I will be moving to japan at 30

i will be moving to japan at 30
im 23 now
im gonna live the dream

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What's your plan? Why at 30?

cause i have barely any money atm

>tfw lived in Japan for 13 years
>now live in rural Florida
Wouldn't trade it for the world fuck living in Japan.

Pretty much this - just because you're a cartoon nerd, that doesn't mean that moving to Japan will be at all good for you

How was it like? What parts did you not like?

Holy shit you're going to be disappointed. Good luck realizing that Japan is not your dumb ass fucking anime or your romantic youtube video.

I hope you kill yourself before that you pathetic asiaboo faggot. You're a failure in your home country. Moving to Japan isn't going to fix that.

I grew up there so dealing with Japanese people is a general pain in the ass. Plus god damn are they naive. Everything other than food is expensive and the fact from kindergarten to when I left I literally was crammed into a train every morning at 200% capacity. Plus discrimination I got for being half Japanese was pretty bullshit. Like fuck treat me like anybody else I'm not special.

are you half nigger? XD

No half white.
Really positive discrimination is still discrimination. It really pisses me off to no extent.

have you tried not being a fucking over-sensitive faggot?

watch this an reconsider

wdym positive discrimintaion, did azn girl want your BWC user?

Of course. However like most people raised Japanese we show people nothing and think behind our normal social presentation as many know as the whole "3 masks" saying.

>hapa hates half of his ancestry
wow, so shocking. Honestly though you give mostly white people with asian ancestry a bad name enough so that we usually lie when pressed about it.

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I had teachers bend over backwards for me and the other half Japanese kids because we where the "pride" of our school. Like we got all sorts of favors done for us from getting free caf food to private lessons for classes that most students couldn't enjoy. If you're raised in Japan this is a big no no if you understand the culture as the general guideline of the culture is "a nail that sticks out is hammered down".

Positive discrimination? Lol? Describe what this is like?

I don't hate being half Asian. In fact it's literal cheat codes when being in the us and Japan. Just I don't want that option. When I'm in Japan I want to be treated like I'm Japanese. When I'm in America I want to be treated like an American. It's really that simple.

Why is no one anymore half-white? They're always half-black or half-asian.

You're a stupid motherfucker. Play to your strengths. Stop wishing everything fucking falls down into your downsyndrome lap.

I'm in Japan right now. You don't need money. What you need is a job.

White just means free from racial characterisation. White is seen as normal with everybody else being an exotic twist. Sort of like how vanilla is seen as normal ice cream despite being a distinct flavour

Im moving to japan at 19 and im 19 now. I will make sure all the available nips
(Including the cute fembois) are used goods before you even set foot there

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Nah man I do play my strengths. As do most hapas in Japan. It's just I think it's wrong that you get treated better than other people because of shit you have no control of. Just a personal opinion I don't see why you have to become so hostile about it.

So did the jealous girls want to stab or bulli you user? that sounds pretty intense desu

...and a reevaluation of your life.

White is a fucking racial characterisation you fucking dimwit.

It was your normal passive agressive bullshit that Japanese people do when they're not satisfied with something. No biggie the only girl who tried to stab me was some Chinese girl I dated in high school.

>It's just I think it's wrong that you get treated better than other people because of shit you have no control of.
Holy shit you're such a fucking lier it's hilarious. The worst thing is that you perhaps believe that shit yourself.

Yeah user I understand, my fren went to nipon to study and he was shittalked behind his back by jealous japs, but in the end he still got a japanese gf btw

What's wrong with that statement? I myself aim towards being an egalitarian. I view people through their own individual merits not labels placed on them by society.

It's so fucking hilarious how there are people on this board who are still so fanatically fixated on Japan.

Yeah you're a fucking saint.

Never claimed I was. Again what's with the hostility?

I would never live in japan as I don't want to live with jealous insect people, but the way the island japs have preserved an unique culture that is different from the degenerate west is still exciting desu

shut the fuck up you fucking degenerate faggot.

>im gonna live the dream
as a lowly paid english teacher baby sitting toddlers? good luck then

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Japan is no different than the west my dude. It gets worse every year I visit. My beloved 90s Japan is gone and replaced with America lite and COOL JAPAN.

Do you need someone to talk to? You seem to have something you need to get off your chest. It's alright everyone does.

Just teach English. They don't really don't want teachers to speak Japanese. Not only do you get a decent salary, but the school give you a place for free and give you extra money for food. That or learn a trade job. Japan over the last couple of years have importing American do to jobs like welding. In fact I actually applied for a job in a town right outside of Tokyo. The job was to work with the local govt helping Americans become accustomed to the japanese way of life.

I will agree that there is some perservation of japanese culture. But this is so far in the background you have to be fucking sherlock holmes to find it. "oh wow you have some samurai bullshit classes at the end of school, woooow".

90's nihon must have been comfy user, can you tell me some story about your time in 90s? I am 21 year old zoomer that Is fascinated by the old times

yeah it's called the 1970's in europe.

Unless you want to teach English your whole life, don't move to Japan. Their workaholic culture is unsuitable for people who romanticise the place through mango and animu. But by all means go on holiday there, it's great for a month's visit.

Barely anything in English, you could find all sorts of cool perverted shit if that was your thing and people where definitely nice in Tokyo back then. Kinda of miss it every time I go back it's just new fake mask covering what's really Japanese with what the west thinks it really is. It's sad.

What about living after retirement? The only real terrible thing I heard was thr incredibly obvious work schedule but if that's out of the picture..

You've got a job and half there then. Mongo containment officer

Unless your cool with living in a sharehouse then you're going to live in the inaka my dude. If you don't know Japanese out there fluently life isn't going to be very easy for you.

Sure if you love outragous housing prices and shit benefits

Foreigners need to have already worked in Japan for a long time in order to qualify for a permanent visa. So you'll need to get used to it really.

Housing outside of Tokyo is cheap. And I mean cheap even by Midwestern American standards. Just your about 2hrs away by train from anywhere.

you clearly do stop being a faggot and try acting japanese when you go there you look like a foreigner so theyre going to treat you like one with all the so called positive discrimination you speak of
Im not half and mostly white but since Im a weeb its the perfect excuse to be into japanese culture

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All dweebs should die a miserable death

Dunno man I have Japanese citizenship and act Japanese as I'm not some kind of subhuman and act the way the normal citizens of Japan do. Is there something wrong with that? When I'm in the United States I speak English and act like any other Floridian does. You know the whole in Rome do as Romans do.

I don't know of any visa that grants you to stay in Japan without working. What I've seen the most wijth lazy people is they work as an english teacher, and then get married with some whore they impregnated at a club. If she doesn't want to marry for reasons they can still get a child support visa. Then they live the rest of your life trying to scrape enough money to get by and raise their happa sons who grow up to hate their guts. If they get happa daughters 7/10 they get blacked in Harujuku.

it seems to me that you fit that floridian archetype just fine but the vibes youre giving off scream deru kui to me and japanese people are generally hyper aware social situations as Im sure you know but you still might not realize how american you seem to them

You're right. Which shouldn't be very surprising see as how his facade is as thin as veil. He's literally a fucking ghost.

I know but that comes just from the fact how you look. When it comes to "acting Japanese" I'm spot on as any other Japanese person is. It's really just the fact I look white pushes "privilege" towards me. I don't know it's perhaps I get spoiled in the United States where people equally don't give a shit about anything.

congratulations. you've just discovered that we live in a physical world. As such, there are people can make, listen to this, EVALUATIONS regarding your physical attributes. You're dumb head has just learned something today. You're welcome.

Again I have stated that it's wrong to do so as I do not. In the United States you're just some fucking guy. In other places you're treated special on your ethnic origins. I believe that to be wrong. That's all I've stated so far. I have never denied that people do such a thing.

Ofc you do not. You have obviously no eyes, ears, tongue or any way to sense this world whatsoever.

Let me ask you this since you don't want to treat anyone special. Do you prefer sushi or pizza? Either way you're a racist.

So I should be discriminating individuals on their ethnicity and shit they have no ability to control? How isn't this behavior primative and morally wrong? I live in a place that's 3% white and went to Job corps for two years I'm pretty numb to people's ethnicity or race. What are you trying to get at here?

I don't really have a preference for food. As so long as it fulfills basic nutritional requirements.

It doesn't matter whether you lived in a place with 0.00001 % whites. the principle still applies: you're going to evaluate people based on their appearance, tastes, feelings, and everything else that is physical. You call yourself egalitarian because you're a dimwitted moron reading the washingtonpost.

Again. Food has nothing to do with any of it. Racism is a term derived from the linguistical term 'discrimination', which means treating a person or particular group of people differently. What most idiots can't seem to understand is that you can't treat someone negatively without having a preference towards another group of people.

>What most idiots can't seem to understand is that you can't treat someone negatively without having a preference towards another group of people.
And everyone obviously have their likes and dislikes both physical and spiritual

Judgements are based on factors individuals can control not shit like genetics or ethnicity. I've been saying this over and over. As for things such as food as I have no preference of food based of the culture or ethnicity of the food rather the macronutrients contained in the food to achieve my dietary goals I am judging the calories and the nutrients in the food objectively rather on ethnicity or culture which would make no sense to do so. Food is food. I myself have no preference towards people on stuff such as race of ethnicity rather towards these people on the way they act and carry themselves.

>move into city
>constant defeaning noise
>smells like shit so they throw urinal cakes in the sewer
>have to push through people like they're inanimate objects
>you would be lucky to get to a store you can see down the road in 10 minutes
>constant threat of being the victim of a crime
>people on top of buildings watching all traffic on the road, their eyes follow the most abnormal looking people that walk too fast and are clearly uncomfortable
>police everywhere
>extreme brightness and contrast makes you feel ill
>muscles tense up as a stress response, body hurts within 1 1/2 hours
>rude subhuman people occupy the city
>street vendors are typically ignored but i can't help not trying to be nice and listen to them only to realize they're manipulating me
>the air is equivalent to cigarette smoke
>homeless people are based though
>street performers surrounded by roasties and thots dancing
>drunk and inebriated people constantly on the roam
Cities are fun for 10 minutes and then it's a nightmare.

>Judgements are based on factors individuals can control
No they're not. That is why the whole dichotomy of chad and robot arose in the first place. People make judgements based on physical appearance. Some people are born more attractive than others. This is not something new, and it's not just regarding physical appearance but everything sensual.

>Judgements are based on factors individuals can control
No they're not. That is why the whole dichotomy of chad and robot arose in the first place. People make judgements based on physical appearance. Some people are born more attractive than others. This is not something new, and it's not just regarding physical appearance but everything sensual.

Food is not food. There is a difference.

I'm saying my own personal judgements are made this way. I don't care for such superficial things. And yeah food is just that food what we consume to intake calories and nutrients. Dishes matter not to me as I simply weigh out various meats and vegetables and steam them and consume them. It's really just that.

you think living in the country/suburbs is any better?

It is. I've never lived better in rural areas, where houses are spaced miles apart. Suburbs are terrible though.

The amount of waste of life asiaboos in this thread who think anything asian is just like anime is pathetic. Stop wasting oxygen.

how did it end with him ??
any story behind this (link)

do i need to work though?

if i hypothetically lived on patreon money, does japanese law forbid me from getting a super small apt for a year if i'm not paying for it with a japanese job?

listen dude the fact that youre making a fuss over this tells me that you really dont understand japanese culture and if you did you wouldnt have this problem to begin with

Say there is a culture you have a pretty good understanding and you dissagree with parts of this culture. Would you say this person lacks understanding of the culture of due to their dislike of a cultural standard or just doesn't like that part of the culture. Since for me I do understand why they do it and I think it's wrong to do so as I believe passive agressiveness is wrong as well. Doesn't make me any less Japanese.

Teaching english is a meme, don't listen to that guy, your life will be miserable if you do.

Damn, it must suck being this much of a faggot.

Be aware that there are no subtitles in RL user

Sorry to redpill you, bro.

Japan was good in 1980's and early 1990's.

A quarter century later, you will only find:
- old geezers
- rekt housewives
- scarce youth (gay boys and mentally deranged girls)
- nothing like anime, with the exception of some pathetic place built for tourists
- arrogant people, bureaucracy even worse than Italy and Serbia, corruption worse than Albania, more debts than Greece, more gays than Los Angeles, and lots of depressed hapa's
- if you notice some otaku, pretty sure he's a western pedofag moving to Japan because Muh Akiba Muh Maid Cafe Muh Animu

Japan is basically rekt. Population will be halved by 2055, according to pretty recent studies. Birth rate is less than 1.2 per woman.

- not many niggers around, albeit lots of rektchinks and korearotten immigrates

Good luck Davido-kun~

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if you like anime and games I suggest moving to very remote place and live a secluded life jack off there instead. Anime might come from Japan, but it doesn't mean you have to fuckign be there to enjoy it. All the shit you have to go throug to set up a stable life ( becoming an english teacher, dealing with immigration and marrying some asian roastie) isn't worth it and you won't even have any time or energy to enjoy animes.