Did anybody else's parents not teach them how to do anything ?

did anybody else's parents not teach them how to do anything ?
I'm 18 now, and i feel useless because i literally don't know how to do anything around the house (cooking, laundry, washing dishes etc). adding on to this, my parents make fun of me for being lazy and not doing anything, which just makes me feel more shitty, and makes me afraid to just ask them to teach me shit.
can anyone else relate to this?

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Washing the dishes is easy user you can start with that
Both of my parents are based, my dad pays my driving classes, puts pressure on my sometimes but he was always like that.
My mom sometimes asks me if I want to help her in the kitchen and learn and she doesn't really loses her head if I say no and stay doing nothing in the couch. Based

Yes. My best advice is to move out.

Dishes are easy, you just scrub those bitches down with warm water and dish soap and then dry them off and put them away. Or use a dishwater, if you have one. In that case, just scrub them down so no food is on it or anything, and then fill up the dishwasher and turn it on.
Laundry is also pretty easy, as long as you either have your own washer or some public one you can use (like if you're in a hotel w/ one or you can go to some shop you can pay to wash your clothes at and pick up later). Just make sure you don't put in reds with whites or whatever, you don't want to mix the colors up too much or they might bleed into each other. If you're using a public one you could get away with just asking for some help if you don't know how to use the machines, at 18 people won't think its too weird. Remember to hang stuff up afterwards though, or else the clothing gets really wrinkly and looks bad.
Cooking comes with practice. If you enjoy it, it can be a ton of fun and I personally love making food. Get some cookbooks/watch online videos or something, just surround yourself with material and practice when you have the chance.

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once you move out you'll learn because you have to. I was the same way. I know how to do most shit now.

parents got divorced when i was a baby, raised by a single mom, ie i raised myself

Yeah and then they make fun of you for not knowing how to do common shit. Plus it's awkward as hell when you talking to your friends that actually knows how to do shit.

If you think its bad now wait til your 30 still living with your parents on a neet income, trust me I know from experience just accept your useless and need mommy and daddy to do everything for you

How can you be so brain dead you can't just NATURALLY be able to clean some fucking dishes or do laundry?
The cooking I can slightly understand but god damn you're retarded and should be made fun of for that

Yeah, my parents didnt teach me shit or even let me do it if I wanted to. Slowly learning how to cook and clean now

Honestly OP I think this is hilarious.
The ONLY thing you mentioned that has ANY nuance is MAYBE laundry due to the different settings on a washer.
Cooking is LITERALLY just following step-by-step instructions. If you can't google "How to cook [x]" then you're honestly just a fucking retard and mommy and daddy can't help you.

>waaaaaaahhh mommy didn't teach me how to do simple actions this is impossibllllle
> why are they laughing at my ineptitude?

just wait til you're 28. thats when it really sets in that you're always going to be a useless failure. Ive taught myself so many things just out of necessity, but im still not good at doing things.

This isn't a super uncommon feeling, i felt fucked doing all this self care and shit at 18. I'm 20 now and it's relatively easy now, a lot of it is stuff you can either just instinctively do or learn from youtube tutorials. Don't feel bad that it took till 18/moving out to learn, sometimes the bird has to be pushed out of the nest before it can fly.

I'm 36 years old and can't do basic stuff. My parents didn't teach me anything and as you said I was always ridiculed for not knowing stuff so I learnt to avoid asking or trying.

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I taught my 28 year old bf to make scrambled eggs the other day. Inwardly I was lmaoing at his fucking life, I've been making scrambled eggs since I was single digits. Maybe men are just dumber

>cooking, laundry, washing dishes etc
Cooking I learned myself because it seemed fun and I was right. Washing dishes.. why do you need to "learn" this? Same with laundry. I just asked the first time I actually needed to do it myself and that's it.

Think about your exact same situation but being 22. This is me.

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For pete's sake, that stuff is not hard to learn. Just get your ass up and give it a try and you've learned it in like less than 2 hours.

Same here. It's the demolishing combo of an overprotective mother and a father that doesn't give a single fuck. I wouldn't get so stressed, cooking and other basic things are really easy. I started to learn craftsmanship to feel less useless. I still don't cook or make laundry, I let my parents do it because if I really think about it they made me an autist. So at least they can do things for me

>tfw parents didn't teach me how to tie shoes
Did they secretly hate me or something?

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Maybe they didn't know how to.

You're 18 now, you can teach that shit yourself now. Just Google easy cooking receipts or how to do laundry, it's not hard.

I remember my friend saying it was weird that I had to look up videos on youtube the figure out how to shave, made me feel pretty sad

When I went off to college I didn't know a lot of that shit either, I just googled it.
How do you not know how to wash dishes or do laundry though? Most of it involves just pushing buttons on a machine.

what the fuck do they really need to teach you. None of those things are difficult to work out, especially as we have the internet these days. I might have felt a bit of a moron googling "what are all the drawers for on the washing machine" or "How long to boil an egg" when I moved out but nothing is hard to work out. They sound like dicks but you are 18, they arent supposed to walk you through your entire life. you're supposed to work shit out for yourself.

>Be 30
>cant change a tyre
>cant change a spark plug
>cant check oil on car
>still dont know how to manage taxes, super annuation, have shit all over the place, probably lost thousands in fees
>Father refused to teach me to shave until i was 19 because he didnt want to have spend more money on razors and because 'your not going to be able to grow a bear anyway so why bother'
>No dating advice what so ever
>couldnt tie my shoes until i was 9
>refused to teach me to drive, got some faggot instructors to teach me.
>father never taught me to fish or shoot

I didnt know to take a shower on my own until I was 10 ffs. My parents were such boomers, overwelmed with theur perfect life of having all this material posession bullshit they nelegected their child. I really dont know why i had to go to that shit school and learn algebra.

Yeah, "putting a roof over my head" seems like enough for an education and counts as positive reinforcement on their head - I mean, HER head, because they divorced and I ended up with an absent father, on top of that.

I suggest you simply start doing shit, even if badly, if your slaves (parents) don't do it. If my stupid mom takes too long on fucking talmudbook or whatsapp, I just start scrambling with the pans and food and she comes running afraid I'll ruin another meal again.

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