Would you settle down with a girl no matter her past?
Would you settle down with a girl no matter her past?
Let me rephrase OP :
Would you settle down with a confirmed whore?
Duh. Why are you in a relationship? To grow or to be a judgy piece of shit?
Is that fucking ANTHONY FANTANO?
>Reformed whore
Ftfy what she did at 18 has no bearing on who she is at 27. I used to eat mud pies. Does that mean I am still a mud eater?
It means that you are a retard.
And your previous behaviour is an indication of what you will do in the future
No one can deny their past. Those who do replace their real life with cheap delusion.
What about a camwhore? Would you guys date a camwhore?
Yes, I suppose just because Hitler killed 6 gorillion Jews doesn't mean he's an anti-Semite, he's over it now :)
God I want to marry her and make her take the BBC while I watch in the corner.
I literally convinced my gf to become a camwhore and to give me 20 percent for moderating her chat and setting everything up. A bunch of beta boys literally pay her to suck my cock lol
No, but you were a mud eater, and someone might be comfortable around you until you tell them that you were a mud eater, and now that they know that you were the type of person to eat mud, they wouldn't be in the wrong to expect that you may still be eating mud behind their backs, you did it at least once, so they know you have some experience in eating mud, and it's perfectly acceptable if they no longer want a relationship with someone who could be eating mud in their spare time without telling anybody.
Absolutely not. Why would anyone?
I was talking in the sense of a solo act but damn dude that's based.
>6 trillion gassed
big if true
I would still marry her. I don't mind that much about girls being sluts. I just don't like girls with kids, even worst - girls with black kids.
A common bias until you realize the things you regret yourself
I would prefer a sexually active, experienced woman.
I'm not worried about my partner cheating on me or leaving me for someone else. I wouldn't particularly care.
The girls that I like have pasts that I like, and I know that even before I ask them about their pasts. If you're not a beta faggot, then you will never develop a taste for girls that coincidentially have fucked a lot of guys in the past
Of course not, do you think I am stupid.
You ate mud?
Once a whhore, always a whore. She doesnt regret what she did, she did it in purpose to get back at her strict parents because they wouldnt pay for her college degree. She also got arrested for drug posession. She openly admitted on /b/ all of this. Its not like she was naive, desperate for money or that it was a mistake of judgement, she totally wanted to do it and to this day has no regrets. Her rich father essentially bailed her out, covered up as much of was possible at the time, had her identity hidden and set her up into what she does now.
Even a girl who does porn to literally feed herself or prevent herself from going homeless is still a whore but this chick, shes 100 times worse.
I didnt suck dick for money so yeah your argument is invalid.
i unironically feel bad for the girl
Aww! That's Kelly!! She looks content, owo.
She looks so good! Owo
Nobody denies that he killed jews though right? He is still a bad person.
>that hairline
Do Asian girls really have such low standards?
Maybe he is rich? I think she likes rich guys since she is rich.
If I'm completely honest I'd settle with Mayli in a heartbeat.
>calling her "mayli"
theres a saying in korean culture - "suhggin nune" it means "rotten eyes". its used to describe men with sketchy eyes.
>Would you guys date a camwhore?
yeah, why the fuck not? it means she was goodish looking and smart enough to con some simps.
my kinda lady
duuuude she looks fucking t.r.a.u.m.a.t.i.z.e.d
Camwhores are usually virgins and cute so yes
You guys can't forgive her, can't you? Sure she swallowed dick and drank a cup full of cum and was face fucked but she changed!
Hitler never ordered the killing of Jews. That was all Goebbels.
That's actually pretty hot desu.
>tfw no slut gf to put out
I've been married to a former slut for 3 years now. 25 prior partners before me, but none of that shit matters or has mattered for a very long time. She's been loyal and supportive through and through, so I don't have anything bad to say. People change.
Obviously doing facial abuse porn is different but it's his life, not yours.
Not wonder youre a virgin loser.
No one cares about your hair line. Get over
Past is the best predictor.
i should hope not. if that were the case everyone on r9k should be rounded up for the drone chambers
Looks like Fantano