David Bowie

was he /ourguy/?

Attached: Duffy+Aladdin david bowie.jpg (500x504, 39K)

what a gay retard hack

No. He was a gay chad who did whatever he wanted

he wasn't gay he was straight
bi at the worst

Definetely, just listen to Station to Station and the Berlin Trilogy

Whatever he was, he had nothing in common with any of us.

how is david bowie a hack?

then what singers do are robots?

This, "Low" is literally NEET soundtracks

>Blue, blue, electric blue, thats the color of my room

The ones who never became famous and were forgotten

idk man he sounds pretty crazy

He was perfectly sane. He lamented that he wasn't crazy. His half brother was schizo and he really wanted to understand/connect with him, but couldn't. Bowie wasn't a robot. He was a cool guy with relatable music, but his outsider persona faded as soon as he came to America.

>Station to Station = the Chads we want to be
>Low = who we really are

Bowie was a genius

>doing coke with Iggy while travelling the world
Yeah such a robot he'd be shitposting about tfw no gf and reee'ing about Jews today I'm sure

was iggy a robot?

but david bowie is a literal who

robin williams was the closest to a famous or rich robot

what do robots listen to?

David bryne (guy from talking heads) or however u spell his last name is pretty autistic apparently

Cyborg maybe