Just bee confident bro

>just bee confident bro

>try to be confident
>get shot down

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>act like a complete tool
>get rejected

Pua negging =/= Confidence

That's not acting confident, that's acting like a retard.

Why go for the cringy negging? No wonder you're a virgin...

what is negging?
What did i do wrong

When bees mate the queen their bee penis gets ripped off and stays in the queen as they fly away after cumming inside her, so don't bee too confident.

I think it's better if you just stay away from texting women OP. It's clearly not for u.

Does not matter. Had sex.

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yeh, no body likes a negger

Negging is purposefully "abusing" someone with the intent of reverse psychology to make the dumbass like you. It's stupid to neg in the first place, but you didn't stick through with it and looked like a little bitch.

there's a femdom video game based on this concept lmao
i like to abuse the anime bees

lmao is that your idea of being confident? this board is just sad

I dont know if that opening was supposed to be a joke or something but geez was that horrible. I may be a virgin but at least I know not to insult someone when greeting them.

you backed down what you should have said is
>im still way hotter than you

>start your interaction with an insult then immediately backtrack and go into beta sperg mode
>wtf guys u sed 2 bee confident :((((

If you think being strong is being disrespectful it's because you're weak and chasing an imagined symptom of something you don't understand

>He's a negger
Enjoy your complimentary robe and oaken staff.

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>idk I'm autistic
Have def seen this before but still funny

See when people say be confident, they mean be assured in your own qualities and what you can offer the person. When you're going after a girl (so I'm told) something you can try is being the thing they need to fill a void in their life. Maintain an air of mystery to you, but be open about things. That's all shit I heard from a seduction guide though, so I have no clue if it works.

In all truth I still haven't figured out what the fuck confidence actually is, but from experience if you don't go in automatically pursuing a sexual relationship and you just earnestly want to talk with them it's easier to not come across as a complete fucking tool. Just talk to them (and don't text. You're fucking terrible at it).

>Maintain an air of mystery to you, but be open about things
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

It's called making 100 attempts.

Yeah they tried to gaslight with that one shit video, but it works because 100 different people will have different motivations and you will happen upon someone who thinks "yeah you'll do". Not to mention if it's not a direct "wanna fuck" kind of approach magic happens.

Bad luck user, you gave me a chuckle at least with that response

See like, when you're talking, be open and casual, but don't just blurt out all your life story and insecurities. You want to draw her into you, make her curious.

For example, let's say I'm talking with a girl and she brings up, say, a movie in a genre I like. I'm an amateur filmmaker myself, so I'd say something like "Oh yeah, I was actually out in Minnesota about a week ago, I was working on a horror short with some friends of mine." Immediately this raises a bunch of questions for her.
>Why was he in Minnesota?
>What was the horror short about?
>Did he get it done?
You want to keep questions like these in her mind throughout, so you pepper in little details just to grab her attention. She'll most likely just choose one and move on, but then you gotta keep the conversation moving from there.

I don't know if this all sounds masturbatory, because I actually was in Minnesota working on a horror short and wanted to talk about it, but I hope I'm clear about the intent: Be casual, but don't forget to keep her engaged.

Not him but I can't imagine having to keep up that act the whole relationship, with anybody. I understand the mechanics, I could probably even fake it well, but I can never bee myself.

Confidence only works if you are hot.

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I wonder how she would respond to "I'm autistic".
I pretty much tell everyone I know I'm autistic and shit in social interactions.
Keeps you single and raises redflags instantly. Girls will stay friends but won't date you.

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First time newfag?

I feel like there's a point where they're already invested, and the act can be dropped, but even then this doesn't feel like an act. It's testing the waters, seeing if there as into you as you are into them, and a big part of that is drawing them into your web. You build your web on honest stuff, but hold back on things they don't necessarily need to know but might be fascinating later on. Maintaining the mystery, like I was saying.

I had a similarly confident girl enter my inbox once and I have no idea what the fuck happened.

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>build the web
It sounds like a predator trapping his prey. I get it. I guess I just have a naive childs view of being able to just talk to someone without filtering myself dishonestly. Maybe you reach a point where you don't need to.

I use my virginity as a running gag.

I actually mentioned my autism to a girl once (indirectly, she brought it up when I mentioned it on my Snapchat story and she said (and I quote) "Well I don't care. You're a talented screenwriter and an amazing friend and that's all I care about". Hit kinda different because I was like bruh it's not even remotely that deep

When you insult someone else you just look insecure, not confident.
Having confidence means being confident in who you are user, and the irony is that the more you fake confidence the less you need to.

what are you doing m8

The person in your picture is confident though, but OP is a cringy fucking sperg and not confident at all

This is coming from someone who used to be a chad but after going through a lot of shit has regressed into a neet by the way.
I know I could get that confidence back if I wanted to, but I just don't care anymore.

OP would've worked if he were Chad.

Btw, just because you're some run of the mill of the sub 8 nigger doesn't mean I should have to play the stupid game women have set up.

Like grow the fuck up and stop doing stuff like shit tests or whatever stupid fucking validation games people will come up with

Not OP, but what about insulting yourself and using self-deprecating humour. I pretty much live off it.
>enter college
>have autism
>insult myself
>can't tell if people get upset by my insults about myself
>keep doing it
>sometimes they say aren't you being too hard on yourself.
>don't care because it's funny to me and friends outside of college
>keep saying bad shit about myself.
Amazing they kept me around desu.

Do you make references to being a virgin or just the autism? I've made jokes about being a virgin a few times because I just don't care anymore. Plus the jokes were funny with my highschool and online friends.

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It's funny that you turned it around on women when OP's the one playing stupid pickup artist games instead of talking like a normal person. Normal looking or hot guys just go "hey" and we see his pic and start talking, no weird lines required forcing me to think of a joke response or if he's gonna post the exchange on Jow Forumstinder or how many other chicks he spammed it to. The patterns become obvious. Just have a normal fucking exchange and set up a date it isn't difficult.... jus b urself

Yea self deprecating humour can work if you find people who will put up with it.

>when Nice Guys think being an asshole is confidence

Megan roasted the shit out of you though lol charge your phone autist

You don't know how deep this rabbit hole goes my nigga. I've shared this more times than I can count since this happened a few months ago and I won't stop until I've redeemed myself from this travesty of an interaction. This girl is still my friend, and hopefully she realizes that I'm just retarded.

Both, since there's another guy in my friend group who is also both a virgin and an autist. Though, he's at least gotten a blowjob, no woman has ever touched my penis sexually.

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>noticing patterns in men's responses

That's because every beta in a 100 mile radius is trying to stick his little penis inside you (and its actually working for a handful - frightening, I know).

He didn't insult her though.

I seriously feel bad for all of you fuckers. You psychoanalyze evrry littler interaction. There are better things to be learning. If someone isn't interested in you move the fuck on. Be passionate about what you do and know who you are. Being in LTRs for most of my life. I can tell you with complete confidence, stop investing so much into people, you're hyping social interaction up.

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What a pointless, obvious thing to say.

>being in LTRs
So you've never been in an actual relationship then

Sometimes the obvious needs to be said. These threads are pointless.

Long Term Relationships. I am getting married next month.

Fuck, I'm sorry. It's late, and I read that as long distance relationships (which I maintain aren't actually relationships).

Hey though, good for you then. Hope the wedding goes well.

>long distance relationships (which I maintain aren't actually relationships).
My gf and I were in a LDR for a year, visited when we could and she moved down to be with me.

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Yeah, be confident, not an asshole you asshole.

confident =/= cocky