Im a tranny who actively baits straight men into relationships and makes them buy expensive shit for me AMA you...

im a tranny who actively baits straight men into relationships and makes them buy expensive shit for me AMA you pathetic loser niggys

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice job user.
I do that same as a normal male.

Hey can I get uhhh two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.

based and sagedpilled

sounds pretty based user, are you a bpd fren like me?

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Pretty bad bait tbf

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thanks for forgetting to sage user, always makes me smile.
Its really easy, i don't get why barely anyone does it. They won't even guess anything even with how disgusting my body looks they still swallow some stupid feet pics easily.
i've not been diagnosed with anything and im anti-self diagnosis user although some people has called me that fren.

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>pathetic loser bragging about depending on other pathetic losers
Sounds about right

ahh okie. do you have a discord user? i think i might know you.

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yup and im proud, if they're pathetic enough to want me and lust after me they deserve the worst tbf. There's nothing more pathetic than being a natal male and orbiting some random person online and even going to lengths to give them money so they give back a slight bit of attention.
Its nearly impossible you'd know me (and it'd feel weird although i know i've been in contact with quite a few people here.) Still im not in mood to share today user.

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I love how these mentally ill trannies post cute anime girls but in reality imagine the smell

you know some people clean their rooms and air them?
>imagine the smell
thats pretty hypocritical saying this on r9k too.

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>yup and im proud, if they're pathetic enough to want me and lust after me they deserve the worst tbf. There's nothing more pathetic than being a natal male and orbiting some random person online and even going to lengths to give them money so they give back a slight bit of attention.
holy based

I'm a lonely mid twenties loser repressing mild AGP and I like when trannies bully me

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what if they're genuinely in love wih you

You're doing god's work trannoid. Foot fetishists deserve eternal suffering.

Do you fuck them in the ass, afterwards?

why are you implying id go out of my way to meet any of this disgusting subhumans. Im trutrans enough to be disgusted by the idea of being dominant too.
i agree, foot fetishism is disgusting and i hate them.
i hope someday you'll stop repressing user, it might suck but still boymoding is sometimes good enough for you
its always meta-attraction only because im the one person to give them attention and try to spend time with them. They're so lonely they think they're in love with me when its just the isolation and disgusting degenrate lifestyle of masturbation they have led.

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>actively baits straight men
No you don't, you bait gay men into relationships. No straight man would enter a relationship with another man, retarded faggot.

do you think they even know im a tranny? Even when some of them find out they're so lonely and pathetic they accept it, sure some get angry although they really rarely find out and mainly when im having a really bad depressive episode it happens sometimes.

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If you didnt cut your dick, then based. Good luck at owning pathetic betas.
if you did... Then you are the pathetic beta.

shhhh just take another hit baby shhhh no need 2 b upset shhh~

nope, i've not and im not planning to. I might castrate myself eventually though just because life would be easier for me that way. Hons who get neovaginas deserve to be laughed at unless they actually have terrible genitaldysphoria (which some people sadly do and i feel bad for them and their near-open wounds.)
idk whats your problem dude > _

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If they find out (which isn't difficult considering you have the same typing style and use the same image medium as every other tranny on the planet) then if they don't cut contact with you they aren't straight. Not to mention it'd be blatantly obvious that you're just a hideous man in a wig, no one is going to fall for your bullshit if they aren't already gay or retarded.
You subhumans are adept at making excuses if nothing else, hopefully that self-imposed, self-diagnosed "depressive episode" causes you to take a shotgun to your head eventually.

cope moar
>man in a wig
i have very natural long hair and i had it since i was a kid ^ ` ^
cope moar moar moar moar insecure faggot i hope you die so fucking badly.Why would you thing id ever show more than my nice feminine lips to anyone? You're the subhuman here, you've spent all your life cryingaboutnotbeing able to get laid and you're here raging at a person with a more successful and nicer life than you because you need to cope with how much of a loser niggerfaggot you are. Nothing is blatantly obvious, not to a loser like you. Don't worry i won't kill myself but i hope you will or maybe fall over one of your pissbottles and hit your head onto the desk laying in a puddle of yourownshitandcum to bleed out from your head^ ` ^
Gays aren't attracted to trannies. Straight men are. Thats a psychological fact i learnt through years of knowing people, flirting and having fun making some shitty nigger suicidal because he jerked off to a picture of my thighs and felt like a fag

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but guess what he never cut me off and he still messages me now-so-often. He only ever dated cisgendered women in his life but now he doesn't go out anymore and stays at home for days on end. Straight men are the majority of who is attracted to trannies.
Yet your brainlet existance will still cope because you're too pathetic to accept the only true and real facts. I bet your mom is proud of you that in this day and age you are posting on a deadcorpse of a board full of crap baits and spam that r9k is. I bet your life is fun and i bet you're a totally respectable person and not a total clusterfuck B of a personality. I don't self-diagnose. I despise with all my heart of self-diagnosing although noticing things about myself happens and i have periods of being terribly depressed once every few months which last on weeks so i called them so.
Eitherway cope niggy, cope cope cope cope sweetheart. ^ - ^

Your greasy, unwashed, melded together hair stained with cum and smegma will also give it away you repulsive faggot.
>you've spent all your life cryingaboutnotbeing able to get laid
I haven't actually, since I haven't ever wanted to get laid because I'm not a disgusting abomination tranny whose life revolves entirely around lust and perversion. Since it's your own concern though, it's worth mentioning that getting your asshole pozzed with AIDS by other men isn't an achievement or a "successful" life, rather all it does is brutally define the peaks of your degeneracy. It will always be in your spiritual record and no matter what moral revelation you come to in the future you will always have been a troglodyte tranny at some point. I'd wager you will end up taking a shotgun to your head at some point, maybe your spindly, gangrenous limbs won't be able to lift it correctly but maybe you can get one of your less pathetic faggot associates to do it for you, rid the world of another diseased shitbag of filth.
>Gays aren't attracted to trannies. Straight men are.
Congratulations, you've proved yourself to be delusional and retarded, incapable of understanding the most basic definitions for the simplest terms out there. "Straight" means you are attracted to the opposite gender. Since you're a man, other men can not be attracted to you and called straight. I know you have a double digit IQ but I expected at least the bare minimum of legibility from you, maybe too much from a tranny.

nice assumptions, nigger
project m o a r.
Im much more self-aware than you cumdump. I bet you secretly masturbate to tranny porn like half of you niggers.

High quality men have no problem fucking passable white trannies. The faggot is right.

The issue is that the tranny is delusional if she thinks a High Quality man would commit to him in a relationship and be with him in public. It'll boil down a fetish of the Chad wanting to fuck the faggot's manhood out of him.

Can't stress enough that the tranny MUST be Stacy-tier White and passing.

Im gonna start setting up bear-traps rigged with hormones and whenever one of you get your foot cut of i'll just say

>Lmao if he's stupid enough to step in a bear-trap he deserves it!

By your retard logic it's also okay to
1.Scam people.
2.Rob people
3.Murder people

Brb while i stuff a morally justified stick of dynamite up your dilating bait-spewing asshole

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>He only ever dated cisgendered women in his life
Completely irrelevant, impressionable people with an underdeveloped psyche can be easily manipulated to change their mentality and priorities, that includes brainwashing them into becoming dead-end faggots like you.
>I don't self-diagnose. I despise with all my heart of self-diagnosing
You don't actually, you self-diagnose religiously, since you've already shown that your word is utterly meaningless. That said, it isn't for nothing, because it's apparent that virtually every single doubt you have in those "depressive episodes" you fabricated is accurate and a decent reflection of your utter failure to have any redeeming characteristics what so ever. Ruining some impressionable faggots life represents your own decadence and perversion, while you're also another nameless pawn in the brigade of trannies destroying this board like every other online community that makes the mistake of not purging you rotting, festering bloatsacks the moment you pop up.
Best not to call out people on their assumptions when all you've been posting the entire time is meaningless projection and anecdotes.
>High quality men have no problem fucking passable white trannies.
"High quality men" don't fuck men, high quality men aren't gay. There's no such thing as a passable tranny, there's always a physical characteristic they can't mask and beyond that their warped, depraved mentality makes them insufferable to interact with.
There's no scale to what is and isn't acceptable with trannies, you either fuck other men or you don't. If you so much as consider engaging in romantic or sexual contact with other men, you should be executed immediately, no exceptions.


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yep! it is okey to do that, i dont give a fuck. I only care about myself and the three friends that i have. If they leave me they can go die though. fucking r*ddit spacing tourist
im very fabricated. My whole life is and i enjoy that.
>don't fuck men
they fuck passable trannies, who are SOCIALLY women. Not biologically or any of the usual delusional crap. They are socially female in all eyes and situations.
go back to the yfm threads were funny at first but at this point its just spam nigger. I'll just listen to my denpa and lolicore albums in peace and ignore your shit-tier spam.
based. Although, i have to disagree with the 'white' part, asian also works for some people although Asians have it a bit fucked up overall and mostly prostitute.

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>i don't give a fuck
Cringe nihilism. stay in your discord hole.

I want to be disgusted but part of me thinks that might be jealousy that you pass and i don't

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>im very fabricated. My whole life is and i enjoy that.
Unfortunately for you that also contradicts every defensive statement you foisted here earlier while also revealing you as the type of retard who thinks admitting to engaging in the absolute peak of degeneracy in some experimental, self-evident clearance excuses it. It doesn't, you're directly ruining the planet, society and the internet not through neutrality or a lack of action, but rather by your own prerogative and will.
>they fuck passable trannies, who are SOCIALLY women.
They aren't socially women, they aren't mentally women, they aren't physically women. A barebones surface emulation of a similarly shallow example of a female will only serve to highlight your contrasting masculinity instead.
>Not biologically or any of the usual delusional crap
Ironic you speak of delusional crap when that entire statement is your own delusion taking precedence over reality, you actually called biology "delusional" when it's the only relevant aspect to take into account when you're talking about sexuality, kill yourself.

Im a straight male who baits trannies to eat poison AMA

im not a nihil. I don't identify with any philosophy, i just straight up don't care what happens too most people. Why would i eitherway? I can have my own ideas about the word and philosophy without being a shitty identitarian nigger who needs to feel special by putting themselves in a box and saying "OH LOOK HOW SPECIAL AND WOKE AM I!" and all that stupid shit. Identifying with anything is stupid unless its a descriptor (ex. fat)
if you don't pass just boymode and cope with baiting strangers on the internet thats fun too.
what else in things that never happened 101?
Nah, they're pretty socially and mentally women idk. You've not refuted my argument in no way lmao.

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Delusion or ill-informed. Tranny chasing for Chads is absolutely a thing. You'd never know because Chads won't tell you, and trannies wouldn't dare put them on blast in order to keep the Chad attention/dick coming.

I'm sorry your not a Chad or have Chad friends to know this. And look, I hate faggots just like you, but passable white trannies DO exist and Chads WILL fuck them in a fit of fetishism.

I could be projecting because Asians do absolutely nothing for me, but I can imagine asians doing it reasonably well. The problem is that light colored eyes and hair give faggot trannies a huge boon vs their competition. A blue eyed tranny will always be more alluring to chad than a shit eyed one.

based post

bitch gotta penis

There are certainly people into asian trannies from my experience and knowing some especially if they live in western countries. Most that i knew who lived in Asia had to prostitute to afford the least of food though. Maybe its a minority whose attracted to them but still depends who you'd ask. A chad chaser would fuck both if they'd give in eitherway.

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You don't have to be identitarian to acknowledge that there needs to be some moral rules if only because you'd be fucking dead if they didn't exist.
If everyone in the world though ''Lmao any crime is fine as long as i can erp with my discord buddies :3'' then said world would be marginally worse for you and everyone else in it.

>You've not refuted my argument in no way
You didn't have an argument, you provided no foundation for them being "socially women" while I firmly dismantled it while trying to provide the first layer myself.
>Tranny chasing for Chads is absolutely a thing.
It isn't. Every single woman on the planet will hop on Chad's dick and because of this Chad has the pick of any female from 0/10 to 10/10. Chad will not actively pursue 0/10 "people" like trannies because they don't sate his sexual appetite.
Chad isn't necessarily straight though, they engage in plenty of homo-erotic activities at their degeneracy parties, but at no point will they settle for fucking some AIDS infested man in a wig. It's also worth mentioning that I specified "high quality men" in that comment, not Chad.

boymode is miserable but i have a caveman face

Won't disagree too much here, faggot.

Just remember that you won't find love with these guys who you exploit. If you are a tranny who is remotely passable then I suggest going after a guy who doesn't have alot of sexual options, but enough that he won't be a proxy-fag, which you'll hate anyway.

and so what? Im alive and they exist. I never said morals were bad. I won't be grateful, i wont have gratitude to anyone. I don't care what happens to the world, its not in my hands and i can't hold it in my arms too. I don't have an effect here. I acknowledge that i'd not be alive if not for that but i just don't care and i don't need to apply it to my life because it just doesn't bother me or matter to me in this spot in my life.
Nope, my argument is that trans women are socially women and you've not refuted that. Prove me wrong come on cunt. Oh you can't? You're gonna scream "OH NO U WRONG" and then proceed not to elaborate on why? Oh the quality discussion we have on this dead on two legs board!
i have a love of my own and it matters to me more than anything. I know he'd never leave me and that brings peace into my heart at times because he really cares.

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You are projecting your views on sexuality/fetishes (or lack there of) on other Chads. There is absolutely a normalized fetish to fuck the manhood out of passable trannies in our cultural zeitgeist at the moment.

Yes Chads have many sexual options but when it comes to fetishes there is no reason NOT to fuck a passable tranny if that is one of yours. Remember: Men want to enjoy unlimited sexuality with unlimited women, and sometimes passable tranny women provide a fetish and novel sexual experience that some Chads will chase/enjoy.

Trust me, I wish it weren't the case.

Good. I just hope you didn't grow any hypergamous tendencies like the women you emulate. If the man is good to you and accepts you for what you are, then you got lucky. Is he a Chad? If so you better stay sexy as long as you can, youth permitting.

That's a meme of the highest order regurgitated by faggots who hide in their echo-chambers.

Trans women are NOT socially accepted, unless they are white, young, and passing. I wouldn't be disingenuous about this, you almost had me as a friend in this thread.

he's not really a chad. He's an IT twink and a really nice person to be around, he has a lot of interests and is very knowledgeable. He also likes a lot of the same music and supports me&helps me with a lot of stuff. Its comfy to be around him and i like staying at his place.

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Not only are you the exact replica of every other tranny I've had the misfortune of seeing destroying this board, but you can't follow the latter portions of a reply chain either. I already stated why men aren't socially women here:
Meanwhile you had no foundation for that statement in the first place. Instead, I had to create it myself to I had a base "argument" to refute in the first place.
>You are projecting your views on sexuality/fetishes (or lack there of) on other Chads
Which is exactly what you're doing, since you are either a gay or a tranny yourself. As I stated earlier, Chad works on a slider, a scale of what he deems sexually acceptable for himself, he will not fuck trannies willingly. Every case I've seen of a tranny somehow managing to mask their masculinity and fucking a chad leads to them getting either killed or beaten half to death when Chad finds out they're men
>passable trannies
Does not exist, I shouldn't have to repeat myself this many times.
>there is no reason NOT to fuck a passable tranny if that is one of yours.
There is every reason for a man not to fuck a man actually. Chad has his pick of every type of woman to fulfill every sexual niche with less mental and physical risk than fucking some disease infested tranny for a non-existent novelty value. You think Chad fucks ducks, light bulbs and toddlers for "novelty" as well?

Ah so you use him for resources, finances, a home, and as a guiding influence.

Sounds like what a woman would do.

You better make him cum and not squander his affections faggot. Ignore the advances of Chads if you have any shred of decency left.

Imagine being mentally ill and baiting healthy people into you

>socially accepted
nope i've not said that. I said they are socially perceived as women especially by people who interract with them and go out of their way to do so (chads, chasers, straight men, fetishists). Yes 40 year old transitioners with 4 months on HRT will NEVER in no way be seen as women but thats a literal cope for Jow Forums tards to point on. Most trannies even if twinkhons are percived as women most of the time (not as often as cis-women but still are socially seen as such just a lower-kind of women.)
>destroying this board
are you sure this board isn't dead? Every other thread here follows the same patterns
>girls does thing never happens
>WHAT U DO user
>tfw girls wont fuk
and some other variations + a lot of r*ddit tourism for thatcase.
I don't care enough to read your paragraphs volcel.
no, i love him and like spending time with him.
I care about him

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"healthy people". no.

Just because you like to repeat yourself doesn't change reality. You are just mis/disinformed on what Chads do. Chads aren't bound by the sexual constraints of society, they have no need to. The fact that you try to analyze and peg them on some scale shows you are just an armchair SMP critic instead of a guy who is in these spaces.

They do pass. Repeating yourself changes nothing. I will concede that it's exceedingly rare, but the very reason you think they don't exist is because you can't detect them, or they look better than the average female so they are invisible to your gaydar.

I'm starting to think you have Chad-itis and LARP in your head what a guy at the top of the sexual food chain SHOULD do. Sour grape ass nigga.

There should be a fine line drawn between "accepting the faggot as a woman so I can fuck them (it's almost a requirement for some)" and "would encourage my son to become a faggot tranny willingly."

i don't know what you're reffering to. its obvious no parent (unless weird pedo) would want their kid to become a tranny or anything, even my parents hate me and are dissapointed with me. It should be kinda obvious no one wants their kids to be born like that, its a genetic failure. A depressing reality being such a gross fuckup. I wish i could just be a man sometimes you know? Its hard though, whenever i try to i just feel suicidal.
People want to fuck trannies, not majority of them but some. Nearly no one would date a tranny but a lot of people (especially younger, experimenting) would possibly dick a tranny if they could. Thats life. They will also 90% of the time perceive them as women (if not, they're coping and hate themselves alot ex. the white dude who fucked a thai ladyboy and recorded it as he screamed at her and called her a men multiple time humilating her.) Eitherway. thats how it works probably.

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>are you sure this board isn't dead?
As evidenced by worthless abortions like yourself, this board can always be degraded further. I'd choose a thousand incel threads highlighting bullshit hypothetical scenarios before a single faggot thread.
>Just because you like to repeat yourself doesn't change reality.
True, though I am repeating reality while you're ignoring it so it results in no real change in stance. Chad is bound by the sexual constraints of society, he is a social being who exists entirely for impressions and standing and will do everything to be seen as an idol by others. There is no one who isn't bound by sexual constraints of society who actually engages in them who isn't in prison.
>The fact that you try to analyze and peg them on some scale shows you are just an armchair SMP critic instead of a guy who is in these spaces.
You aren't in those spaces either, which is evident since you're working off the incorrect definition of what actually is a "chad" as a starting point. Essentially you're working off an incorrect conclusion.
>They do pass
No, they do not. In addition to not understanding what is and isn't a chad, you're also the second faggot here who warps the definition of "straight" until it has absolutely no resemblance to the actual definition just so you can justify some flimsy, bullshit excuse for your rampant faggotry.
> but the very reason you think they don't exist is because you can't detect them
I'm far more perceptive than you are actually, I can spot a faggot from a mile away. I just live in a country with a low tolerance and proportion of trannies and faggots so they're less common.
>or they look better than the average female
Never happens. All trannies are automatic 0/10, the average female is 5/10. Not to mention they're men so it has no bearing on their appearance regardless.

faggot in denial.exe

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>all trannies are automatic 0/10
HOLY SHIT i've never seen someone cope so fucking hard niggy.

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>All trannies are automatic 0/10
prove yourself wrong

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And here we are, finally down to the most barebones of faggot defenses that they always resort to when nothing else works, claiming that anyone who isn't openly accepting of their degeneracy is actually among their ranks themselves. Common in all walks of life as well. Annoyed someone tried to rape a child relative of yours? You must secretly be a voracious paedophile. Irate some furry tried to rape your cat/dog? You must be hiding the fact you love bestiality.
Thanks for proving you actually are a faggot, since the first thing you had to do in retribution was link to the faggot containment board (which evidently isn't performing its quarantining purpose correctly). There's no such as a tranny above 0/10 or a "passable" tranny. Any "straight" man who, if forced to choose between a 0/10 woman or any kind of tranny, chooses the latter, then he is irreparably gay.
Also I will never visit any of those shitty threads in your containment board, they make me ill just looking at them.

Fairly based and redpilled. You are a self-aware faggot tranny and for that you have some respect from me, for what that may be worth. Stop shitting on incels for validation, most dont deserve it. They are lost and hurt because their fathers and societies failed them immeasurably. As a faggot I'm sure you can relate. Cheers mate.

t. Brad

You have zero idea what it means to be a Chad. Only WOMEN are constrained by social and sexual constraints. The definition of a Chad is a man who has outcome independence and leader mentality, neuroticism and herd mentality.
A Chad can be a jobless drug addict with tats and a shaggy haircut. A Chad can be a walmart employee with child abuse charges. What you consider a Chad is what MEN consider a Chad, not what women do. This is your fatal flaw.

I can show you the bitches I fuck. Can you?

Enough posturing. Let's exchange contact so we can show the receipts. Let's see what you fuck since you know so much.

dude you're taking this way too seriously. Everyone here is laughing at your mental gymnastics, you really are fucking pathetic.
You keep coping and not saying any arugments lmfao.

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not neuroticism and herd mentality*

you don't want to even consider changing your opinion? ok but please stop replying then

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>You have zero idea what it means to be a Chad. Only WOMEN are constrained by social and sexual constraints.
Objectively wrong. Chad is the male equivalent of Stacy and they're just as vain and socially aware as they are. You're not the first retard I've seen who tries to define Chad as "alpha demi-god perfect at everything" and you won't be the last.
>The definition of a Chad is a man who has outcome independence and leader mentality, neuroticism and herd mentality.
No it isn't. In fact, the "herd mentality" aspect is something they follow zealously. Chads are football jocks, nothing more, nothing less. They are normalfags.
>A Chad can be a jobless drug addict with tats and a shaggy haircut. A Chad can be a walmart employee with child abuse charges.
Again, wrong. You could just admit you have absolutely no idea what defines a chad and you manufactured your own wrong definition from normalfag media warping it themselves.
>Enough posturing. Let's exchange contact so we can show the receipts.
I'm never going to contact any of you degenerate subhumans for any reason, fuck off.
>mental gymnastics
A rough summary of my opposition, yes.
I'm mentally and psychologically complete, not a delusional, impressionable dumbass with the mind of a child like everyone who inevitably becomes a faggot/tranny. It's not a matter of me changing my "opinion" (fact), but rather a matter of enlightening you on your own complete universal deficiency. Which is probably a hopeless case since I can't so easily undo decades of brainwashing from the media.
I'll do whatever the fuck I want, I've already dismantled every non-argument I've been presented with, may as well keep doing it.

No one wants to hear a damn thing from you virgin. You got no receipts. You don't fuck hot bitches. Just shut up.

i can't believe you're still doing this, have sex

have you tried Jow Forumsbraincels?

As expected, no stamina. Faggots fall back into single sentence shitposts when confronted, which I should just take as a wave of the white flag. Every perception and hypothesis I had about faggots was proven right once again though, like an unwitting social experiment.

wow you sure won that argument incel!

You have no fucking social proof. You are an arm-chair theorist at best, a neckbeard incel at worst.

Imagine taking advice about being wealthy from a homeless man. That's what it's like listening to this dude about Chads.

no you dont. at most you got some dweeb to buy you a $2 steam game. freak.