who else here /yanggang/? What are you planning for your 1000 dollars?
Who else here /yanggang/? What are you planning for your 1000 dollars?
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No Im NEET and get welfare. Normies must work in my opinion.
1k isn't even that much. That's 1 month of rent.
That is a lot. Imagine basically never having to pay rent again.
Rent would just double in like a month now that everyone can afford it. Thats the problem with basic necessities. People can charge as much as they want for shelter because you can't live without it.
Considering how the economy will warp it may as well just be a one time payment.
And this is why people these days like socialism so much.
If that was the case why isn't water $1000 a gallon?
It will be one day user. Better stock up.
That's only because we're running out of it due to climate change. Boy of boy if you thought you hated Muslims now, just wait until the middle east becomes uninhabitable and those desert monkeys start flooding into the rest of the world.
YANG GANG YANG GANG AYYYYYYY i'm gonna buy a lifetime supply of juul pods with my first $1000, and then a casket with my next $1000, and then i'm gonna smoke myself into a coma and die in my garage with the car on
Move to another country before the economy collapses. Try to actually do some research into economics and you will understand why Yang's plan would literally destroy the United States
>If I get $1000 a month I'm gonna quit my job even though my monthly bills are $3000.
I'm sorry but do the capitalism shills even know how to argue?
Can you tell us a bit about why? I'm not even going to vote for him but I don't see how giving everyone $1000 a year would destroy the country, especially when we spend so much on useless shit. His plan or some form of it will need to eventually be implemented anyway with the way technology is going. If jobs get automated and people get laid off with no other options, they won't just sit down and starve while Jeff "Boss Baby" Bezos hoards another hundred billion.
Can't wait for my yangbux, tbqfh. It'll make a huge difference in my life
You can steal water and food. You can't steal housing, short of squatting, which usually isnt viable.
>He thinks there's a shortage of vacant homes
All the vacant houses I've seen are either for seasonal use or are in city centers, rotten and falling apart.
You brainlets don't know shit about offer and demand and how prices will just go up.
You yang shills are so retarded that you don't understand the most basic economic conceps.
invest it all in crypto desu
there's literally millions of abandoned houses in the US. if I was homeless I would find one with electricity and sleep their at night with a comfy mattress and space heater
literally zero reason you should be on the street if your homeless unless you're full schizo and don't know your ass from your head
Explain basic economic concepts then smart ass. I said $1000 is a lot, I never said I supported Yang or UBI.
Very wise words. NEETs must unite to enslave the people
Actually, you could literally buy a home in Detroit for less than a thousand dollars
the problem is the property tax and upkeep. a lot those homes should be condemned as well. i suppose a homeless guy could scrounge $1500 or pool together his money with other homeless people to purchase one of those homes but they run the risk of not paying taxes or the home crumbling down around them.
Sure, definitely a consideration, but taxes on a home that was only worth a few grand would be very small, maybe 100 a year.
Maintenance could be more, though, granted.
I like Yang, but I feel like UBI is just a "papering over the cracks" kind of solution. Take this thread, everyone is discussing how it may make rental easier. That's true. It may do. But it won't make buying a house easier. Home ownership rates are declining across the entire western world: that's a sign of decline. People should own property to feel invested in the commonwealth that is the state.
do places even sell houses to homeless? i feel like there's gotta be some policy/law/regulation that's like "we see you have money to buy this house but have nothing else. so, no."
it's some nazi shit but shouldn't all the homeless in detroit be doing this? besides mental illness what's to stop a homeless guy or even a homeless couple from scrounging 1000 bucks to buy a home?
As far as I know, if you have the cash (as well as the cash to pay any backtaxes owing), there's nothing else that you really need.
>what's to stop a homeless guy or even a homeless couple from scrounging 1000 bucks to buy a home?
This is exactly my question. If I fell on hard times, I'd completely do this
i just looked up houses in detroit on zillow. the cheapest ones are 50k. im assuming those $1k houses aren't listed online.
still though, you can buy a mansion in detroit for 100k compared to the houses on the east and west coast.
Yeah and that would be such an obvious case of fraud. Unless they have proof the housing is now worth that much itll be easily passed as fraud in court. You think they wouldnt prepare for that shit? Also most people rent on 1 or 2 year contracts meaning rent can only go up at the end of those.
Inflation would barely happen outside said fraud because the money is coming from tax on corporations so no new money is being introduced.
>saying capitalism, the system that allows neets, is bad, while on the board of neets
Holy fuck lmao
user. I have a full time job and get paid close to $1000 biweekly and it's hard for me to come up with $1000. Imagine how hard it is for a motherfucker who begs for coins.
>People can charge as much as they want for shelter because you can't live without it
this is whats happening on the east coast right now. one-bedroom rents in my area are typically $1,100 - $1,400. if you want to buy a home under 100k its a 2-bedroom 800 sq ft home with a $500 a month HOA. if you want to rent a 2 bedroom apartment be prepared to pay close to $2,000
the west coast, specifically california has it much worse.
i mean, you have expenses. the homeless don't other than meals and clothing. A guy making even $30 a day begging, which is on the low end, can save 1k in 2 months. it's not that hard. living on the streets is hard, begging for money and saving that money isn't. soul-crushing? yes. impossible? far from it
So I think zillow only lists homes that are listed for sale, not necessarily ones that are foreclosed on or in some other type of "pending" state.
But I'm sure there are many other small towns or whatever that have homes for a few grand. Again, if I had only a grand or two to my name, I'd definitely consider it.
Then there should be a maximum legal charge for basic necessities.
>b-but muh precious capitalism
I don't give a SHIT about the free market if I can't get bread and water without slaving my ass off for the rest of my life.
That's the obvious solution. Too bad everyone would be against it, mostly poor people who would actually benefit from a law like that.
>hard to come up with $1k and you get paid $2k a month
Wtf? Do you do something stupid like take out a high interest car loan?
I live in a 2 bedroom apartment on the coast south of San Francisco. The rent is $2000.
Poor people aren't against socialism because of socialism in and of itself. They're against it because all of the attendant social liberal, pro-immigration horseshit that goes along with it.
If some genius politician can systematize socialist economics with typically "right wing" policies like strict law and order, strict immigration etc, then he'll dominate in any part of west europe and north america, trust me.
A house listed for $1000 is probably in horrible condition and it would cost much more to make it liveable.
Sure, that's definitely possible. But after that, you could definitely DIY yourself into something decent after awhile. Even just having one room workable would be a huge deal.
Or even get a small piece of land and put a trailer on it. I've seen land for as little as a couple hundred dollars.
I suspect, though, that the issue is almost nothing about money and mostly about addiction/mental illness which greatly hampers people's ability to plan or organize anything.
>everyone hyped for yangbux
>no one understands how it works
This is how you win a nomination
Poor Americans are against socialism because socialism is a bad word in American culture. That's literally the only reason. Socialist policies are loved by Americans but if you call them socialist policies, they pretend they're the worst thing ever. You see how right wingers are now calling hitler a socialist
>neets are so pathetic and disgusting theyd rather sell their future to yet another kike puppet for 1,000 dollars than work a day
You deserve everything wrong in your life.
This. The word "socialism" is just a meaningless boogeyman word used to make the ignorant fret about nothing. Meanwhile, if you ask them if they like having a police force, a fire service, public schools and parks and all that other stuff, they'll say "absolutely".
National Socialism = Good
International Socialism = Jewish
>You see how right wingers are now calling hitler a socialist
So much this. Nazis were in no way socialists, they just put that into their name as a buzzword. People don't understand this, though.
It's just like thinking "Federal Express" is a government organization.
Buying a plot of land for a trailer seems much more plausible.
4/5 homeless for sure suffer from debilitating mental diseases and addiction. it's a failure on societies part for taking care of the mentally unstable
not taking care *
no because there's no way that fuck would actually win
and if he did he wouldnt really give yangbux
hilarious that Jow Forumsasianmasculinity faggots will shill for anyone that's a gook no matter how retarded they are
>anonymous symbol
Message lost all weight immediately
"We live in a society" tier
Yep, definitely. I regularly look at listings for land for sale. If I were at the end of my rope, I think I could make things work for only a couple of grand.
You actually have homes under 100k? Here in Portland the going rate for a condo is around 300 and an okayish house is around half a mil, tho it's going down a bit because every landlord with an ounce of sense is exiting because of the inane new rent control laws. Market rate for rentals is around $2/sqft. on average, $2.50/sqft. for a decent place with modern amenities.
none of those things are socialism lmao. Socialism = workers owning the means of production. Why the fuck do you dippy kids keep thinking that public services and public goods are socialist features?
Even if he manages to get elected, and even if the house and the senate are all democrats there's almost no way getting 1000 dollars a month would actually pass as legislation.
Trumpfags shall taste superior Yang steel!
I'm using my 1k a month to help fund my online gambling addiction
Its hilarious that you think 10 peopleare behind all the memes on the internet
Kys schizofag
thats what libs used to say about trump, just sayin
What aboot all the truckers losing their jobs tho????
There is no good argument against voting for free shit in clown world
You dipshits wont even step outside. How do you plan on getting registered to vote and actually going to a voting station?
yang seems worse for welfare neets because the tiny bit they get will be diluted, and because they themselves barely get any increase at all
Destroy the shackles of student loan debt. Move closer to my wage masters, buy some land and build my LSD lab, only give my high purity LSD to me and friends until I figure how to profit safely. Live a great life away from normies, it would really open a lot of doors for me.
I was pro Yang but this thread might have turned me against him. Most of his supporters are commies and animefags.
Id disagree. I think Yang even self describes as a "human centered capitalist" which is as based as it gets
People dont wanna pay to help people then complain when the economy suffers. Im not saying pay debts for people who bought 5 boats but like, student loans and healthcare is bullshit, lemme learn you why
>the free market pays for college
Now more people are educated and can contribute more to the market. The market goes into a defecit for the first few years, then it grows, now it can help people even more, repeat ad infinitum.
"B-but what if they drop out or fail"
Failing id say give them 1 more chance, not everyone is perfect. But if they fail twice or drop out then they have to pay for the resources they wasted.
Capitalism focused on supporting the working class will lead to economic growth, prosperity and higher living conditions amongst the working class, will keep the free market, and will BTFO commies
Im not a NEET. Im a drilling engineer in Odessa Texas and make 140k.
...You didnt get my point AT ALL. Holy shit what a brainlet.
OK maybe this is based. I just wish Democrats were as good as they used to be fifty years ago.
Commies? Commies hate Yang for prolonging the life of capitalism. Yang is taking radical centrism to a new level.
I go through $2.4k a week. Wtf am i gonna do with a measly $1k? Fuck this commie
Youre pathetic consumerist scum and you should be ashamed
>Meanwhile, if you ask them if they like having a police force, a fire service, public schools and parks and all that other stuff, they'll say "absolutely".
Forget that. If you want some real fun, tell them something like "we should transition from traditional businesses hierarchies to democratically-managed, worker-owned co-operatives". Even boomer conservatives I've suggested it to like the idea so long as I don't refer to it by its name.
Yang is taking patriotism to a whole new level. Man doesmt care about societal bullshit, hes focused on preparing the US economy to not fuck the working class. Thats as american as it gets in my eyes
Yep. Republicans would be pretty based if they didnt mistske blind hatred for "conservativism" and think not helping anyone is good for the economy.
Adam smith, father of capitalism, said that a free market should not charge its citizens for healthcare. Thats an idea at the core of capitalism, republicand need to realize this shit. The better off the working class the better off the economy.
>find cheap as fuck apartment for 500 a month
>spend ~200 a month on food
>have 300 left over a month to save up or spend
I swear to christ Yang better win. I want to live like a neet for the rest of my life and be comfy as fuck while all the NPC's are busy wage slaving still..
hopefully he would put in a buncha price control mechanisms so the merchant doesnt just raise everything
what are the chances of him actually winning?
With Rump and Joe "Nothing will fundamentally change" Biden in the race? Zero.
Get ready for hilldawg 2.0 with Biden
>Keep your socialist hands off my Medicare!
~Republican retards