>discord came back >check if my robot lover accepted my invitation >he did not
i miss him but he moved on and now he has other lovers, i thought we were best friend watching animes together, silly talk, lewd rp sometime, playing games .... not a trap or gay just a standard friendship
its not like i miss him or anything, i only known him since 3 years after all haha .....
>lewd rp That is pretty gay. Now kill yourself please, thank you.
Oliver Clark
Ay hol up; so this person you've been friends with for 3 years just straight up dabbed on you? If I'm getting this right. I don't think that's exactly what happened. Don't you have any other means of contact?
I've been friends with the same guy for what'll be 12 years soon. Last time I spoke to him was atleast 2 weeks ago because he wanted a close to friend to comfort him because his mother passed away.
Logan White
homosexuality has no future and its only purpose is to fulfill your lust
Aaron Jones
Women do the same shit I'm afraid.
Blake Robinson
doesn't matter on one hand you have women, where you run the risk this happens on the other you have men, where it will always happen
no end game, no future, only to make your dick feel good for a little while
Nathaniel Williams
It always happens regardless, gays just have a female mind.
Cameron Ross
that's just not true how many stories of faggots being married and having children only to go back to being faggots past their 40's are there?
Camden Reyes
You mean if you ignore the fact that they can't have children and they couldn't get married until very recently?
Jaxson Turner
no, I'm saying there are plenty of faggots out there that were man enough to find a woman and have kids ACTUAL biological kids
that doesn't sound like a female mind to me
Cameron Robinson
Oh, I get it now, well you also have to take into account that they're usually either doing the hypermasculine or hyperfeminine thing. The phenomenon you're talking about is a thing of the past when having a family was actually "normal" so they did it through social inertia, I'm mostly talking about the current generation of Discord gays and such.
(and I didn't mean "female mind" in an actual biological scientific sense, just the mindset)
Lucas Thompson
i confronted him, he lied about it then he deleted me that how it went
but i want to have him back even if that mean being a pathetic faggot
i loved him so much
i told you i wasn't gay its just the internet, everyone can pretend being anything they want hell, he was acting like a girl