Dude just become a wagseslave lmao it'll fix all of your mental problems

>dude just become a wagseslave lmao it'll fix all of your mental problems

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ever notice its always wageslaves that want you to wageslave lmao these people are so miserable

I wish I could get NEETBUX but im not retarded or crippled. The wagecuck life is a living hell.

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>haven't done an hour of wageslaving
Just get out more, maybe help those old people stack firewood or something, all you need

Lmao nah, I've wageslaved for like a few weeks before. I will NEVER go back to that. Fucking shit sucks, I realized how much of a meme living on your on was and I moved back in with my parents ASAP.

It will fix your problems if the problem is youre an idiotic neet who cant appreciate how good he has it like

Holly shit i just realised that MAGI was redpill on kikes. Right now this anime is even greater for me

It fixed my problems. My parents kicked me out and I was homeless for a bit went to Job corps and got a job welding and haven't looked back since.

i'm a wageslave & i wouldn't wish it upon anyone
truly spirit breaking

how would that fix it? that guy hated wage slaving

Just get a government job like me. I have a coworker who shows up at 10, takes 2 hours for lunch and leaves at 4. His supervisor really should say something, if any of us had any really work to do.

actually woke
>nog slave

>i wouldn't wish it upon anyone
based user

to be fair both being a neet and being a wageslave are not right options, you will never feel fulfilled if you do things just for the sake of doing them

>to be fair both being a neet and being a wageslave are not right options, you will never feel fulfilled if you do things just for the sake of doing them

It's not a matter of suffer or don't suffer. You have to realize that you're weak and that most people don't actually suffer when working. You're just really weak and unfit for work.

if you can believe it, a lot of normalfags enjoy wageslaving, so from their point of view it's valid advice

It won't fix you, or even make you happy but it at least gives you a bit of a routine and something to accomplish. Im still a sad lonely cunt but it does feel really nice coming home from work and just getting comfy not having to worry about anything for the rest of the day. When i was a neet i'd just constantly obsess and think about how im wasting my life and potential.

>it at least gives you a bit of a routine and something to accomplish
yes goyim doing the same shit every fucking day is good 4u

>implying robots don't do the same shit
Yes retard sit at the computer for 12 hours every fucking day is good 4u

>Yes retard sit at the computer for 12 hours every fucking day is good 4u
yeah your enjoying yourself and potetionally learning new information

a neet can do anything he wants
a wagie is forced into the same repetive task all day
and idk how anyone has any time left to do anything besides shower and sleep when they get home

>dude just become a wagseslave lmao it'll fix all of your mental problems
Normies actually believe this. I asked my father to have me committed to a mental hospital and he said no because then I would lose my job.

god why
what is your job?

I work at fucking McDonald's.

>a neet can do anything he wants
Not the guy you're replying to (and I'm an accountant who would admit life spent at home would be nicer if possible), but what will you do when/if welfare supply is cut off? And I wouldn't be able to afford my quality of life if I were a NEET. I'd rather work 7 hours a day for 5 days a week to have everything I have now (which includes $120k in cash) than have more free time and have to either worry about supply being cut or not have a good quality of life.

Should've made better decisions in life, friendo.

>but what will you do when/if welfare supply is cut off?
guess i'll half to get a partime job or kill myself
also with 120k in cash you could start a ebay store or some kinda of passive income and be set forever user

5 days a week is no time at all
best i could do is 3 8 hour days

>guess i'll half to get a partime job or kill myself
Then a NEET can't do whatever he wants. He can't enjoy the same measure of protection from desperation as a wagecuck and he can't have a good quality of life.
>also with 120k in cash you could start a ebay store or some kinda of passive income and be set forever user
120k is nothing these days at all. In 1-2 years when I have $150k, I'll just make a down payment on a condo and become a landlord. Bastards here in Canada will tax half my income too.

>Then a NEET can't do whatever he wants. He can't enjoy the same measure of protection from desperation as a wagecuck and he can't have a good quality of life.
what? you can always get fired same or more likely than losing benefits

with 120k in cheap states in the us you can buy a 4 part duplex for that

There are millions of sources of employment, and your experience (if/when one ends) can parlay you into the next one.

How many sources of welfare are there again (and does your experience play the same role)?

i literally cant work my brain is so fucked up.

just get a part time job if you lose benefits easy

i can live comfortably on neetbux so why should i work?

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I can't work factory jobs anymore ive found them to be insufferable either with who i work with (old boomers who think negative reinforcement is the only work strategy) or teen fresh out of highschool who are just gossipy and sarcastic lil shits with no work ethics

>just get a part time job if you lose benefits easy
That's my point - the only real security is in wagecucking. And even if you rely on a mix of PT jobs and welfare over time, it would be pathetic to not have a place of your own eventually and having a third world quality of life till the day you die. On the other hand, wagecucking done properly can have you retire by 40-45. Would rather do that than be the bitch of a welfare office or be desperate to have a rubbish PT job for an entire lifetime.

>i can live comfortably on neetbux

>dude just work 80 hours a week until your 45 lmao

Or work less and take more risks, or work less and go into a better demand job, or work less and live more frugally, etc.

I'm working 35 hours a week and save $2k per month.

>I'm working 35 hours a week
that sucks

Yes, it's unpleasant. But no one has described an alternative to me that would suck less, so I have to go with the best option unless I want to worry about financial security and/or live a third world quality life.

>Yes, it's unpleasant. But no one has described an alternative to me that would suck less
working 20 or less hours a week

I wouldn't get to own my own place/retire quickly enough for that.

>I wouldn't get to own my own place/retire quickly enough for that.
user it's 20 years

Every normie I talk to who's a wagie tells me not to be a wagie lmao

It's pretty telling that it will just make me more suicidal

>My parents kicked me out

Glad I don't have sociopath parents

Wagecucked before too, yeah I'm all for NEETs getting bux, I need some too

>also with 120k in cash you could start a ebay store or some kinda of passive income and be set forever user
Holy shit, NEETs seriously have no idea how business works.

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Sitting in front of a computer absorbing an entire database of entertainment and info > doing some bullshit everyday you don't care about and have to adjust your entire bodily schedule to accommodate

What anime is that? I haven't seen it before

literally just move to say Virginia or a Carolina and buy a duplex

>believes in the retirement meme

Mfw i gotta start therapy and get a job or im gonna get kicked out. Appointment is tomorrow bros I dont wanna go

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>mfw all his mental problems are caused by boredom but he doesn't care

>if youre not working youre bored

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Threatening suicide can buy you time

If I threatened to kill myself my sister will get me involuntarily admitted

>Sitting in front of a computer absorbing an entire database of entertainment and info > doing some bullshit everyday you don't care about and have to adjust your entire bodily schedule to accommodate

>What anime is that? I haven't seen it before
magi according to a user above

the fuck do you even say to a therapist or doctor?
need to go to one for bux

Why shouldn't I again? Saving $24k per year makes that entirely possible.

Ive only done the assessment and I skipped the other appointments but I had to reschedule. Apparently tomorrow is them explaining my obligations or some shit. I guess the actual therapist will just ask me about my childhood since thats probably why im so fucked up. Im hoping they have me talk to a psychiatrist so I can get put on benzos or something.

Gime her number and I'll fuck her so good she wont care about that at all

Sorry. she has standards

just live off the grid like a real robot

>try job
>instantly want to kill myself and quit
anyone else?

then in a few months you could probably get neetbux

Most robots arent learning, theyre jerking off to furry hentai, watching jordan peterson, and saying their totally legit IQ of 176 means they're smarter than albert einstein in MBTI threads

Wageslave, trades are 1000x better
Dad taught me car stuff growing up, thought it was cool, became a mechanic and got my certs before i even had my GED because dual enrollment courses.
I do wageslave the 40 hours a week, but i chose to work 3 days a week so i just work 13 hours mon-wed and have the other 4 days off, pretty good setup desu, its not insanely tedious and its the environment where i can talk to people or listen to music openly. 95k a year with full benefits and 3 weeks paid vacation, so id say im cool with the wageslave lifestyle. Cars have been my passion for most of my life anyways so its not too bad getting paid alot for what im good at and i enjoy.

most reddit posters you mean user

>try to become a wageslave
>Mr. Shekelstein won't hire me

>>try to become a wageslave
why would you ever do that?


The government-pill is extremely under appreciated

This is a all crows are black paradox point user

Because people shame the heck out of you for not having a job. I don't want to have to tell my dentist I'm still looking for a job. And I'd like to live on my own, away from my parents. Maybe have a car and bring my cat with me to my new place.

>Because people shame the heck out of you for not having a job
so much for not falling for peer pressure

why does your dentist care? and why do you care what people think? just tell them your crazy or disabled

That's pretty much my fallback plan. I'm working on a commercial aviation degree and if I can't get a job flying for an airline or whatever I'm just gonna go work at the FAA or something.

its all a scam, life is a scam, theres no reason to work or do anything, you should end yourself as soon as you can

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>I don't want to have to tell my dentist I'm still looking for a job
God, shit like this is the worst part. The lack of money and socializing isn't exactly fun but every time extended family come over and ask
>"So what are you doing with yourself user?"
I just scream inside since I'm going to have to tell the truth and get shit on again.

In my experience, doctors and dentists are really touchy about unemployment. I guess because they tend to be super motivated types and have grueling jobs themselves, and here is this benefactor of their expertise who sits on his ass all day. Also, I guess it's just embarrassing for me.
>"So what do you do for a living?"
>Oh, heh. Looking for a job right now.
>...You said that 6 months ago.

i'd reply well i'm also looking for a new dentist

how in the fuck do you get a doctor for neetbux then?

Learning to work and put effort into things that aren't fun and bring you stress for your own gain will do a tremendous amount to help you face the fears necccesary to fix your problems. Some people have the presence of mind, willpower, and upbringing to learn this stuff when they were young but there's plenty of people in our coddled generation who never did. Mommy and daddy won't be around forever, their money won't last, and looking to the state to care for you as a surrogate just leaves you unprepared for the world as a perpetual child. Comfy as you may be eventually the weight of the world, all the missed opportunities, your responsibilities, wants and desires, and seeing everyone you knew leave you behind as they grow and you stay stuck in place will get to you and there's no getting back the time lost. Thats not to say being stuck in a series of dead end job is desirable or admirable and people do get stuck to be sure but learning what your capable of, acquiring skills so you can do more and be better, and never doing that sort of work again all borne of the fruit of your own effort is desirable and fulfilling. There's nothing shameful about using the state as a safety net if you get trapped or overwhlemed and aren't progressing though, that's what those sort of programs are for. It's not even making the attempt and dooming yourself to failure as life passes you by that's the problem.

thats what pic related is for

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>dude you'll be miserable unless you join the rat race with the rest of the idiots

No. You'll still be miserable sometimes, life is difficult. There will just be a lot of things you want to do and miss out on because you lack the means due to you monetary status, social standing, and if you stay still long enough education and work history. You should try listening to people older than you who have experience to speak from from time to time. The arrogance of youth is basically dunning kruger in effect. Try actually talking to your parents about WHY they want you to work and if you don't tune it out because it's hard to hear you'll likely find everyone pressuring you actually has your best interests at heart. They've lived this shit and know ultimately no one can carry you or save you from yourself so they push you. Childhood eventually ends for everyone. Suicide is the only existential alternative.

>dude just firm handshake it and work 80 hours a week or go to college lmao

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pretty much everyone i know of that's old and has always been on disability is pretty happy

Through my unique circumstances, I'd make more money not working than working.

I also can go to school for free while receiving this free money, somewhere around 3k a month.

Are you really telling me I should give it all up and go work at taco-bell?

>Are you really telling me I should give it all up and go work at taco-bell?

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no thanks. I think I'll take the next 10 years, enjoy life, go to school, come out with a good job, and be a breadwinner when I'm around 30. Until then, let me enjoy what little life I have.

>I also can go to school for free while receiving this free money, somewhere around 3k a month.
how in the fuck are you doing this?

nigguh it's magic I ain't gotta exsplain shit

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>nigguh it's magic I ain't gotta exsplain shit
explain it anyway richfag

If you're taking classes you're not a NEET. The point is to be making some sort of progress.

what if you barley go to the classes?

As in not taking a full course load or as in just not showing up? Because the former isn't so bad if you've got time and are still performing well. If it's the latter it's your life and ultimantly you can do as you please but it raises the question why are even enrolled if you have no interest in progressing?

enjoy your lung cancer.