At this point, would you consider a nigger gf if she liked u?

At this point, would you consider a nigger gf if she liked u?

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>At this point, would you consider a nigger tranny gf if she liked u?

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No. Sometimes these brown girls, asians etc. look attractive and they actually are. But just think about your little shitskin mutt kids. It's absolutely disgusting. Even if you don't want kids, staying with them just seems wrong. It's almost as bad as phoneposting.

Yep. No problems with it.

Yes because blacks are cute idk if I'd be able to vibe or connect with one though, already have enough trouble with my own race, black women generally carry a completely different energy then whites


My kids will be my kids no matter what shade their skin is. If racists are disgusted by that, that's not my problem.

i want nigger pussy on my cock

Attached: nigger pussy.webm (854x480, 1.7M)

I'm with one yeah. Only girls who've ever shown interest were black so I ended up with one.

Yes, but my skin is darker than this girl's.

I have never found a black woman attractive.
Is my penis racist?

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No, if you were to say something like
>no black woman can possibly be attractive
Then yeah it would be, and you would be, but preferences are a thing

Half-way through 2019 and I still don't have a black gf...

Attached: black qt.jpg (900x1200, 136K)

that looks like my current gf so ye
bruh.. thats what I call ideal hnng

>no black woman can possibly be attractive
Also this.

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Black GF yes, nigger GF no.

Race is more than skin.

wtf eww no ill stick with my white tranny natsoc gf thank you

I'm confused by your post user are you saying they can't or????

Because that's not what I was saying

Sure, but was complaining about skin.

That's me you idiot. Originally. For real.

That changes nothing retard you were still complaining about skin???

I understand what you mean perfectly clear. Blacks are unattractive. You racist pig

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What? I never said it didn't matter. I got the impression you were saying race is just skin deep, so I said it isn't. I guess I was unclear.

Just: Niggers. Good enough?

What the fuck are you on about? Can you even read? I'm literally getting dumbed down by seeing your posts. When the fuck did I say anything about YOU saying it didn't matter? Like what the fuck are you even referring to I'm growing a tumor trying to wrap my head around this
I simply said you were complaining about skin, something you DID retard

Not at "this point". I've never really cared about a girl's race, just about her personality, attractiveness and tiddies.

I feel like black girls are the only girls that understand

I'd fuck her as long as she let me call her a nigger while doing it, but I wouldn't date her.

I'm so lonely i'd accept anyone.

What if you don't care what your nonexistent children look like and just want a brown gf

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No shit, jackass. If she's cute I'm definitely interested.

Understand what? Being a robot?

I would consider dating a girl of any race if she liked me and I like her, color of the skin is nothing