Does the average typical liberal woman hate white men now?

Does the average typical liberal woman hate white men now?

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Objectively yes. White men are the lowest on the modern liberal totem pole

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Youre just upset that my grandpa pushed your granpda into a ditch. And by ditch I mean his own grave and by pushed i mean he shot an 7.92mm mauser round right into the back of his skull.

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How many more times are you gonna post this, nigger?

In Western europe? Yes.

No? The average liberal female is not a tumblr femanazi. Most of them are females who like secularism , healthcare and think gay people should be allowed to get married.

tfw no antifafu gf

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This isnt true for US or Canada

because white men have become weak fat/anorexic edgetards with normalised social anxiety
work on yourself and stop blaming women

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user I don't know what you're insinuating, both of my grandfathers live in Ohio

No that would be Asian men. White men are a tier above.

This is probably the truth unless you live on the internet. Honestly most girls I know are liberal, left leaning, pro migration etc. but NEVER hang around with other ethnicities and if you talk to them about day to day stuff they don't really like migrants either. They obviously pull back and say "not all of them!!" but deep down 75% of girls aren't as bad as you think. The remaining 25% are weird tumblr types.

Hate may be too strong a tag but I do avoid them. When I see ones mouth moving I know something hurtful is coming out.

White guys were given chance after chance after chance and now its too late.

You forgot a high number are traps now.

The progressive stack turned into a religion. But white men are total cucks for the most part so they deserve it.

you know what makes me want to puke? when a white guy takes a selfie and he's got that open mouth and wide eyed surprise look or the roid guys flexing in a dirty mirror. so gay, yuck a ditch

No that would be south asian men. Orientals re a tier above

No. They virtue signal about minorities but at the end of the day most of them would never date or bang one.

why do you care? you're clearly not white, you incel mutt. let it go

No, most of the left leaning girls I know are dating either white Chads or onions whites. But whites none the less.

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no. despite popular opinion women are not as capable of hate as men are. the average liberal woman doesnt hate any group

Except of course men, you meant to say.

Never listen to what a girl says.

Only what she does.

It takes two to tango you retard.

Same here, anytime a woman opens her mouth something stupid and/or degenerate comes out. lmao

He's right though.

White men have been feminized throughout their childhood and then wonder why women don't like them.

We were raised on the lie that women think and feel like us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Men were raised to be "nice guys", "just be nice and you'll do just fine", we were sold a lie by our parents, our family and our teachers.

It's more sinister and pervasive then that, but yes we are saying the same thing.

I want to stress the "not think or feel like us" part very hard here. Often guys project how they would want to be treated onto their women and treat them like a woman should treat a man. It's a recipe for disaster and ALWAYS confuses the fuck out of unenlightened guys.

"Why would she cheat/leave me? I did everything right! Why do they always want the assholes?"

It's because assholes have characteristics their hind-brain can't resist. Women never CHOOSE to be attracted to them, it's an overwhelming feeling that they opt to rationalize later. It's almost pitiable.

they love hating them because it's easy virtue signalling
in the end they still chose white mates because they're the best

any white person who chooses lib is retarded or gay.

oh yes magically a bunch of greasy soulless american racemixed mutants are cute traps
fuck off you subversive jewish cunt

Liberals? No.
Non-Revisionist Communists/Socialists? No.
Progressives? Yes.

There is a key difference.

liberal in north america usually implies also being a progressive

Guh what if she started tugging your cock with her sweaty socks

Yeah liberals don't actually care about minorities they just like to act like they are the good guys of the movie but they don't actually consider inmigrants human.