Is it just me or has it become more and more acceptable to be an unapologetic wagie here?

Is it just me or has it become more and more acceptable to be an unapologetic wagie here?

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i envy those with jobs
i want money to spend on drugs and hedonism

Some of us don't have the options of being /neet/s forever...

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Can't you get autismbux or something where you live? Or just ask your parents.

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It was always like this. "You're here forever" doesn't play well with the reality of aging parents. You should be happy for them.

yes but that only goes so far user

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you are an autistic, mentally ill, tranny retard are you really trying to insult from that position sweaty?

wagies enable me to stay at home 24/7, i even thanked them for their service in another thread, its the least i can do while being all comfy

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>Some of us don't have the options of being /neet/s forever...
disability income

Op give me your discord NOW

>acceptable to be an unapologetic wagie here
neets need to grow up and get a job eventually too, people who can actually neet indefinitely are very rare

you won't have the time or energy for drugs and hedonism

Why do wagies think they can feel superior here out of all places?

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>disability income

no fuck you see least you could do is be thankful we exist

thank you sakiposter, good to know youre not an ungrateful cunt like other neets

>been neet for 4 years now
>my disabiltybux and other govn't aid only went up as time passed
>family sometimes give me free stuff
>live in a flat i will end up buying in a few years if everything stays the same
tell me how i wont be able to NEET forever while you break your backs for next to nothing lmao
you can always do a brain damage, my friend did, too bad he died a few years later but he enjoyed like 2 full years of NEETdom

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I'm not even a wagie you empty headed slut , if wagies don't start conversation s with you , and pay your schizobux why insult them you literal retard ?

what the fuck did i do? i even stated i wanted to be a wagie i envy you guys don't take this out on me user

>he doesn't have any disability
not a robot

>if everything stays the same
Pension Crisis, look it up.

I expect Kashii to chime in for sure to call me a lazy bum, but he's probably too busy flipping burgers.
I don't even get schizobux, just mommybux.

It really has. If you can't live with your parents (unlikely unless you're normie enough that you willingly left) then you can get on disability. And if you're too normal to get on disability then, well... why are you here?

being a neet is not a happy way to live, its not a coincidence they end up in shithole mentally ill sites like this, i dont envy you at all

a wagie that hate his job is more of a robot than a neet.
make your choice, being comfy at home or having to tolerate a jew boss and braindead co-workers for 48h a week.

I got diagnosed with social anxiety disorder when I was younger, but that means jack shit in america.
Literally every normie claims it now.

Who the fuck cares your family probably gets bux from govt. You are all mentally ill with an iq

neither is working 9-5 for 30 years straight but most wagies are so far gone they claim they are super happy and contempt, i don't get out but i always see wagies in the morning when i look down from my balcony and they all look super miserable, you can read it on their faces

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>being a neet is not a happy way to live
Says you. You're just sour grapes, being a NEET only sucks if you don't know how to spend excessive free time.

>kicking someone when they're down
Wooow, yeah you're totally a robot dude

You think you actually work for most of those hours? You get some coffee, read some news, take a dump all the stuff you are doing right now except getting paid. Retard.

You do realize that's exactly what OP is doing right?

I agree. I go out of my way not to rage the wage. There is only so much room in Chez NEET.
Godspeed Wageslave

I am a Fortunate One

maybe they really are happy? if they have families to feed im sure they do and it means the world to them, cucked memes and cheating aside of course. best you can do is a mixed system as the monotony will get to you eventually, plus theres a difference between not wanting to work and being unable to because youre that mentally unstable

but why should i do that when i can just stay at home, do the same things and get more or less the same ammount of money? no annoying coworkers, no boss, don't have to wake up at 8 etc. its not like anyone likes to work, some people just have to do it

What a shame 80iq drooling retard Aiste left the thread.

>same ammount of money
i dont know where you live but i dont think thats the case for others. dont you care about having a plan b? imagine looking for work as a 30 something thats never been unemployed because mommy got fed up with you or gov bux dried up and theyre busy preventing collapse

>inb4 ill just kill myself
good joke, you wont

*never been employed and has zero skills

>same amount of money
That is cute that you think that but you're still retarded. You are living off mom and dad's money or the government's welfare money in other words my taxes. You aren't saving for retirement, when you are 60 you will have absolutely nothing

I'm a wageslave but theres nothing good about it

>implying i will be alive by 60
my chainsmoking habit and the copious ammounts of alcohol and other things i ingest on a daily basis will take care of that user lmao

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thanks for proving my point that neets are unhappy

We're not unhappy just because we're neets.

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You're unhappy because I can't give you a hug, reassure you and be your friend!

its the opposite in fact, hedonism actually makes me happy, i think people who dont do those things are the sad people

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It is a compounding factor. I know plenty of losers who smoke and binge drink but they do it with money they earn from a job. And society doesn't look at them like they are children. If you are past age 25 not in school not working you require adult supervision

You're unhappy because you're useless degenerate leeches with no self-control. And you're neets because of that. That's why you can't even have some genuine self-love. Rant about normalfags and wagies as much as you want, it doesn't change a thing

nope, in fact, i became a useless degenerate leech with no self-control after i became a NEET but thats a pretty rude description of what we are baka

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I already require adult supervision, user haha.

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>kashii hasnt posted yet
Come on youre not going to lose your job for a few charred burgers.