password to not the password i thought it was
>was close to punching my monitor in
>almost opened the emergency pack of cigarettes
>fixed problem
>calmed down
>drank some water
>emergency pack remains unopened

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Having an emergency pack is a sure fire to fuck quitting up.

Well, it's the same as being on nofap and browsing NSFW boards. You just have to ignore the titties. After a while they just become bags of sand, just as God intended.

Are chew bacco anons welcome?

Might seem nasty too most but I'm from the south and it just kinda grew on me, nothing like a good pinch of grizzly dark wintergreen

>not your 12th cigar

dude kys you cant be cool smoking fags fag.

Yeah this is why my brother STILL continues to smoke even though every time we talk he mentions trying to quit

Your brother needs a better regiment, honestly. And to talk less, do more. Common problem.

You've never smoked a cigar in your life. Have you ever even SEEN somebody smoke a cigar?

I was in rehab for alcohol and drugs and one of the main things we got told to do was to make consumption of the substance as hard as possible. Initially, since we were so deep in the shit, we had to trust a family member with the money and have no spare cash, no alcohol at home, avoiding going to events where alcohol might be present such as a marriage, and so on.
A lot of guys tried to quit drinking but had alcohol at home for guests or whatever. They got told over and over to get rid of it. And every single time they ended up drinking from it sooner or later, learning the hard way.

I will never quit cigarettes and if you're not serious about it it's cool. Smoking is great. But if you really wanna quit then get rid of that pack right away.

Okay. Well that's sound advice seeing as how you went to rehab for it, and I appreciate you telling me. I suppose I have kept the emergency pack because of a symbolic attachment. I will probably end up throwing it out now.

Not him but my dad does all the time, prefers them cause they stay lit longer or something? so he can do shit and it doesn't matter if he doesn't take a puff every few seconds

Honestly better have an emergency pack rather than buying a pack, smoking a cig, and throwing it out in disgust like I do lol. Waste of money.

You probably kept the emergency pack because you're tricking yourself into not quitting. It's very common actually. The mind finds any excuse to not quit a substance it's addicted to, to the point of playing itself in a way that is impossible to detect unless you're knowledgeable about how quitting a substance works.
Not saying you're addicted, I got no idea. But that's the kind of shit addicts do.

Well shit. I mean the goal is just to not smoke at all if I can help it. I thought about tapering my usage but at some point enough is enough, so best to just go cold turkey and get my body/mind acclimated to not smoking.

That's good insight. I should probably read about the psychology of addiction, I'm not too familiar with it.

>he isnt a vagrant roving around picking butts

Enjoying my 25g pouch of capstan, I use a rolling machine which could easily roll a cigarette and make it seem like a tailor. It's expensive here, cost me 30 something bucks

I vape for my nicotine fix, I can't smoke a cigarette or else I'll vomit.

I've never had Belmonts but I love Mevius and those are also charcoal filter.

Why are cigarettes so expensive in Canada?

I mostly switched to vaping a few years ago, after 10+ years of smoking but I still have a real cig here and there, maybe 3-4 a week on average. When I smoke the real thing my favorite has been Marlboro 27s for years, and they've gotta be lit with a Zippo, they don't taste right otherwise.

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>start smoking
>having less social anxiety when I'm outside (I used to have facial twitches, excessive sweat, and heart palpitations whenever I'm around people)
>have fewer emotional outbursts
>brain works like a clock
>stops me from going full schizo
>feel better after eating sugary food
honestly, what's so bad about smoking ? Chance to get cancer is like 1 in gorillion and you have to have genetic predisposition to it. It might reduce your overal lifespan, but why would I give a shit really, why would I want to live to my 80s just to shit my pants daily and not being able to do basic shit without someone's help. My grandpa smoked all his life and lived to his 80, once he quit he soon developed alzheimers and that shit is far worse than death.