How the FUCK do I get a high class Asian qt gf?

How the FUCK do I get a high class Asian qt gf?

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>high class
I knew this storypost would come back to haunt me at some point

be kind
be respectful
be her friend
spend time with her

How can I get a high class soundcloud rapper to be my gf

>be Chad
>collect high class Asian qt gf
It is literally that easy

Be rich. Make sure you can afford at least a 2ct diamond ring she can show off to her girlfriends. Otherwise F.

She's obviously rich. She comes from a well of family. She didn't do what she did for the money. That's the most fucked up part about Mayli's story.

>people that think they know everything about a woman cus they watch porn

>That's the most fucked up part about Mayli's story
Also the most amazing.

We know enough. We know she got violently skullfucked by a redneck and ate some old man's ass in a hotel room then tried to get the videos taken off of the internet.

good story mate, tell it again.

Ok dude. We all know what kind of girl your gf is. You're the one that has to live with that redneck ass eater, not us.

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alright buddy, thanks for that story. do you have any more?

Just be a rich handsome white guy.

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>be her friend
That's kind of the best advice. When you have a partner you aren't just looking for a girlfriend or a potential wife. You're looking for a person to be your best best friend (in the case of marriage, for life).

what's this girls name? someone spoon feed me pls, shes cute

Who is she? I want to protect her smile

She's Mayli aka Amelia Wang, you newfriends.

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>if i post her porn stills, those newbies will finally understand

>that pic

she's whore
like all women are

excellent story, bud

wow that actually made me gag to look at

makes ya think about all those girls ya like from afar. i'm not even damning these girls for bein sexual freaks, but it kinda stops you in your tracks from getting too infatuated.

Can we talk about the real issue here?
What fucking insane fucking madman tattoos his dick

My cousin is Mexican and he was dating the elite of Asian girls. He has good hygiene, good fashion,respects women, confident and when to a top university. I think that is all you need to get with them.

ffs, let it go
let her live her life

Thats a different chick. This girl is mayli while Op name is Amelia wang. Just because they are asian doesnt mean they are the same

i would be surprised if they let it go. some dudes love to cling onto porn.

They asked who she was. I posted the only reason anyone cares about her. Does it hurt to see your gf vomiting on another mans penis?

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shes not my gf. we all know who she is, you just take any excuse to post your porn.

>a high class Asian qt gf
be white chad

>a low class asian gf
be white

Well this is Jow Forums user

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it is indeed. for good or ill

reminder she did that facialabuse vid for $200

how could anybody forget

Hope she enjoys that pair of shoes she bought with ALL of the money she made

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>that picture made me gag
Gag your dick, I hope.

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You do realize it's her shoulder right?

just dump it all bro

It is absolutely 100% mayli

i demand a working link to the vid of that roastie

Daftsex has pretty much everything user

trolled. prepare for lawsuit

I don't give a fuck about that bitch. She shouldn't have done it if she didn't want it out there.

except for obsessively posting her porn stills. bretty good tale, lad

Why did she do it then huh?

Tfw no ass eating gf. Fug I need a femanon to eat my ass badly

Who knows. Women are insane and unappreciative, especially half white/half Asian ones.

>Mayli gets to find love and doesn't get any blowback from being ruthlessly face fucked
>I have to live in societal shame because I didn't look happy when my gay cousin married
Why do I have to live in this hell?

>that cringelord that thinks hes some kind of expert on women because he watched a porno

>that cringelord who keeps defending a literal stranger with an incredibly privileged life who did rape porn and sold drugs when she didn't have to

yea. misogyny bothers me.

People who take their privilege for granted and choose to live the lifestyle of a woman in poverty for fun bothers me.

i dont get this beef with "privilege", we're all human we all mess up. it just seems like a petty reason to be spiteful, and you are spiteful.

Well if you saw the video youd know that not all women treat themselves like porcelain dolls

cool story bro. porcelain dolls i dont know what you mean

Youre defending a jizz stain

she had literally everything handed to her. She was born with the life people dream of. She got to go off to a prestigious university when some people can barely afford community college. Then she decides she'll become a drug dealer and debase herself on film for a few dollars. That wouldn't be much of an issue if she didn't then hire daddy's lawyers to take care of everything and erase all traces of her thotivities off of the internet. She got a second chance because she's privileged.

How many women have sold their bodies and sold drugs, not because they thought it'd be cool, but because they needed to eat,l? They don't get second chances. They can't ask their fathers to fix everything for them. They don't get to pretend nothing happened and go back to their lives of luxury and paint shitty art for a living. Fuck this bitch.

good catch for someone who is balding .
but we all know , as a white man you already won in asia . woman literally will ask you to impregnate them.

Look at you getting so worked up for a stranger you've never met. Again, the "privilege" angle is something ill never understand. people can be born into wealth because their ancestors amassed a fortune, thats how the world is.

it's a Chad thing to do. You wouldn't understand

keep complaining about "privilege".

My ex was one of the two four asians in my school. Honestly I just slid in her dms the one day and ended up talking to her cause I had a question then we kept talking all the time and eventually she confessed to me that she liked me and wanted to date.

The privilege in itself isn't the issue sweetie. It's the fact that she didn't appreciate her privilege and committed crimes for fun. If I decided to sell drugs, I'm fucked. She decided to sell drugs for fun, and she got to erase it all because of daddy. Misogyny only bothers you because you're a white knight. Mayli doesn't want you.

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I still dont get it. What's wrong with being a white knight and not wanting to see misogyny? What's so hard about not selling drugs and not committing crime? Her dad hired lawyers but they werent cheap and that strained her relationship with her dad for sure. I just dont understand how you could interject yourself into her situation to get worked up over it. I dont want her that way, what I want is men to be more kind.

>What's so hard about not selling drugs and not committing crime?
Good question. Why would someone born into a family of millionaires sell drugs and commit crimes when they don't have to?

this dude has to be trolling, noone should be this seriously cucked lol

idk. but you dont see me seething over it.

right i must be trolling because watching you use this woman as an excuse to be misogynist bothers me. maybe your posts are just low quality, bro

i'll bite, explain how were are being muh soggy knees

You are missing the point my guy. Missing it entirely.

Also men being kind doesn't get them laid, or respected. I'm sensing you are an arm-chair theorist and don't actually have regular sex with attractive women.

Why would she want any of us? We are poor.

well said user. i hope Jow Forums will still post her porn in 1000 years.

here you go. maybe one day you will be able to self reflect and not need me to spoonfeed you whats right and wrong.

youre just using this woman to be misogynist.

i hate sex. sex weakens a man, even if its pleasurable. now what i want to see is men being kind to women, and not objectifying women to sex.

wasnt me retard lol

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it doesnt matter, honestly.

hows the view up there on your shitty high horse, faggot?

>use this woman as an excuse to be misogynist
Newsflash bucko. This is Jow Forums. We don't need an excuse.

You can do better, bros.

She is contemptible, just like most women.

misogynist much, bro?

Good luck F.
I always knew that you're into koreans

but i won't lmao. to be a misogynist is the only right way to be towards a subhuman like mayli. she is filth.

Psychologically and physiologically untrue. You are just coping, like most "intellectuals" must due to get through their life. We have bona fide evidence that sex with partners you perceive as high value improves your QoL.

so you say. i hope you dont stay like this for too long. good luck

good evening i hate women

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whatever you say. i didnt say you should live like i do.

You obviously haven't really interacted with woman much have you faggot. Unlike the majority of this cursed place I'm not an ugly faggot. Im mildly attractive and I'm a generally decent person. Thats lead to me actually dating despite my awkwardness. And in every one of those cases the girl has shown herself to be at the least emotionally insecure and childlike and at the worst a manipulative whore. I've also gotten to see the same thing happen to my friends. Guys who are generally good people stand over 6 feet in good shape and have 8 inch cocks. For all intents and purposes "Chad's" that are talked about on here. But I've seen them betrayed by females and watched them too grown disillusioned by females. I've seen pleanty of girls who seem nice and kind and who claim to love their boyfriend beg me to fuck them behind their back. I'm not saying all woman are evil. But generally they all have problems and you can't just assume their innocence because it's not true.

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nice story bro. good to see who the real incels are.

Don't waste your time. They don't understand "Chads" or women. They've never had the opportunity to learn, or are willfully ignorant.

She objectified herself. No one asked her to do what she did.

Mayli is proof the American Dream and the equality of the sexes doesn't exist.
She sold hard drugs and starred in a pornographic movie - not just any porno either, a porno where the "plot" is to abuse and degrade the participant.
Even after this, she has a boyfriend and a well paid job.

Ask yourself whether a man, having sold drugs and done something this filthy in public, would have any chance of redeeming himself. That's right - none. The only way you could do it would be, like Kyle Kusev, you were a Jew who could call on other Jews to dig you out of your niggerjocking hole you dug yourself.

>emotionally insecure and childlike and at the worst a manipulative whore
you may have described me perfectly but I am trying to change

and you are gonna talk about it until the end of time, or what? like i said, "chads" are using her to spread misogyny here. and you wont admit what youre doing.

She is contemptible, though. And barring limiting factors like religion and social stigmas, most women would do the same for a quick buck if they had no negative consequences. I dislike that. The fact that she is in a place where she can do whatever she pleases and still have a satisfactory life enrages me.

stupid dumb fucking cunt

you dont know what her life is like. getting enraged over a stranger's life is strange.

I'm not the smartest but that's a bit harsh

I know exactly what her life is like. I know that she was raised as the daughter of a wealthy executive and provided with excellent secondary education. I know that all of her expenses in her life are paid for. She degraded herself on camera and committed crimes, which she did not have to face negative consequences for. Her lifestyle has been provided for. I also know that she does whatever she pleases with her time, that is she relies on her family income and spends her time doing art. I also know that she does not regret any of her actions. I know that she may be several years older than me, but will likely outlive me. I know that I do not want to see her face as it reminds me of the debauchery that has corrupted our culture. People post about her anyway.