Why do some people still have this mentality that all men should be fathers and women should be mothers...

Why do some people still have this mentality that all men should be fathers and women should be mothers? Some just aren't meant to be one.

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Whwateverm give me the source.

What makes you think some shouldn't?

Because children make people vulnerable and it's more people to take advantage of.

You must not go outside much I presume.

Pushing the humanitarian reasons aside. There's less need for people to reproduce as technology become ever more efficient in each passing decade causing a surplus of people to have to accept more work hours with less pay if they want work. Why do boomers & gen xers not understand this?

sauce now

dfsfdsvdvgf dbvf x

they also seem to forget about the fact that we live in an overpopulated world and costs of living such as shelter, food and water continuesly increase as a result of the increased demand without really being able to increase supply as we reach land limits.

With less Colleen there is less reason to live and to spend and to earn.
Social collapse.
Are you going to pay for someone else's kids if you don't have your own?
What happens when an ecconomy of scale no longer works and all the products parents have to buy are really expensive because there are less sales?

>what happens when an ecconomy of scale no longer works and all the products parents have to buy are really expensive because there less sales
supply and fucking demand you retard, basic principle of trade. if there are less sales then the prices decrease, And you still fucking dare talk about economy

>there is less reason to learn, spend and earn
you still need to do all of those for a basic fucking living.
>social collapse
>oh no! if we have less than 7 billion people the world will collapse!

>are you going to pay for someone else's kid
Its called adoption, retard and its better than giving birth

you sound like the average NPC normie that should kill himself already, how about not using your ass to think and actually read a little

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Outside what? My mind? Because it seems yours has vacated into your ass pretty far.

>Neet trying to think he knows the real world

Part time neet working in a normie club you mean

No, custom made objects are more expensive than factory made products.
If sales are down and don't show any sign of returning the price has to go up to cover the cost of production.

What? Just looking at Jow Forums threads and seeing people from my town i see individuals that shouldn't be parents whatsoever

Pedophiles, shitty parents, people who just genuinely don't want a child/don't give a shit about keeping their kid from being an asshole, insane people, drug addicts. Plus mass overpopulation is gonna happen relatively soon in conjunction with global warming fucking up available land space, pic related. This shit fucks me up at night, but it gives me solace that I'll be dead before stuff really goes to shit. Scared for how shitty life will be for future kids, probably just gonna adopt

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It's pretty much the same thing

>welcome to another edition of
>A shitty tripfag wants to turn Jow Forums into personal therapy!
>today we have Rugga, a bottom-tier tripfag with delusions of competence, try to get arcanine to become their hugbox!
Go shit up blebbit fag

nobody SHOULD be a parent it's wrong to the kid.
but everyone WANTS to be a parent because biology.
only some CAN be a parent.
Nobody knows how.
people can only become good at it.
there are several injustices here.

Self-loathing is a helluva drug

I'm a top tier tripfag get it right

Exept the fact i am basically in constant contact with normalfags, but what do you expect to see from the sight of your colon.

t. seething tranny

I have a son, it's pretty cool. especially when he looks almost 100% like me.

what reason would I have to have a kid in any other philosophy

>I do not know a thing about religion, deontology, positivism, or much of anything else



>know that gf and I wont be good parents because we want to focus on saving money, hobbies, and travelling
>work hard to become move up in life and get great paying jobs
>people that live paycheck to paycheck keep telling us to have kids
>insist that I know any child of mine will be a complete fuck up and be emotionally neglected
>"Having kids changes you, user!"
Well what if I like myself just the way I am?

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the sauce be Katie Cummings frens