Women have it so much easier in life, everyone on Jow Forums is aware of this, but why does no one talk IRL about it? Why is it perceived strange when you exclaim that women live on easy mode?
pic related.
Women have it so much easier in life, everyone on Jow Forums is aware of this, but why does no one talk IRL about it? Why is it perceived strange when you exclaim that women live on easy mode?
pic related.
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Go away, this is the advice board, not your incel whining soapbox.
People irl have better shit to do and talk about because they have lives as opposed to your average celbot. They also don't think that's the case so there's no reason for why they'd bring that up to begin with unless they were celbot.
>settling for literally any john will cure loneliness
Ok, so why don't you settle for the whores who got used up and want a nice beta to settle down with? There are plenty of desperate used goods on the market. Oh thats right, you want to be with someone you actually like and connect with. Whoa
Fuck off incel
You're such a beta cuck the mods moved you, what a fucking faggot lmao.
Get fucked, nerd.
The answers are so obvious. It's too painful for me to explain.
>easier in life
tfw being oppressed by a male dominated toxic masculine society constantly under threat of harassment or rape/assault, paid less and being excluded from things for being a women everyday is easy mode. Oh user, how naive you are.
If thats easy mode I wonder what hard mode is for you, white straight male? Privileged fuck, You have your modes opposite to reality.
wew, I didn't know that Jow Forums was so full of violent normies now. Good Guy Greg would be disappointed.
>wtf good looking girls don't want ugly sweaty nerds annoying them
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why do girls have it so easy
i wouldn't want bunch of fat women annoying me either or a woman at all, I prefer spending time alone 90% of the time
Are these replies LARPs or are you people actually for real lmao
make sure to dilate along the way
>paid less and
Women are paid more, for the same jobs, in many cases, not to mention the benefit of maternity leave
>excluded from things for being a women everyday
Excluded from what? Professional sports, only to be segregated to their play leagues? Women are being humiliated and outclassed by trannies in their leagues, how do you think that would go?
>alt right incels have nothing to say but set premade dialogue tree responses like an NPC in a video game, only parroting what the falvour of the month nazi demagogue has told them to mutter
This must be bait, I don't thin anyone buys into half of these memes anymore even among total normalfags
Look at him and laugh.
>Women are paid more, for the same jobs
[citation needed]
most men are just means to an end and once that end is reached then civilization vanishes. it's a retarded roleplay, but I wouldn't mind if we were slightly poorer so women actually had a reason to give a shit about us.
>Women are paid more
>excluded from things for being a women everyday
What I said is really a broad generalization, I suppose one example I could give is a lot of stereotypes are forced upon both genders when it comes to what jobs they ought to do through societal norms, although women take the short straw as those stereotypes tend to be lesser paying less demanding jobs
Yeah right, disregard the opposition by just saying how absurd it is and how nobody could believe that. Way to dodge justification of your beliefs because you have absolutely nothing useful to say.
>if it happens to men too in this example that means all other examples of female gender pay gap is somehow void
Lol nobody is saying thats its okay for men to be paid less, its odd how you jump to that mindset of oh w-well it happens to men sometimes!
>a male dominated toxic masculine
We're betas. We're the victims of toxic masculinity, not the perpetrators. Don't saddle us with Chad's shit.
>under threat of harassment or rape
Men receive longer prison sentences and are incarcerated more often for the same crimes women commit. Factoring in prison, men have plenty of reason to be afraid of rape.
Yeah, bullshit. Women can punch and hit dudes all damn day and most civilized dude in the 1st world don't even think hitting back is an option. On the other hand, as a male I have to remember to always be respectful in public because chad will not hesitate to knock me the fuck out if I disrespect him. Women have waaaay more girth to act shitty without violent repurcusions.
>paid less
Men face the same pay gap if you're short.
1st world women DO have it easier in life.
>the opposition
Of course I disregard you, you don't actually even believe half of what you say you are just the "opposition" as you say
Neither "side" is right or wrong, truth is a lie
The wage gap or lack of one, suicide rates, workplace deaths, sexual harassment, gender stereotypes
we just pick our weapons to use and go at it, muh culture war XD
Not even sure why we are on the sides we're on, but we are. So save the links which you didn't actually read through because even if you had something that could convince me I was wrong, it wouldn't change anyone's point of view and the same is true for you
That height pay gap is a myth and even if it were legit it would be a minimal effect. Why can't you just admit you were wrong when you said women get paid more for the same jobs?
You know funnily enough I agree with you on absolutely every point, I'm not a radical hardliner feminist I think mens rights activism is ok too and arguably needed a lot more in certain aspects of society right now. But saying bad shit happens to men too doesnt dismiss any of the truths women face, it just means theres too many injustices in society and none of them should exist.
pic related
I do believe what I say and I have read through the links, again way to dodge and weave dodge and weave buddy thats all you're good for.
t. woman or man with height privilege
is advice really filled with faggot normies who think women can do no wrong? god /soc/ and /lgbt/ was a mistake. it gives these people a platform to fester and encroach on other boards
>all other examples of female gender pay gap is somehow void
All other examples shink to 1-2 cents when you take into account hours worked, education, and the actual positions themselves, according to a nation wide study. Which means there's probably other variables that aren't being controlled for, and thus the gap does not exist.
""Although additional research in this area is clearly needed, this study leads to the unambiguous conclusion that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers."
That pic means you've clearly totally misunderstood what I was saying
I'm not some alt centrist faggot, but I'm just aware that people look for links and articles to support their beliefs rather than coming to their beliefs because of the links
You are incapable of going through a fundamental change to your worldview no matter what evidence you are presented with
I didn't say women get paid more for the same job. That was my first post.
>even if it were legit it would be a minimal effect
That's false, you fucking privileged woman. It exists and it specifically affects men.
>A research paper published in the Journal of Applied Psychology showed that height is strongly related to success for men. It showed that increase in height for men corresponds to increase in income after controlling for other social psychological variables like age and weight.
> They also found that men's wages as adults could be linked to their height at age 16
How about this whopper:
>Surveys have uncovered that less than 3% of CEOs were below 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m) in height. 90% of CEOs are of above average height
Name one area, besides presidency, where women experience that kind of discrimination.
This couldn't be any more incorrect.
>You are incapable of going through a fundamental change to your worldview no matter what evidence you are presented with
Wrong I stopped being an alt right edge lord a few years ago when presented with numerous facts and studies following the general multi disciplinary consensus of whatever topic is at hand.
> but I'm just aware that people look for links and articles to support their beliefs rather than coming to their beliefs because of the links
Surely you don't think that every bodies rationale for their beliefs is equally weighted and valid when it comes to critically assessing and analyzing studies, and then once you have facts actually forming epistemological oughts on what to do with that information. Not everybody is equally right, equally wrong or equally justified. There is a right side, there is a proper way to judge things on a consistent world view conforming to some central goal.
wew laddie, can you write a post without using your buzzword salad shooter?
Look at the list of the world's richest men, they are mainly average or short men. Tall men are a minority.
>if you use relevant big words in a discussion you are wrong
It's not my burden that you are illiterate or too stupid to understand pretty basic concepts. Although it really displays your underlying self, too stupid to even BEGIN to form a coherent and well thought out response. Just take the L dawg, you're highschool grade nihilism or both sides shit is pants on head retarded.
Look at this brainlet incel. He equates showing incels how wrong they are and btfo'ing them with facts, with defending women.
You changed because of a change in your environment, not because of the studies which you like totally read through and understood properly
>Surely you don't think that every bodies rationale for their beliefs is equally weighted and valid when it comes to critically assessing and analyzing studies
not at all, I'd say the overwhelming majority of people (you and me included) are not equipped to do so, and only a few unusual people might have a worldview that stems from observation and proofs rather than a mix of emotional attachment and perceived opposition
most studies are actually used as nothing more than post hoc justification for whatever people already believe, which is why it's so easy to debunk people of almost any political stance, and there's never any consensus on major issues after decades of discussion
>There is a right side
Yeah there is, my side, whatever that might be right now
There was a time when whining was considered unmanly and showing weakness,i wish we could go back to those times.
I would in a heartbeat but the laws of this land ensures she will be entitled to half my shit and I'll be forced to pay child support if I even show a hint of compassion to her half nigger sons, so no.
You're wrong. It looks like they're all above 5'7 which is EXACTLY what I quoted
>Surveys have uncovered that less than 3% of CEOs were below 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m) in height. 90% of CEOs are of above average height
You're acting like dudes who can't even admit racism exists.
False equivilance.
The difference is that someone draining you for betabux is just draining you, they don't find you attractive mentally or physically.
The "johns" as you call them at the very least find the girl physically attractive, probably mentally too in most cases.
The former doesn't love you and wants to use you for money. The latter loves you and wants to have a serious relstionship, shallow or not. I'd be completely fine with a roast if she was like one of the dudes that femcels have to fight-off on a daily basis.
Honestly OP, you should really stop posting on Jow Forums. It's honestly the worst board here, and the people there are mind numbingly stupid. I honestly think Jow Forums is a better place to ask for advice lol
Jow Forums is gay
Nah, from a quick glance it looks like it's a way older crowd than it used to be, but still mostly chill. The angry goon here seems to be an exception.
You haven't posted anything of value, just incoherent leftypol buzzwords accompanied by anime pictures. How is that substantially different from the alt-right edgelord persona you used to have? You claim you've changed from being an edgelord, but in reality you've not changed one bit. Take a step back and read your posts as if they're written by someone else and maybe you'll see that.
There is consensus. Reality has a liberal bias after all. It only suits your goal to spin a narrative that actually every single opinion is still open, not settled, and there is no consensus among people who actually know their shit (I.e academics in their respective fields of research). The only way people like you possibly stand a chance in the world is by obfuscating and confusing the facts and saying everything is unsettled, and disputed, therefore allowing rhetoric and dogma that feels easy and intuitive to the retarded neurotypical to grasp, such as surface level emotional takes like browns bad and gays bad because these studies I misunderstand say so.
>studies are actually used as nothing more than post hoc justification for whatever people already believe
I can't argue against your feeling that all of academia is just wrong because muh feels
Someone draining you for your vagina is also just draining you.
>The latter loves you and wants to have a serious relstionship, shallow or not.
Loves? Do you seriously think that love can be developed if all you know about a woman is that she has a vagina and isn't hideous?
>a-anime pictures and leftypol buzzwords
ok so you actually have zero to say. I mean okay thats gonna be a cringe from me bro, also fuck leftypol being compared to that filth is insulting
No but he has the INTENTION to love you. No shit some dude isn't going to be in love with you before talking.
There might be some people just trying to drain you for pussy but can assure you that a gooood portion of the guys genuinely want to get to know you.
All roasts just want financial stability.
but I didn't say all of academia is wrong, all of academia isn't actually left wing that's (quite ironically coming from you) a dumb Jow Forums meme
There are plenty of right wing/ conservative academics/ professors/ students/ etc.
In fact it's funny, because the first time I heard that expression Reality has an X bias, it was the reverse of what you said, it was some silly talk radio guy saying the reality had a conservative bias, and this was beack when I was in my early teens and just a generic lefty liberal like I was raised to be so it bugged the shiit out of me.
I remmeber becoming more conservative, and seeing there was a whoel different world and they all saw people like me the exact same way I had seen them for my entire life. Ad complete fools who were living in a fantasy world.
I don't even call myself conservative, I realise that the reason I was changing my views wasn't because of "the evidence" at all.
I was just changing my views, and "the evidence" was the lube
You keep living the lie that "the academics" are all on your side though. It's probably healthier for you
Then you can always find a single mother who has intention of loving you since this would be the best for her child. She would probably be forever grateful and she would love you. And single moms aren't picky so what are you waiting for, user?
Because it makes women feel bad and if you make women feel bad without being a chad you won't get a chance at pussy. The biggest truth speakers I've seen on this shit were chads, only because they could get pussy regardless of whether they tried to appease women.
>women don't negotiate as hard for their salary
>somehow this is men's fault
And barring that, the pay gap is mostly because women choose lower paying career paths. When comparing the same positions, the pay is mostly the same.
OP here, I only use Jow Forums for shitposting and to see normlords shout at other for cheating on their husband etc.
It's the board where the "sort by reply count" is most useful, it filters out the flame wars.
Lol yes it is you coping roastie.
>oh fuck the incels know, shut it down!
C'mon man, read what you wrote in and
. That shit is boilerplate leftypol/resetera/SRS/LF/FYAD, the kind of ranting that Jow Forumstards love making fun of. If you can't see that, you're bloody blind. Or you're just a shitposter and I'm taking bait. Whichever.
>implying that isn't the exact same thing
Single mothers are even worse because not only are they just a drain on your economy but you also have to pay for some brat that will never really love you either.
2 leeches for 1.
Your picture literally shows Bezos and Zuckerberg at 5'7".
Jow Forums has actual adults, which is why whiny faggot incels get laughed out of there. It's not a place where you will get validation for your special snowflake whining.
Yeah but you can still get laid. Cry me a river
shocking lack of self awareness, I think I might need to start posting on Jow Forums it sounds like it'll be the easiest way to bait NPC rage in the world
>paid less
If only this were true. Women get paid more to do the same amount of work. Men earn more because they choose better careers and put in more hours.
At my job, I have a female coworker who has the same salary as me and does the same job. Despite the fact that I've been at the company for a year longer than she has, the fact that I've never gone on parental leave, and the fact that she leaves at 4:00 PM while I leave at 5:30, we both get paid the same amount. That's how you know you live in a society that bends over backwards to meet the needs of women (at the expense of men)
I didnt bother going any further but holy fuck the level of normie/raostie cope on this board is insane. Goes to show the amount of effort they are putting into trying to subvert the board. Its funny, I never throught I'de \live to see the day when Jow Forums was such a thorn in the side of the degenerate left that they needed to fix bayonets and shit post this hard.
Women cannot live life on hard mode.Even the most down trodden, out of luck female can find someone to sleep with her and that is the be all end all validation ticket every human on earth desires.You cant sit there and say your lonely when you have guys wanting to fuck you. You may want love but guess what you arent cinderella so you areny going to get it. Fuck your orbiters and maybe one of them will decide to date you. Not, pick and choose until you get what you want. Doesnt work that way roastie. Moreover its more than what a robot gets, which is nothing.
You females are like an obese person complaining about the quality of her steak diane to a group of starving slaves who havent eaten in years. Imagine that feeling, not being able to eat because youre too short, balding, jaw isnt riged enough, shoudlers are broad enough, dont make 6 figures, dont have a fast car, slouch or any of the million reasoons women come uo with to judge men. All a girl has to do is exist andopen her legs. Wow such tough life.
Enjoy cervical cancer. Whores.
Not sure why you included me in there bro, I'm on your side here
>Women get paid more to do the same amount of work
Still waiting for you to post proofs on that one.
That is the most homosexual post I have seen today.
Sorry mate, like I said I got over it trying to quote everyone and started eye balling it.
>le gay
Give birth
>this is the advice board
This is literally the worst place to go to if you need help or advice.
You moron, it's pretty obvious this was moved here from Jow Forums.
i totally agree with you. just because incels have been saying this shit doesn't mean it's not true. you don't have to be a total sperg to believe women today have.higher standards.
You have absolutely nothing to base that on except incel memes.
Because IRL many people feel the opposite. Men usually have easier lives and more support. It will blow your mind how polarized people feel on different subjects. If your life is objectively hard, thats nice. Mine isnt. Im a man. I have nice friendships a marriage and money. Most of my day is relaxed.
Unfortunately debating something so trivial as to whether a gender shares tertiary characteristics is also boring as fuck.
Well, the thing is, this isn't a feminism vs men's rights activism issue. The injustices that both genders face ultimately stem from the exact same root cause and people should be cooperating to address the real problem instead of complaining about how men have it better or how women have it better. What is the root cause? That men are seen as disposable agents, whereas women are seen as valuable objects.
If we talk about prison sentences, women's are more lenient partially because people don't want to subject the valuable women to harsh punishments in the first place, but definitely also because people don't think the woman is as responsible for her actions as the man, so the man is seen as "more guilty". It's also harder for women to get into higher positions in workplaces because people don't think women can be responsible enough to do the same work that men can do just fine. When men are total failures at life, it's their fault, when women are total failures, it's the system's (i.e. men's) fault. People will oftentimes believe an ignorant man over a woman who actually knows her shit about that subject. Etc.
Of course, people nowadays don't really tolerate differential treatment on the basis of gender, and that's why it always pisses off the gender that gets fucked over, and it often manifests as hatred for the other gender and by the end of the day, everyone is worse off.
Ironically, a lot of branches of feminism contribute further to the problem with their rape hysteria and shit.
Thats not the root cause and if you see humans like that it would be an exception
Yes it is and a lot of people see humans like that subconsciously. MRAs have been talking about the disposable vs valuable aspect and feminists have been talking about the agent vs object aspect but they're both correct.
>Men usually have easier lives and more support
Wrong and wrong
>Mine isnt. Im a man. I have nice friendships a marriage and money. Most of my day is relaxed.
Get off Jow Forums then
>Unfortunately debating something so trivial as to whether a gender shares tertiary characteristics is also boring as fuck.
Yeah man just government expenditure is trivial as fuck, just as age care is trivial as fuck,
just as foreign policy is trivial as fuck. I mean fuck incels and economy right? Go back to Tel Aviv.
Wrong. The metaphors dont even mean anything. If women arent seen as agents then you cant hold them accountable at all. And yet they do go to prison and are shamed.
But Im right. Mens lives are just easier. I prefer being a man. If you need the government to make you into a woman, be my guest to vote for that. Talking about men who play fortnite IRL wont get you there
They're exaggerations but it is a fact that women go to prison for shorter sentences for the same crimes, and it is also a fact that people literally see women as less guilty for crimes and that contributes towards the unfair sentencing.
Just like the pay gap is a `fact`
You cant say an exaggeration stated only to get a reaction is a root cause of injustice. Injustice happens for many different reasons beyond subjective biases by courts. Your level of thinking is just pitting your biases about gender against some nameless person in authority. It tells a story but not all men receive the same punishment for the same crime. Not all men get the same results from putting in the same effort. Its a pretty lame story to tell as those same biases exist for millions of characteristics, many far more significant than gender, like if you are actually a criminal to begin with. Theres also subjective biases about inherent differences between genders. Men are seen as more violent or scheming and are in the position to be judged more often
The pay gap is not a fact, this fact actually is and it's supported by studies.
>You cant say an exaggeration stated only to get a reaction is a root cause of injustice
It's not an exaggeration stated only to get a reaction, it is an exaggeration for a rhetorical effect. You're supposed to read it and understand that the terms are used to juxtapose the gender roles, instead of thinking that it means that society literally wants to get rid of all men.
>not all men receive the same punishment for the same crime
>Not all men get the same results from putting in the same effort
Irrelevant to gender issues.
>Men are seen as more violent or scheming
And women are seen as more victims of that violence and scheming. What a coincidence, one gender is doing shit and the other is getting shit done to it, it's almost as if I'm correct.
>not a fact
it's said for a reaction. it's also said by people who don't believe in those paradigms so the assumption is pointless as a "root cause" if you can't find anyone who actually believes in them.
ok retard
>women are seen as more victims
nah most crime is man vs man, brainlet. the victim of an assault isn't automatically an object
And all of those flowers belong to beta nice guys, that's why we women would rather not choose you beta males because we don't feel safe around you
@gender pay gap
It's not a thing that actually exists and there aren't any serious economists who would say shit like this
and serious judges don't say they see women as objects who deserve lesser sentences
But serious judges give women shorter sentences anyway and studies find out that they do see women as less guilty.