Protip for all "friendless losers" on Jow Forums: never ask anyone for help for anything. Ever

Protip for all "friendless losers" on Jow Forums: never ask anyone for help for anything. Ever.

Normals don't want to admit that losers exist because they've been riding the high wave of self-confidence and social skills from their early childhood into the present. They want to think that that's a result of their own good character and activities, and not simply the result of factors entirely outside of their control, like upbringing and the absence of early childhood trauma.

Normals want the double pleasure of having had good things fall on them by an accident of fate AND believe that they're truly responsible for having brought it about. For example (and this is just ONE example of a possible cause), they're physically fit. Why? Because they came from a high income family that provided them with organic vegetables. They did not come from a low income family full of a abuse where the child was forced toward compulsive eating to fill the hideous emotional gap in his/her life. They never had the feeling of hopelessness that comes with not knowing when you'll have to kill yourself out of sheer poverty. They always knew that they had the material, emotional, and other resources to succeed.

Attached: r9k pasta.jpg (807x5318, 994K)

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Normals hate losers complaining because they don't want to feel guilt or sympathy for them. They realise on an instinctive level that empathy for losers will only drag them down into the mire with them, so they have to find a way to simultaneously deny the losers their aid whilst still believing themselves to be good, friendly wholesome people. The only way to do this is to imagine the loser as a villain who's responsible for their own misery.

Otherwise the nice, inclusive, tolerant normal would have to face up to the fact that they aren't nice, inclusive or tolerant at all.

We all understand that "just be social" or "go outside, meet people" or "man up" are meaningless phrases. But people assume it's really that easy for everyone, and you must just be lazy for not doing what's so simple for them. You will mostly get "advice" from people who have had normal social lives and cannot fathom being in your position. People who get invites to parties, monthly, weekly, or even daily, will advise you to "just say yes" when invited, thinking it's your fault for constantly saying "no". Because what kind of a person doesn't get invited to parties all the time, right? And when you point that out, lacking empathy, they feel you're being ungrateful scum, and do their best to injure you for the perceived insuIt.

It's almost always better to suffer alone. Other people only pretend to care for the shortest possible timeframe. After that, they can't be bothered. Unless you're paying them (like you pay a therapist to be your friend for hire), nobody really cares about you, and even then they don't help you unless it helps themselves too.

You won't receive any empathetic suggestions. Instead, people will suggest that you do ridiculous public antics that they would never do and have also never made friends that way: go talk to a stranger at a cafe, approach someone reading a book in a bookstore, go for a walk in a park alone and start talking to someone sitting on a bench. Those are creepy, weird behaviors that normal social people rarely do to make friends, and anecdotal evidence to the contrary is usually a stroke of luck that you shouldn't count on.

You're living in a world that they will never understand. In their reality, you can go up to someone else at the bar and strike up a conversation, easy as pie. If they don't like you, they calmly say so. If they do, you've made a new friend. But for you, there is no positive outcome. If they don't like you, a scene is made, and you become known as a creeper or something along those lines to the person and their friends. If they do like you, it's usually out of pity and not out of a genuine interest. It's a lose-lose situation.

What makes these suggestions dangerous is that most of them are true in a completely trivial sense that misses any sense of context for the other person, so they sound reasonable to a "normal" person with underdeveloped empathy. It's like telling a homeless person to "just invest in a stock portfolio". Yes, investing a in a stock portfolio would definitely solve the hobo's problems, but the advice is ignoring context.

First: does he even know what a stock portfolio is? Most people like you don't have this problem, since they're knowledgeable about social situations and their own predicament by neccessity. The second problem: does he have any money to invest in one? You have to have beginning capital, monetary or social, to make an investment. Obviously this is where a friendless loser will stumble, as he is not desirable in any way and he has nothing to offer.

Third: he doesn't have a house or a phone to call someone and get things set up, he doesn't have the connections to a stock broker, he will probably get swindled since he's an easy target and so on. So even if you somehow overcome the second hurdle with superhuman willpower and you improve yourself enough to compensate for your position in society, this is where almost everyone will fail. They simply do not have the support structures that would enable them to do anything substantial in life.

A person who says that is thinking it's "simple advice" when they're really relying on a lifetime of experience, positive reinforcement, social contact, upbringing and opportunities they take for granted, which the homeless person doesn't have and not only can't get overnight, but probably won't get ever again, and the advice giver can't comprehend that someone else might not have this.

To change anything major in your life, you need all the necessary tools plus a lot of luck. To get the tools you need to have been winning at life from the start, to build confidence and learn that the world is a place of good experiences and not everyone's out to get you. If you were born with good luck, you're reasonably happy and most things have been going your way, you'll have a decent life. If this hasn't been happening to you since early childhood, you're fucked.

Life is unfair. Those having it good justify this with the "just world fallacy". It's easier to think that people have what they deserve: they suffer because they're bad people, and they have it good because they're better than the rest. Yet sport players that barely know how to speak properly earn 8 digits for running behind a ball, and others work their ass off for a miserable wage if they're lucky enough to even get a job. Some are born into families of political power, others are born in the middle of African poverty with nothing to eat but mud and worms.

Imagine if you will, two people. One is "normal", one is "abnormal". They both grew up in a troubled environment. Maybe their parents had a divorce at a young age, or one of them died. Maybe they were abused and had a difficult home life, and both were probably depressed at some point.

Now, imagine that these two people have only one thing separating them: the normal one went through school, into college and then work while having friends, having a few girlfriends, kissed before the age of 14, lost his virginity before 18, did relatively well at school and despite the troubles he may have had elsewhere came out a well-rounded and well-adjusted person as a result. Now, imagine that the abnormal one was the exact opposite of this: having no friends, no girlfriend, never kissing, never having sex, getting bad grades and then spending the rest of his life as a shut-in with no future because of this.

What was the difference? Both had problems, yes. The normal person certainly had plenty of problems himself. But the abnormal person's problems were greatly amplified as he had no outside support, no person or group to fall back on. This is where the bitterness towards "normals" comes in. A normal person is by his nature destined to have an easier life than an abnormal person in the same situation, and for this reason "abnormals" can become very jaded, jealous and hateful towards society.

When you're not a part of some group, you don't feel like a part of the society, you aren't accepted in the tribe, you can't "just do it", you can't "man up", you have all this underlying anxiety and depression from not having your place in the world that will prevent you from doing anything no matter how hard you try. When it develops it's something you really have to get over by force. You need to put yourself outside of your comfort zone and stay there. And if you consistently have bad experiences when you try, unless you're insane, you will eventually stop trying.

Normal people don't understand this, they think that "giving up" means giving up after the first try because they usually succeed at the second. They don't understand that "giving up" means years of banging your head against the wall, trying to integrate into the very same society that they, out of their stupid tribal instincts and inherent evil in their hearts, don't want to let you in.

Let's analyze a few common pieces of "advice" you'll hear from such people:

>"Success is a journey, not a destination."
Take an analogy of a road trip. You're supposed to be driving from Houston to New Orleans to spend Mardi Gras with some women from the area that you met on the internet.

Normal person: They drive there, but they get a flat tire. They call up a friend to help them and in the process of fixing it, they encounter a hobo who asks them for money. They give him $20, and he tells them there's a great bar down the road, they fix the tire, go on to the bar, drink and do drugs and fuck local whores there, continue driving while feeling an amazing high, and arrive to see the internet girls were even hotter than in pics. "Ah, an interesting event on the journey", you say.

Someone like you: They get pulled over by a cop halfway there for going 4mph over the speed limit. While being pulled over, a drunk driver crashes into their car and speeds off, the cop follows. Their car is inoperable and the cop doesn't return, being hot on the chase. They're stranded and don't have anyone to call because they have no friends. The hobo appears and stabs them for the $20. But it's ok, the girls weren't actually real, it was just some old high school or college bullies playing a prank on the guy by pretending to be said girls on the internet.

It was an interesting chain of events, but you can see that just saying "success is a journey, not a destination" has an assumption that you eventually reach the destination and get positive feedback. This is not guaranteed, and due to the random happenings of luck and your own capacities to deal with it, or the lack thereof, is often not achieved at all.

>"You're depressed? Oh come on, everybody gets sad, you just got to learn to deal with it. If you can't, get therapy or medication."
No, not everybody gets sad. People with girlfriends, a social network, a good job, and various other opportunities might have a "down day" but they are generally quite content with their lives and can feel good about themselves when they look at their standing compared to others. This is illustrated by the way they say "I'm sooo sad' then whip back a day later to a happy mood. That's not depression. And "learn to deal with it?" What does that mean? It's vague to the point of having no substance at all.

When you're depressed in the way you might be, the issue is finding a motivation for anything. It's not chemicals or brain disease or anything else. It's that your worldview is bleak and dismal, it's not depression in a classical sense where you have a good life but you are "depressed" due to brain chemistry or a short circuit that can be fixed by talking to a shrink, it's just being perfectly realistic about your shit life and inability to achieve anything a normal person could.

You can work on it, meditate, practice saying "yes" to life, write down positive qualities about yourself and good memories you've had and read them back to yourself... but those techniques only work for people who didn't have shit lives in the first place. They only make you realize and focus on how good you have it. When you don't, you'll only feel worse.

You'll wake up at night crying, you'll slug through every day wishing you were dead because you won't see any place in life as a good place to go. It will all feel bad, and when it will feel good it barely will. For you it's so hard to get to those good feelings compared to a normal person, it's like dragging a boulder for 3 miles just to get an M&M. You just want to lie down and die.

It's just another thing that normal people don't get. They can solve situational depression by changing their lives for the better because they have a support structure. They can solve chemical depression by taking meds because their lives are otherwise good. The drugs work, because they allow them to live their good life. If you have a miserable life, the drugs don't work. They can treat it as a simple obstacle to push through. But in your life there's no one single obstacle. There's nothing you can define that happened to "bum you out". There's just nothing that looks worthwhile to you anymore.

Depression for you is a lifetime of loneliness and acceptance of the fact that you can never be happy even when trying, depression for a normal person is "OMG NO GF FOR 2 WEEKS", they will never get it. If they say they were depressed but "worked out of it" by lifting or just "going out" then they're lying to make you feel even worse, they were never depressed, just bored. being strongly bored might look like "depression" but its an entire universe away. Happiness is not a decision, its something you either get or don't get. You could do nothing all your life and still be happy, and you could try things all your life and still be miserable.

>"Man up and stop being a pussy."
This obviously has no meaning, it's just macho posturing from someone who's never had anything to complain about and has ample opportunities to vent his minuscule stress levels in a productive way.

>call someone for a flat tire
Normies don't do this. It takes 3 mins to change a tire.

>"Think about all starving African children, your problems are insignificant compared to theirs."
The logical end point of this is that no one is allowed to ever feel sad or think about problems, because they all have it better than some poor African armless legless bastard in a trash can with people shitting on him. It's irrationaI. People judge themselves and get reinforcement from their peer group. You are probably surrounded by or exposed to more successful people your age who accentuate your problems.

>"Just work out and get a better diet."
Probably the least retarded advice. But it still ignores context: genetics, metabolism, habits, quality of life, psychological hangups and motivation. Normals can do this stuff on autopilot, but foreveralones have to really force it and overcome their own insecurities and lack of inertia and the most important thing: support structures. They don't even have friends to help motivate them or go to the gym with them, they are on their own in this as in all other aspects of life, which kills all motivation. And even if you do it, it will not affect your life nearly as much as it will a normal person's life. You'll just be a foreveralone loser with a slightly better looking body. Best you could get is meaningless sex from club sluts if you're still young (early twenties). Later than that, no one will care. And do you really want that in the first place? It won't be getting you love or emotional support or anything good from anyone worthwhile.

>"Just get a job and stop being lazy."
Most jobs come from social contacts. Normals have many of these, foreveralones have few if any. Very few people get jobs just from applying online or in person. They get it through a friend or family member. Normals also have confidence from their otherwise successful lives, which lets them ace interviews. This is another thing that is harder for foreveralones, requiring much more willpower, intelligence and luck than a normal would need.

>"Just stop being sad and be happy instead."
Another meaningless "courage wolf" type of "advice" that implies that foreveralones just somehow didn't remember to be happy! Now that the normal person has reminded them, there it is, happiness at last! Even worse, when you're still not happy after being told to just be happy, they will blame you for conditioning yourself to be unhappy, for outright wanting to be unhappy. Who the hell wants to be unhappy? But how can you be happy when aIl of the people around you already have friends, when they are probably getting married, have sexual experiences and normal interests, and you don't have anything, and don't see a path in life that could lead you to any of it?

Even your "friends" aren't really on the same level as a friend to other people. You have to buy their love, and can't expect anyone to call you first, or return your messages. You just have to live your life, hoping you'll stumble into someone you know when you feel the need to talk, but even then you have to be incredibly guarded and watch what you say because you've learned through direct experience that you shouldn't talk about yourself, because it's offensive to others, even in benign things like musical tastes and fashion statements.

Another thing people will suggest is to "work on yourself" to achieve greater confidence and ultimately happiness. But confidence and happiness comes from success, and doing something useless like "getting ripped" and realizing that you're STILL being just as unsuccessful in life as before, can only lead to an even greater depression.

But you know, first you get fit, then you get money, then you get a big house and a nice car, you get a new haircut, you get a nice suit, you look great, you smile, you talk to women every single day...

...and then you do it for 30+ years with no results and become completely insane and start doing stupid, creepy or crazy things out of sheer desperation. Because none of the arbitrary goalposts ever did anything for him like they won't for you, they were all lies meant to keep you busy and not thinking about the actual reasons for your predicament.

When you're told "All you gotta do to achieve X is Y" and you've been doing Y since forever, it makes you feel even shittier, like some divine power has decided that you aren't worthy of X, no matter what you do to try to redeem yourself. Like there's a permanent stain on you that you can't make up for no matter how hard you try.

Most "advice" you'll get will be useless with regard to real life. People will give you arbitrary milestones that mean nothing. They will keep regurgitating the same "do this then you deserve to be a normal person" lines over and over again, the same "advice" that's been fed to you by the media and the authorities, in effect making you unhappy with who you are, with the goal to spend spend spend, and live in constant anxiety, so you can be the same as any other obedient working class drone.

None of this will make you happy, and none of this will help you become a "normal human being". You will constantly see proof that none of these goalposts mattered one bit, something that the people giving you this advice will be oblivious to, because after all, it worked for them.

They will say you need to get fit, but the fat guy down the street is happily married, living a dream sitcom life with his family. You need to get a good job, car, house, but the unemployed hippie stoner down the street is in an open relationship with two chicks he mooches off who love his "art". Get a better haircut? Fix your teeth? Get a nose job? But the comically ugly guy down the street is not only in a relationship but cheats on her at every opportunity, and his friends approve of that behavior. Work on your social skills? Even the model train society guys who go on bar crawls in your town are pretty social and happy regardless of being aspergers and not letting new people into their clique.

It's well known that you've got to have money to make money. The same applies to friends and everything else in life. If you get to zero, you have to declare bankruptcy. You can't do anything unless someone takes pity on you and helps you reboot your social life.

Just "talking to people" was never the real problem. Communication, in and of itself, can encompass any useless or miserable exchange. What matters in real life is the value you bring to others. Never be retarded enough to think that "nice" or "compassionate" are considered valuable in the modern world, because they're not. What matters is whether or not you can make money for others, and whether or not you can make others feel good.

Even socializing works like a market. People trade their time with other people if and only if they believe they're gaining something of greater value than what they're giving up. These "gains from trade" so to speak are then reinvested (e.g. meeting friends of friends, "networking"). It's pure capitalism. Unlike in a real economy though, none of this social wealth can ever be regulated or redistributed and therefore losers will usually remain socially destitute, as the gap between them and the winners widens with years.

Sometimes, what *might* work to an extent, and only if you're still very young (late teens, early college years) is to join a club that promotes some kind of group activity. The problem with this is that you're probably not a fan of any sort of social activity, which helped to make you friendless in the first place. You will likely not have the social skills to integrate yourself smoothly among your peers out of the blue. Unless the club is made up of D&D neckbeards, you're going to be somewhat socially awkward, meaning people aren't going to want to be seen with you.

For a lot of people in your situation, even easy-mode friend-making things like university clubs do not work most of the time. Let me tell you what happens in clubs in general:

>1. A bunch of friends will join up to get discounts on a common activity. They have friends, they don't need more.
>2. They hang out together and have inside discussion that prevents anyone outside the circle from sounding even remotely interesting.
>3. In club meetings same circles of friends sit together joke around and participate TOGETHER.
>4. People generally don't care what you have to say, and will listen, if and only if, they were brought up to be 'poIite'. After listening to your attempts they will get back with their friends and keep doing the same things as before.

As you can see, clubs will mostly be full of people who are already friends with each other and joined the club to have an excuse to drink or shoot the shit together, who will have their own discussions and won't let anyone in, no matter their qualities, and how good at the activity they might be. The chance of this will increase with age, and the older you are, the more will everyone expect that you are really good at the thing the cIub is about, and that your social connections are already made.

In any human relationship, business, social, romantic, any type, when one side shows that they really need the other side, it automatically makes them the loser, the bitch, the creep, the undesirable party. It shows weakness. The only way to really make new friends is to present yourself in such a light that they would want to be your friend - for that they must see you as a socially desirable person, as attractive, as someone better than them who can provide them with something in a social context.

In other words, you're out of luck and it won't work. It's not kindergarten or high school or first semester in a college dorm anymore, you can't just make friends by coming up to people and saying "wanna be my friend", in the reaI world it just doesn't work that way, and you don't have what it takes to be seen as desirable, no matter how much you might pretend.

When you get older, when your life steers this far out of the norm, you can never return. There's no way to reboot it, no way to fix your past, when you have 10+ years of going in the wrong direction behind you, you'd have to spend 20+ years going in the right direction at double speed just to catch up with the average Joe, and he's been working at it at the same time too...

Perhaps you will continue to live life, and everything will be normal while your attention is occupied by study, work, tv, internet if you're lucky enough to have those distractions. But when you're tired of those you will start to crave for company. The basic need to tell people about yourself, about your experiences in life, about the things you enjoyed, to be a real human being.

If you do your chores outside, people you see will be in a different world, like looking through a shop window at something you could never afford. You'll realize your world is so much smaller than theirs. You'll see them talk on their phone and wonder what if you had someone to talk to. You'll see couples holding hands, eating ice cream, hugging... You'll start to wonder, or worse, remember what it feels like to be touched by someone special. You'll see people laughing and drinking and talking about their interests and you'll wonder what's so funny. Maybe it will be something that you know a lot about, that you could amuse and impress people with, if only there wasn't for that thick glass between you and them.

Soon you'll feel more alone than ever, you will feel empty, your life will start to seem meaningless, with no visible goals. You'll realize that you have separated yourself from society. You'll have lost your ability to enjoy company and laugh together with others, they'll seem different. You'll have lost your social skills and created mental barriers around yourself to stop getting people from getting close to you, you'll feel nervous or outright threatened when you are among people who fully enjoy themselves. Then comes the worst, when suddenly all these things become unbearable, all that natural need for social interaction and how much better it would be to have friends and how much you missed in your life until now. You'll realize that you need other people to live but the other people will never need you.

Then finally your brain will snap and you'll feel like the small world you live in is collapsing around you, you are suddenly filled with grief and sadness, it is overwhelming so much you could start to cry. You'II realize that nobody is there to hear you cry which makes it even worse and you have fallen so far that you cannot climb back up anymore. It is a downward spiral that just gets progressively worse and worse as time goes by.

And there is no way out. As we've concluded: you have to have friends to make friends, you have to have money to make money, you have to have a social backing of some sort to support you in your endeavors... if you truly have nothing, you can't get anything, short of someone taking pity on you and rebuilding your life for you, which won't happen, or some similar incredible stroke of luck.

Some people will tell you to just endure and that it gets better over time. It doesn't.

Dating? Over 30, everyone half decent is married, or has been married multiple times. The rest are lesbians, insane feminists, still holding out for Mr. Perfect (6'4", blonde hair, blue eyes, 9" dick, rich, perfect personality, talented), even as their looks are completely ruined, or women with massive mental and physical issues who find solace in the fact that they can still get a reasonably attractive guy to have sex with them, and do this very, very often (despite being obese yaoi fans who smell like cat pee and dress in brown polyester pant suits).

Male friends? Can't really make new ones after college or your first day of work. Everyone is busy with their lives and can barely fit in their old friends into their schedules.

As far as meeting new people in various public venues goes, over 25, you start having problems with bouncers. Over 30, you don't even want to go to those places...if they let you in, the people will make it very clear you're not welcome. Same thing goes for cons and concerts. Also, expect to get bullied even if you go out to eat by yourself.

If you're old and ugly, and decide to go for a prostitute, you'll find out they do refuse customers (or ask more than you can possibly afford). Sometimes their pimp will beat you up and still keep your money.

Life is cruel and unfair. By the time you're even aware enough of a personal flaw to care or want to fix it, it's too late. It's always been too late. You were born without the raw abilities that others take for granted. And it is only this raw ability that translates into value in the real world. Sometimes, because of institutions like schools or colleges, humans can convince themselves that "you get what you put in" in life. But the truth is that unless some valuable shit was "put in" when you were born, you will not succeed.

All that you were supposed to build up until now, you didn't, and you have no foundation to build things you're supposed to build in this part of your life, you'll always be an outsider, shunned, ostracized, looked upon as a creepy friendless loser, that's just human nature and the tribal instinct. No matter where you go and how you try to fit in, this will follow you.

Past a certain age, mid twenties to early thirties at the latest, if you haven't been living a very social lifestyle, you're fucked forever. Human life is structured in a way where the majority of people gain friends when they're forced to be with someone for a long period of time, and when they're still in their formative years. So highschool, college, work, army etc. And then in your mid-twenties people start leaving faster than you gain them and most people end up with very few friends at an old age.

You're reduced to experiencing what an average 75 year old man is experiencing: no social opportunities to interact with your peers and hang around them long enough for a friendship to develop. Even he has the option of going to a retirement community or various senior citizen clubs, events etc. A friendless person in a pIace in life where they're not supposed to be friendless can't really do anything because it's not socially acceptable, you just come off as a weirdo whatever you try.

>When you're told "All you gotta do to achieve X is Y" and you've been doing Y since forever, it makes you feel even shittier

this is the actual reason that you and people like you fail. when confronted with the possibility that you have been doing things wrong, you default to "no, i've been doing exactly what i'm supposed to, it just doesn't work". there is, in your mind, no way that you could be mistaken. no way in which you methods could be improved. as such, you simply discard *anything* which doesn't allow you to continue on as you already are. after all, what you're doing already is right, right? that's why it's working so well, huh? give me a break.

Another problem with being a NEET or falling off track with life is that all the goals that might make you start caring about life again are unattainable for you without years or decades of work, and you're so behind everyone else, that even if you're really stupid you have to understand that you'll always lag, and things will only get worse no matter how hard you try.

If things just sorted themselves out in a matter of months or even a year, and you jumped into a normal life again, I'm sure most of you would be pretty good at it, surely not much worse than the average person. But to work against the whole world to even begin getting there, you have to be in an exceptionally great mental state, have support from your friends, social network, family, be attractive and rich and charming...

And of course, if you had that, you wouldn't have ended up like this in the first place...

The only people who will understand your situation are the same as you and don't know how (or don't have the resources) to dig themselves out of their hole anymore. They have tried, it's not because of their inaction, they've been trying all their lives, and they have exhausted more options than anyone with a normal life could even think up as suggestions.

Fixing your situation isn't as simple as gazing at a picture of a snarling wolf on a yellow background, and that anyone would think that degree of "help" is actually helpful is offensively patronizing and serves only to breed further hatred and resentment for people as lucky as themselves: people who can just "make friends" and "go out" and "get laid" with a minimum of effort and not have their failures set them farther and farther back until there's no point in trying anymore.

There are no real answers that can be given aside from accept your situation and learn to cope with being alone your whole life. You've managed to make it this far, so just keep enduring. Maybe one day a miracle will come.

But don't bet on it.

Thanks OP.
God damn I'm resilient as fuck. According to you i should have shuddered and failed falling into the eternal pit of depressive nihilism.

Way to go Chad, any advice for the losers?

I read the whole thing.

Guys like us really do have a handicap that has never been fully addressed. Socializing, reading indirect cues, motivation, and acting on indirect messages have never been second-nature to us. Combined with the fact that there are people who have these qualities and use them against us for extra gibbs and status among their peers.

It's a depressing reality, but it allows me to learn a lot more about myself (the Hunter-Gatherer hypothesis being my most critical learning source, versus normals who have adjusted to more sedentary life)

I really do feel like an outnumbered, encircled soldier at Demyansk or Kholm. But I'm not expecting a bailout, wonder-weapon either. I want to create that solution myself, metaphorically speaking.

I'm really sorry about your story. It just sucks that I can't put in a word that would make you feel better.

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I only have my personal experience. Those are unique to my situation and can't say those will apply to you. So unfortunately you can only vicariously live through your own mistakes and learn from them.

thanks OP I really hope someday people like us can find peace. I lose that hope more with each passing day though

How has there still been no thorough rebuttal of this pasta?

Because it's true and hits home

because only a complete faggot would even consider attempting this. all normalfags have are anecdotes and platitudes. they know nothing. it's disgusting what they put people through.

Everything in this post has always been 100% accurate. And watching all the butthurt in the replies is how you find the people who don't belong here.

because if someone really has had such an abusive upbringing with such shit genes in a dead-end town with piss-poor education and prospects, they're really and truly fucked. The question is where the scales tip from "working from a deficit" to "completely fucked." Because this hellsite is full of miserable slags who want to drag everybody down with them, you've probably been convinced that your deficit is far worse than it actually is.

The other problem is when people go from the reasonable position of "this pile of factors has made it hard for me to fit in and grow within this society" to "I am entitled to a government-issued sex slave."

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Didn't read it all but it sounds like me and I have a lot of contempt/disdain for common day privileged people that have 1, 2, or any number of safety nets to fall back on while criticizing someone and insulting them for not being where they are in life. It's simple and plain. We are living in a time where acceptance is pushed, yet you are still treated as a slave or 2nd class citizen. What you laid is merely a social injustice that will probably never be absolved because everyone is too invested in themselves and their livelihoods to really care.

haha you think im going to read that

Redditfag spacing. Fuck off and get out of our board.

because anyone who would actually waste any time of their life reading the ramblings of a whiny loser already agrees with it

Why should every human not be dragged down to the lowest? That's a basic principle of justice that all the sociopaths living in America seem to have forgotten at some point. There are far more than enough resources for everyone on Earth to have a good life, but those who control the resources have decided that the majority should suffer. That is pure evil and there's no excuse for it at all.

They're called paragraphs, you fucking moron.

unlike reddit, Jow Forums doesn't have paragraph spacing; adding space between your paragraphs not only exposes your being used to reddit's format, but it makes your text harder to read -and, while this is just my own observation, anyone who does this, is an insufferable, whiny and self-centered faggot
in other words: get the fuck out, reddit

So what you're saying is that Jow Forums has a lower IQ than Reddit. Agreed.

>unlike reddit, Jow Forums doesn't have paragraph spacing; adding space between your paragraphs not only exposes your being used to reddit's format, but it makes your text harder to read

New fag. People have done that here for fucking ever. Even Moot did in some of his posts.
Non normies on this thread add me on discord I am also been friendless since childhood because autistic and complete shut in

You're a fucking retarded moronic incel beta cuck newfag.
Have sex, normie.

This is exactly what that passage is about. You assume that simply doing the "right" thing means you will succeed. The world is not a vending machine that spits out rewards when you put in the correct behavior coins; some people get the short end of the stick.

Otherwise, there would be a lot more billionaires that followed the correct set of actions as outlined in numerous advice books that are simply ex post facto rationalizations of success where luck played a major role. As a chef, I had always toyed with the idea of opening my own restaurant, but then I look at how even celebrity chefs have new restaurants fail while they may have multiple successful michelin star locations already. Things like this ignore the 1000s of people that failed for each one successful person.

A dead man can't tell you "nothing ventured, nothing gained," because he did not survive.

>This is exactly what that passage is about. You assume that simply doing the "right" thing means you will succeed. The world is not a vending machine that spits out rewards when you put in the correct behavior coins; some people get the short end of the stick.

If you're a Westerner in a Western country than you already have it better than the majority of people on the planet. You did not get the short end of the stick.

>Otherwise, there would be a lot more billionaires

Becoming a billionaire is not a representative example of the problem here. A better example would be. Having a job, having friends, having a girlfriend. Things most people are able to have. And you know what? You have to at least try. How do you expect to succeed if you don't even try? This is what angers me so much about Jow Forums losers. They don't even try.

I was talking to my friend. They recently received neetdollars. Previously they ate nothing but processed food, fast food, etc. They have a cache of around two thousand or so dollars. I told them step one to improving their life is to fix their diet so they have more energy and don't feel tired all of the time. I pointed them out to numerous websites where they could order groceries online and have them delivered to their house. They wouldn't even have to leave their home or talk to anyone. Just make the food. But no, they won't even do this. They won't even click a few buttons on a website to order something that isn't chicken nuggets, hamburgers, or french fries. Then they complain to me about how they always feel tired and out of energy, or have pains, etc.

That's Jow Forums right there.

the fuck is this about? only think i know is that OP is a faggot and everybody else on here

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I don't know how you got that from my post, maybe you are the one with the lower IQ; at any rate, making your stupidly long(for social media) text harder to read doesn't make you more intelligent or whatever-the-fuck you expect

pic related
redditors see the lack of space between paragraphs and think something is missing, so they add a blank paragraph for no fucking reason

>discord tranny
post disregarded


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I've been here 12 years I am a wizard and a real loser fuck off you zoomer.
No actually do. This is all sludge.

Though I agree, you gave a bad example.
A full day of beans rice, veggies, and fruit is less than 5 dollars a day.
Though there is less education among poor people which may cause them to be fat, they are not fat because they are poor.
I grew up poor and I'm not some fat ass.
Cope harder, op.

never been on reddit and would do this if writing something drawn out like op
>you can't be in my club unless you don't leave a space between lines!!! >:!/

>>"Just work out and get a better diet."
this is actually good advice no matter the circumstances. being depressed and treating your body and mind like shit is literally like having peanut allergy and eating peanuts everyday. having a decent lifestyle doesn't magically cure your issues, but it does help.

This is absolute bullshit. At least in Finland. The only "blackpill" about is that if you were normal/good looking you have gotten positive reinforcement throughout your life. People have always liked your company.

That completely changes when you go to work life. Everyone is there just to get paid. Of course you wont be chad, you gotta be realistic with your genes.

But tens of thousands of people in Finland switch careers after 30 years old. They start from the bottom earning 13e/h (Bear in mind almost nobody is rich here, 13 e here isnt the same as in USA)

Isn't that the autistic country where all women are divorced single moms in poly bi triad relationships and guys are so omega they stand 2m from each other at the bus stop, and no one ever talks to each other except in an official context?

yes except the first part

>stand 2m from each other at the bus stop, and no one ever talks

Do you talk to random people at bus stops? Where does this happen so I know to avoid this place?

Everywhere in non-autistic countries.

>If you do your chores outside, people you see will be in a different world, like looking through a shop window at something you could never afford. You'll realize your world is so much smaller than theirs. You'll see them talk on their phone and wonder what if you had someone to talk to. You'll see couples holding hands, eating ice cream, hugging... You'll start to wonder, or worse, remember what it feels like to be touched by someone special. You'll see people laughing and drinking and talking about their interests and you'll wonder what's so funny. Maybe it will be something that you know a lot about, that you could amuse and impress people with, if only there wasn't for that thick glass between you and them.

This makes my ouch become the Big Ouch.

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You don't? What else do you do to pass the time while waiting for the bus, play with your pocket Jew?

Based user

organic comment@2**&^^*((((((F4444

Use the pocket jew to sometimes listen to music but mainly for the purpose of not having to talk to people
If it were up to me I would just think about things and that could take up hours of time, but niggers seem intent on starting fights or "hustling" their trash wares on public transportation, so headsets say "fuck off"
The only people that wish to actually talk in public are shitty boomers who I tend to verbally abuse if given the chance

>The only people that wish to actually talk in public are shitty boomers who I tend to verbally abuse if given the chance