Defend the "white race" my ass!

defend the "white race" my ass!
to all of you kike loving right wing retards
why should I "defend" white women who have been divorce raping men for years now?
why should I "defend" degenerate over-medicated zoomers?
why should I "defend" a country that has no values, no morals and has spineless politicians who fuck their own people over each and every day?

Im not continuing a "pure bloodline", I want to be happy and I WILL be happy with an asian wife in an asian country while I watch the west burn until there is NOTHING of you left

Attached: tumblr_okaqv0WysH1w3jnb4o4_1280.jpg (1273x1273, 242K)

Why aren't you kinder to women? Be kind to women!

Im kind the women if they are kind to me
white women failed at that

You weren't kind enough! if you treat them with respect, they will love you in return. every person has some good in them and can be changed! you just have to show them kindness and compassion!

What you also fail to realize is the east is burning as well. The same thing you deplore is happening in the East rather it's been happening for most of their history. But you know cultural ignorance is bliss I will never understand why people settle with people from Asia.

so what you're saying is that I HAVE TO BE nice to women even if they treat me like trash?


can you prove that you are "treated like trash"?

you should be kinder to women, user. kind people are rewarded with love.

east is doing great. they are very kind to each another!

Funny, I cannot imagine any women I would want to mix genes with, that would produce good looking, talented, or intelligent offspring. Even if I got hold of one of the prettiest women out there, my sons would look like trolls. I will say that I am not hideous, but I hate my appearance, and would rather not make more people who look like me.

I could prove it if I secretly filmed people I interact with
but that would be illegal
can you prove that Im not treated like trash?

my Stormy is so kind

no I wont be kind to white women anymore
fuck off kike

I agree. China is the best option

eastern relations have never been better, all thanks to Stormy for fighting against misogyny

love your own people user! how can we progress if you abandon others?

all im saying is, isnt it possible that they arent treating you "like trash"? you could take this critique and use it to self-reflect.

I dont want progress for "the west" anymore, they can go down for all I care

Maybe the case is that you're hurt by a few people's actions, most white people are generally kind. Don't take it to heart and learn to love and forgive.

thats a very unnattractive attitude, dude! nobody likes a quitter.

Ive lived in Asia for 7 years and I can tell you it's not what you think. Considering how awful Chinese women are in terms of asking for pay stubs for dates and Japanese women are loose and cheat and Korean women are vain and shallow I wouldn't care for them. Granted you don't have the cultural experience of moving around as much as I have in my lifetime I have learned the world isnt as different as you think it is from place to place. Roast exists everywhere and from Saudi Arabia to the UK.

Stormy is so dreamy when he guides young robots to better themselves

nope, fuck off you kike loving degenerates
Im not being one of your sheeps

I hope the muslims and nigs will be destroying everything there soon and turn the west into the third world

Muslims are already flooding Asia.
Hell every combini is ran by a fucking Malay or a Turk. And there is supposed to be another 100,000 coming into Japan next year. Where have you been?

if you will date outside of your race you should still be respectful to others owo

there are kind people of every race and mean people of every race

Honestly we deserve to be killed by Muslims for our failure to eradicate them. We cannot stop them anymore