How come in every dick size thread on Jow Forums the average is always around 6.5''...

How come in every dick size thread on Jow Forums the average is always around 6.5''? Is it really this way irl or everybody here is just full of shit?

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why don't you just google dicksize ? People are always lying about this stuff online

I am curious cause from my experience when talking to guys most also say 6" or bigger.

>Is 6" a small size?

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How tall are you user? Are you a big boy?

there are more men with 4 inch cocks than 6 inch cocks, everyone lies about their dick size, even on the internet

I like this, I'm going to use it next time

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Every single guy on the face of the earth adds an inch to both their height, and their dick. Every single one. Even the dudes who are 6'4 and 10 inches will say they're 6'5 and 11.
The average is a little bit over 5.

Im 5.6 feet tall

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Average. You wouldn't want to be above 5'10'' with those inches user

I'm 6'2 and have never added an inch to my height because I've never felt the need to.

Okay Mr.6'1
Your secret's safe with me

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6.5x5.5 is above average and basically the ideal size.

The average is 5.5x4.5

I'm just gonna keep going with the label of average, and maybe be happily surprised if I ever have sex.

What does it matter if i'm average when i have 0 girth?
>my dick looks like a popsicle stick

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I unno...
While hard I'm pretty close to 7"
But flaccid I'm closer to like...2.5"
I always fucking hated changing in gym class...

And where i'm from, 6" is quite a bit above average, too bad i have no girth to keep up with

Nope, 6.1 inches reporting in, never lied about it.

>Randomly throwing out dicklet
I'm 8 inches on a bad day so check that attitude tiny.

never measured, you tell me

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I'm the same, my dick looks like a funky thumb when I'm soft.
On the bright side the shocked reaction when a girl gets to see it grow is pretty cool. So theirs that.

This is what you see before you die. I finally know the answer to the other thread.

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I'm wayyyy too self-conscious to let anyone see it, with the fear that i'll lose my stiffy and they'll laugh at me while they watch it deflate into a baby thumb ;_;

have you ever heard about the big virgin cock?

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I get that, I've never had it happen, but that wouldn't be fun.
I guess the best way to go about it would be to make sure the girl knows how big you are hard, that way if you get too nervous then she'll try to encourage you since she know's you're packing.

Use some fucking lights.

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>4.5 inches girth

maybe if you live in China

this. Projecting manlet kek. 191 cm never lied about my height.

Whatever you say little buddy ;^)

keep coping big boy, accept my condolences

The only thing I'm coping with is the stress from my enormous penis and towering height that I posses.
Maybe someday you will see the error of your ways my tiny tiny friend.

I have a 6.5 inch penis but its really skinny but as I'm a 5'5 skeleton it looks really big

you realize lots of nigger robots post on this board?

Because that would make me gay

Anyway normal size is 4", if you don't add 2.5" FUPA

I dont know but as an 8 incher I feel compelled to post
It's a special topic im knowledgeable and have special insights dicklets don't or wouldnt ever want to believe

I'm 8.5x7.2 most are just being I'd imagine but lots of people have good sized dicks

>acting like 6.5" is uncommon or something to brag about

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My dick is inside my body and my balls are above my dick, i also got tumors on my chest and i've eaten so much that my trunk got big

Attached: i feel everything.png (2160x2160, 457K)

>tfw average 5.5 inch benis
>tfw average 6'2 height
I never had a chance.

no my dick is really 6 x 5 i got a tape measure and everything. i think thats pretty average dude

I'd imagine dicklets aren't as interested in posting about it.